personality types (myers briggs) poll added, please no haters

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Nov 7, 2018.

what is your personality type?

  1. intj/entj

  2. intp/entp

  3. infj/enfj

  4. infp/enfp

  5. istj/estj

  6. isfj/esfj

  7. istp/estp

  8. isfp/esfp

  1. reminder - every day is a good day to be more open minded.
  2. Coolbuddy7

    Coolbuddy7 Fapstronaut

    I'm INFP-T ,and amazingly they do match me.
  3. Coolbuddy7

    Coolbuddy7 Fapstronaut

    :) Very a much True and helpful as well. Made me understand more about myself ! Thanks for Sharing !
    BravelyKegger likes this.
  4. no problem!
    TopEssayServices and CoolBuddy7 like this.
  5. TopEssayServices

    TopEssayServices New Fapstronaut

  6. Last edited by a moderator: Jan 8, 2019
  7. infps, just because a lot of you have insane emotions that people might call you mental for, do not believe that, infps are very intouch with our emotions, rivaling that of the infjs, so learn to accept yourself and your emotional intensity.
  8. diesel2256

    diesel2256 Fapstronaut

    INTJ master race checking in! Haha...

    I'm really surprised how many people are choosing the E/INTJ option, considering how rare INTJs are (2-3%). Then again, I think this type might be more introspective and interested in hacking their own brain chemistry for optimal performance.

    People might hate on this test as total bullshit, but it's one of the best personality tests that's out there at the moment. Similar to how many will say the IQ test is bullshit; well, show me another test that has as much predictability (especially on the low end of the bell curve).

    Back in my early 20s, I first took the test and found out that I was an "INTJ." It really helped to explain that I was in fact not a freak and illuminate areas of my personality that needed work. An ex girlfriend that knew me better than anyone else said "wow, this is practically a manual of how to deal with you." Anyone who is in a relationship, I highly recommend studying your partner's type and getting familiar with how they process the world.
    Hros, Gotham Outlaw and BravelyKegger like this.
  9. its crazy how accurate this test is, believe it or not this test saved my parents marriage, after they found their types out my mom infj, and my dad isfj, they finally were able to understand eachother, and now they are doing great!. It also helped me understand myself, all my life i thought i was mentally ill or insane because i was so different and i was bullied a lot for it, but its just because i am an infp-t haha.
    diesel2256 likes this.
  10. diesel2256

    diesel2256 Fapstronaut

    Awesome man! I know those feels.

    A while back, my mother was getting really upset with me and feeling like I didn't respect her. In typical female fashion, if there's 100 positive ways to take a comment and 1 negative, they'll choose the negative one. So I sat her down and explained how my brain works. Essentially what would happen is she would purpose an idea and I would immediately start asking questions. "Have you thought about this? If x is true, then y can't be true. What if this happens, how would your idea stand up?" She thought this was insulting instead of realizing that as an INTJ, I'm just kicking the idea around, seeing if it has any problems. The fact that I'm even responding shows respect lol. Needless to say, she was "shocked" at how I process the world around me. It was good to know how her brain was interpreting my actions as well -- really just showing how insanely insecure she is, but still. Honest communication really is key, same with explaining what's going on in your own head. One of the biggest mistakes we can make is assuming that everyone else is like us, thinks like us, etc.
  11. i totally agree, are you and her getting along?
  12. diesel2256

    diesel2256 Fapstronaut

    I'd say so. Most of it is just learning to accept her for who she is and not get bent out of shape over little things.

    Some might seriously disagree with me here, but after doing a lot of research on the female issue, I've come to treat them a lot differently than men. Certain topics, especially if they're heavily philosophical, theoretical, technical, or even of a business nature simply cannot be discussed in depth. Women tend to be set in a "distribution" mindset, whereas men tend to be in a "provider" mindset. As such, we will always bump heads.

    The other issue, which I've come to accept is that some things are simply impossible for me to communicate or convince her of. This isn't necessarily due to a failure on my part, but a lack of social power -- which females tend to value more than facts and data. We got into a massive religious argument last year over the "Rapture" idea in Christianity. What it came down to is she kept falling back on the logical fallacy of an appeal to authority (a certain scholar that is well respected) and I was using a fact based approach. Again, the problem here wasn't my argument, but a position of social power. In her mind, the "teacher with 30 years of in depth research" had more social power / standing than me and thus I was wrong. Instead of getting bent out of shape, I was able to just accept this as female nature and move on.

    As a side note, I wrote a 5 page essay ripping apart that scholar's arguments and then emailed to to my mom. I don't think she ever read it -- her cognitive dissonance was probably so strong that the fear of having her opinions changed is preventing her from reading it. *sigh*
  13. possibly your personality types are butting heads, also i dont believe in the rapture in the left behind sense, but i do think Jesus will come back of course.
  14. I actually don't like these tests because they can be swayed by personal projection. I can literally effect the test to be told exactly what I want to hear.
  15. that is true, however it is meaningless if you do not answer honestly, ofcourse you can put any answer you want but whats the point?, unless you are 100% honest you wont get accurate results.
  16. I've known a lot of people who if the test didn't come out INTJ they would have hurt feelings, and that group, which is the smallest personality group overall seems to make up entire threads. Or everyone on that thread wanted to be told they were INTJ, and basically plugged in the answers to get it.
    Deleted Account likes this.