Erection while in the shower I don’t know why

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by Xtownsend, Jul 12, 2019.

  1. Xtownsend

    Xtownsend Fapstronaut

    hey guys I’m on day 53 of no masterbation or porn for the last 3 days I’m been having erection while in the shower whether it’s cold or warm then when I get out I have precum. Would u consider that a relapse. I’m not even imagining anything while I’m in the shower. Is there anything to prevent that? or is that sign of recovery. I appreciate all answers
    Deleted Account likes this.
  2. Xtownsend

    Xtownsend Fapstronaut

  3. TimeToQuitNow

    TimeToQuitNow Fapstronaut

    Not a relapse. 53 days in you're just probably horny. Have you had sex at all in that time?

    Just be careful not to touch yourself in the shower. Quickly run soap and water over your genitals to clean them and be done with it. A relapse after this much time would be tragic.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. Xtownsend

    Xtownsend Fapstronaut

    I’m a virgin could have but I’m nervous bout it not getting erect. But thanks for the advice
    TimeToQuitNow likes this.
  5. TimeToQuitNow

    TimeToQuitNow Fapstronaut

    Don't rush into it. Take the time you need and do it with the right person
  6. TimeToQuitNow

    TimeToQuitNow Fapstronaut

    Yea with a vagina. But I don't think he should have sex with some random.

    My counter is at 0 cause I keep relapsing. Each time I relapse I tell myself I'll quit. But then I think about the last time I relapsed and think "was that what I want to end it on". It's a sick thought I know. If I get to around 5 days I don't think like that but often I get so horny I relapse. I think back top done porn clip and look it up.

    But it's all excuses. I keep making them. I know I have it in me, I've made it 5 weeks in the past. But I relapsed and for a dumb reason. I just need to get back to that spot and I'll know how to handle it this time.

    But yea it's all stupid and I've been trying this for years. I just need to keep going I guess. Time to quit now!
  7. Xtownsend

    Xtownsend Fapstronaut

    Good luck to you when it comes to your recovery whatever you do don’t give up you can do it. But I just want to say part of the reason I’m nervous to is I had my first in counter with a girl when always 20 and we got physical a few times and each time I wasn’t erect and I was embarrassed. That’s when I found NoFap I been trying to quit for 4 years . But this time I’m not going back I’m on day 62 now . I have had girls that where interested in me. I’m just nervous about getting physical I know I got to get over it though. But because that situation that happen to me when I was 20 I will not talk to girls at work. I recently had a coworker that came on to me when I drop her off at her place. She invited me up I went she started to get undress but I avoided the situation do to me being nervous about my problem with my ed but I did have erection while I was with her I was just nervous wouldn’t last long in bed because I’m a virgin and hear u bust fast your first time and I’m having problems with Ed. I think rather not mess with anyone at work because I’m afraid it get around to everybody I think rather mess with a girl outside work but even then I’m still nervous about it not getting erect . Even though the girl I was with when I was 20 never said anything to nobody at work. But I feel my erections starting to come back tho not 100 percent yet though but I am getting erect looking at women which I think is good sign,but I think around my 100 day of no pmo I’m try to get physical with someone or at least meet a girl I can get to know. I know can’t allow my past failures to interrupt my romance life but that what I been doing tho I know eventually I got to try again just hope this time when I do meet a girl it goes well. I’m just ready to get it over with for real I feel like missing out . And thanks for the advice .
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2019
    TimeToQuitNow likes this.
  8. Getting erections at random is healthy, and nothing you should worry about. I know it may potentially be triggering, but think of it as a positive. Random erections are a sign of good urological health and a sign that your hormonal levels are good.
  9. I’m so groovy

    I’m so groovy Fapstronaut

    No it’s not a relapse! As long as it’s not on purpose then it’s not
  10. I’m so groovy

    I’m so groovy Fapstronaut

    Have you tried tho?
  11. Lil Wayne

    Lil Wayne Fapstronaut

    Only if I showered with my dog.
    Tibo87 and I’m so groovy like this.
  12. I’m so groovy

    I’m so groovy Fapstronaut

    Tbh I think if a gurl is coming on to you it becomes a matter of she gets what she asks for! U can’t lead someone on and then say shit like oh he’s not what I expected! LOL well what did u expect? That he would be perfect?
  13. Liven

    Liven Fapstronaut

    Why would it be a relapse? I wish i had that "problem"
  14. mattyjsy

    mattyjsy Fapstronaut

    Sounds to me like the opposite of a relapse, random erections is one of the first signs your brain is returning to a healthy balanced sexual state, also precum is literally just lube for your junk to help ejaculate gain some momentum on it's way out, so you're not losing anything from precum the way you are when you actually cum. you're doing great, and your brain is for sure rewiring, keep at it my man
    +TenPercent likes this.
  15. As others have said . . . that's totally normal. :cool:
    But, maybe consider taking shorter showers and/or being careful that the stream of water isn't hitting you "down there".
    I don't have any issues with showers now, but in the early days (i.e. the first year and a half!), I often got myself in trouble by staying in the shower longer than necessary. :oops:

    I'll skip the details, but just be aware, anything that gives you a boner and leads to precum, is something that you should be wary of.

    Good luck!
  16. RandomGuy81

    RandomGuy81 Fapstronaut

    Def. normal - I think that you should just focus on the fact that it's a sign of good health.