How to stop being horny

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Riot02, Jul 6, 2018.

  1. Riot02

    Riot02 Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone
    From past 24 hours I have been very horny. I don't know what to do, I hope u guys can help me. Also can it be anything but cold showers coz ut dosnt work for me
  2. Foxislander

    Foxislander Fapstronaut

    I have a 106 days you can take my opinion and you can leave it you got to do whatever it takes to make it happen you got to get up and move that's the one number to you got to do something physical breathe change the direction where you're standing whatever don't keep doing what you're doing find something new to do replace inner urge with a physical Drive of something to do huh motivation that should get you going
    goodnice likes this.
  3. winslow

    winslow Fapstronaut

    Foxis' advice is good, very good advice. Another thing you can try is to drink as much water as you can stomack but at least a liter or two, more if you can. Sooner or later you'll have to urinate. They say some semen surfs out with the urine and this can alleviate some of the horny pressure. Also try controlled breathing meditation or mindfulness meditation and focus on the deep reasons for which you seek to be free of the PMO cycle.
    I've had many good streaks since beginning this discipline on 2/28/17, I even made 90 days once or twice. Sure, you can easily do the math and see I've stumbled more than once. But some may agree, some may not, that this new life is a journey not a single destination. Be strong and mindful and celebrate your success and do not dwell if you fall. Good luck!
  4. Foxislander

    Foxislander Fapstronaut

    Great advice great advice another thing to do is to get involved in the challenges that are here you have to reach out you can't do this on your own learn how to be inspirational with yourself at the end of the day that's why you're doing this is to improve yourself to rid yourself of something that should have never come into being porn is man-made it's a fantasy most of us will never ever do the things in those fantasies and think about it you have sex with yourself while watching somebody else have sex with someone else mind blown here's a one of the groups that I'm in I've started it take a look at it set your sail into the wind and make it happen anyone can join.
  5. Bijuu107

    Bijuu107 Fapstronaut

    focus on good sleep and quiet sleep. When you sleep good and you wake up the urges are getting usually reduced and you the have power of will and the energy to do the next day without Pmo. Good sleep let you also be more ressistant against stress. Stress leads to Pmo...
    You will have to find a routine with good activieties and you will have to make this to your new habits.

    Good luck
  6. Riot02

    Riot02 Fapstronaut

    Guys thanks for the advice but I just relapsed after makeing this thread. I just can't stop. Every time I feel horny I can't be bothered to prevent it
  7. Bigbadwolf

    Bigbadwolf Fapstronaut

    Something that I do to help is literally walk around. Get my mind off of it. Call someone, focus the energy elsewhere. Go to the kitchen, outside, another room etc
  8. Foxislander

    Foxislander Fapstronaut

    C4 me there happens to be a word called commitment integrity follow through so you have to make a promise to yourself if I'm going to fap myself I have to first put Icy Hot on it whack off with it and then slap it with a ping pong paddle and usually if I put that mental image in my head but I'm thinking I'm going to do it I don't
    goodnice likes this.
  9. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    Call your mom.
    Nothing kills a sex drive like your mom.
    Talk mindlessly... Tell her everything you ate today... Doesn't matter.
    If she doesn't answer, leave a message.
    It still helps
    Good luck
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. Ahmed-ashref

    Ahmed-ashref New Fapstronaut

    Work !
    Work in anything
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2018
  11. SportsFanatic

    SportsFanatic Fapstronaut

    Go to a live sports game if your into sports, play a sport, read a book, go walk around your neighborhood, workout, play games with friends, etc. etc.
  12. The dude with 500+ days is on to something here!! My poor mom hasn't talked to her son in a month, he's too busy trying to stop whacking off.
  13. Ahmed-ashref

    Ahmed-ashref New Fapstronaut

    Tell her you are going to fap :d
    I'm serious
    justafriend and goodnice like this.
  14. goodnice

    goodnice Fapstronaut

    justafriend likes this.
  15. Flawlfull

    Flawlfull Fapstronaut

    Have you ever tried that? xD
    Just curious