Regrets. Do something before it is too late.

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by Koufax32, Jul 15, 2019.

  1. Koufax32

    Koufax32 Fapstronaut

    I have been with my girlfriend for two and a half years. We have a 16-month-old son who is the love of my life. We all live together with her 12-year-old son. We had a great relationship, with chemistry off the charts. We could share and talk about anything. We shared laughs at just about anything. We goofed around and made such fools of ourselves, just for our own entertainment. We love our little baby. We make a great team and partnership. We had great sexual energy and communication. We had been through so much together in such a relatively short period of time. We were there for each other. We trusted each other. She has always trusted me and been vulnerable to me. Something that is so hard for any of us to do. And each trying experience brought us closer together and our bond and connection strengthened. We always came out together. I cared deeply for her and she cared deeply for me. I love her and the family we had started.

    Then she discovered my pornography addiction.

    And it shattered her. It shattered our family. It sent her reeling emotionally and physically. Everything that we had worked together towards and everything that we had built together was now suddenly in shambles. The status of our once solid relationship was now up in the air. Every act of kindness is now tainted by porn. Every kiss or intimate moment is now poisoned by porn. Every single act of love is now destroyed by porn. It is the evil specter that pervades everything. It all means nothing now, because behind every single act of love and care, was a deep, dark, disgusting, and hurtful secret and addiction.

    She is hurt. She is angry. She is sad. She is in such pain. She is dealing with the trauma of betrayal. And I did this.

    I have been porn-free officially since June 18th. And each day has been a struggle. Not because I am tempted to watch porn. That has remained easy so far. But it has been a struggle because I think about all the pain and damage I have inflicted on her and our son. She has shown me nothing but love, kindness, patience, grace, and care. Even to this day. She still manages to flash me a smile, talk to me, let me kiss her shoulder. Yesterday, we were at the store, and she came close into me, and let me kiss her head. I could have died of happiness right then and there. I am so grateful for these moments. Despite everything, she is still good to me.

    I cry everyday. I am consumed with guilt and regrets. I feel such pain. I made choices and knowingly did things that I knew would harm her and our life together. I wish I could go back in time and change everything, be a better and honest person to her right from the start. I think about all the times when she was kind to me, made me feel better when I was sad or hurt, all the times she went out of her way to make me feel special. I picture her smiling, laughing. I picture us laying in bed and soaking in each other’s warmth. I think about how innocent and sweet she had been. And I think about how cruel I had been behind her back. How she was blindsided. How she now questions everything, herself, her value, the legitimacy of our relationship. I think about how selfish and self-indulgent and self-serving I had been. I thought of nothing and no one but myself.

    How could I do these things? How could I watch porn? How could I hurt her? What did I get out of it? Why did I do this? I cannot for the life of me know why or remember my reasons. I didn’t get anything out of it. It was never worth it. The focus should have been on her, on us, on cultivating a loving and lasting relationship. And I am realizing this much too late. The damage is done.

    I know what I value. I value her. And our life together. And for these reasons, I am on NoFap and in recovery. I am choosing love. I am choosing to get help, be informed, be introspective, seek treatment, abstain from all things porn and all things inappropriate and risqué. That part will be the easy part for me. I made such grave and costly mistakes. The difficulty will come in restoring trust, restoring faith in me. Restoring the adherence to my core values and morals, proving that I am the man she fell in love with.

    And I don’t even know if she will stay with me. We are still talking things over. and she is sorting herself out, thinking about what it is she wants, and how much more she should compromise herself for this relationship.

    I am working on myself, working on being a better person. I am doing these things for myself, because I don’t want to be a hypocrite, someone who supports such a heinous and disgusting industry. It is a blight on this world. It is a blight on love and relationships. I am getting help for myself. But I wish it will be for her too. I wish that she will stay and see and benefit from my personal improvement.

    I did everything I could to hurt her, but now there is nothing I can do that will heal. I am remaining positive and am tenacious about recovery and rebooting.

    There is more to the story and I'm sure I have left out some details, but it is difficult to fit in two and half years of betrayal in a few paragraphs. If you are reading this, and are struggling with addiction and the truth and keeping secrets, do something about it before it is too late. Do something before you hurt your loved ones even more than you have. It isn’t worth it. Real love is worth it. I learned this far too late. And my love, my life, my family, is paying for it dearly
    Johnb21, Roady, KillerFox510 and 13 others like this.
  2. Welcome to the community and thank you for sharing your story.
    You have put into words what many of us PAs and SOs have or are going through.
    You are taking important huge steps, keep it up.
  3. Thanks for sharing. Great motivation to quit.
    Koufax32 likes this.
  4. Lostneverland

    Lostneverland Fapstronaut

    Very well written and heart put all those wonderful words, sentiments, grief, guilt and remorse into action.
    Treat her with respect, courtesy and consideration. Ask her how can I help you. Offer to do things with her and for her. Give yourself to service...a foot rub, draw a bubble bath for her.
    Honour her and treat her like the treasure she is and be the example of a man you wish your son to become ...he is learning and watching even though he is still a baby.
    You have all the right words...I want to read about your actions.
  5. You seem to have a genuine insight on how this has affected your life for the worse. Some people are so far into it that they don't see that any more.

    I'm glad when I am reading this that I don't see any anger towards her for asking you to remove this from your life. There seems to be hope for you!

    It's very hard on an SO but it means something if they continue to support You! Welcome and best of luck on this journey!
  6. Nugget9

    Nugget9 Fapstronaut

    Glad you joined this community. You wil be successful as long as you know what's important. Good luck to you.
    Deleted Account and Koufax32 like this.
  7. How are things today?
    FX-05 likes this.
  8. Print this out and send it to her if you haven’t already. I would LOVE to read something like this. It took my man around 9 months after DDay for him to show any real remorse. If my man wrote such words about me, I would have had a much easier time. But... words are cheap- so put them into action.
  9. I agree. It sounds like he really loves her. I hope he can make this change.
  10. G-Energy

    G-Energy Fapstronaut

    Hang in there and forgive yourself. You can make this right.
    Koufax32 and Deleted Account like this.
  11. Koufax32

    Koufax32 Fapstronaut

    First I want to thank everyone for their words of encouragement. It means alot and further motivates me to remain accountable and perservere.

    Today has been a decent day. My girlfriend agreed to meet me for lunch and we were able to chit chat and laugh and have a genuine good time and I saw glimpses of the old her and it was like old times. But these types of moments don’t seem to last long before the pain creeps back in. Right now I can see that she is a little distant and reserved, lost in thought. All I want to do is comfort her, talk things over, apologize profusely. But how can I bring her comfort when I am the one who is causing the pain? Moments like these are so difficult. My heart breaks and I don’t know what the best way is to navigate through it.
  12. Pledge to her and yourself to be 100% honest moving forward so you can gain back trust. Work the program here. You can do this! Have you set a counter and a plan for the goals you want to achieve here?
    Butterfly1988 and Koufax32 like this.
  13. Koufax32

    Koufax32 Fapstronaut

    I’m not sure how receptive she will be to some of the things I feel and have to say..sometimes I think the wounds I’ve caused are too deep at times

    I have taken some steps towards recovery. I am seeing a therapist once a week. I started attending SA Recovery meetings. I am reading articles and watching videos dealing with the detriments of porn and how these acts of infidelity affect partners and myself. I have installed accountability appa on my phone and computer. But all these measures seem to be about me and helping myself. I’m not sure what things I can do to help my girlfriend directly..
  14. G-Energy

    G-Energy Fapstronaut

    Just stay committed to getting better and communicate your intentions. That's all you can do besides loving her and showing her your commitment to her. It sounds like you never stopped loving her and your addiction really had everything to do with you and nothing to do with your relationship with her.
    Let her go on her journey... And if she chooses to remain then just be there for her.
    Don't be to hard on yourself either man. You're doing the right things to get better. Just continue!
    Koufax32 likes this.
  15. There's a book called Out of the Doghouse by Robert Weiss. It may be the help you want. Check it out.
    Koufax32 likes this.
  16. Wow good for you!
    You’re doing everything that is right. You’re getting the help you need as well as admiring it is for you and not her.
    Most of the women here are in a similar situation as my own... we’ve had to fight for our men to get help, most of them got help because of us- just to shut us up. That is, until they later realized it’s for them too. You’re a step above most.
    You putting in the effort and work to fix this is what is going to help her in the long run.
    For myself, it was different. I found the porn, I cried, I begged for him to get help. He decided to “white knuckle” it on his own. When that lead to a relaps, I lost more trust and more respect for him. I cried non stop. I realized he wasn’t going to get help and I became hopeless. He had this idea in his head that I should trust him because he’s telling me he’s not watching porn. In his mind, he quit watching it so I should be happy again. There was no real understanding about the pain I was in. If we spoke about how he was doing, I’d get a simple “it’s not that hard to stop watching porn” he didn’t let me in. I was in a constant state of fear.... wondering if he’s lying, wondering when the next relaps will be. This went on for many months. Recently I had a breakdown. Either he was going to start putting in some effort or I was done. Unlike a lot of women who are financially stuck- I am not, I am very comfortable financially, I don’t need this man- I want this man that’s a hard place to be in. I see so much good in him; so much potential and I know he is better than all of this. He knew I was serious. So he started writing a journal and is working on a full disclosure- all at my request- because he doesn’t want to lose me. I would like to see more effort on his part- id like him to offer to put accountability software on his phone, but I know he won’t. I am the one who is making him do the work- this tells me that I am going to have another DDay someday down the road. Yes he now seems remorseful for the hurt he’s caused but because he didn’t choose help on his own I will never know if it’s genuine remorse or just wanting me to feel better.
    You choosing to get all of that help is what is going to help her in the long run.
  17. Lostneverland

    Lostneverland Fapstronaut

    Empty Shell of a Girlfriend are correct in everything you say. Very wise.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. Off topic question, did you grow up in an alcoholic home like me? That whole potential thing is literally exactly something I have said about my partner.

    I always enjoy reading your posts. Thoughtful and insightful.
    Deleted Account and kammaSati like this.
  19. Yes. I grew up with an alcoholic mother. I myself was a drug user, clean for over 10 years. Thank you. :)
  20. Me too. Also former drug addict. And clean since 2008. We'll have to message each other. It occurred to me that this type of chaos is probably a very normal part of my life! The lies, the constant and unending struggles and a very complex message of what love is. I try to "fix" people. :( I have to stop doing that even if it feels normal to me! It hurts.