Anxiety/Panic Withdrawal Thread

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by SteveMquaid, Apr 16, 2018.

  1. Mike1991

    Mike1991 Fapstronaut

    Thanks man! Like I said, it's not a pleasant feeling, and starting off is hard. I will try to take baby steps.

    A few years ago I had a streak around 40 days and recall feeling great. Just, pretty much last year and this year I've been fapping daily. So I've done some damage that I need to work on.
  2. Legion7

    Legion7 Fapstronaut

    Everyone is welcome here. I was always a gregarious outgoing guy, but after going hard mode, I really pulled back and just wanted to hide in my house. I had to force myself to go do stuff. Be cognizant that since you're predisposed already, that you don't get it worse.

    SteveM I got 8 hours sleep last night! Hot Damn! I actually feel like I'm getting closer and closer. You guys can do it too!
  3. HopeFaith

    HopeFaith Fapstronaut

    Please get Vassel van der Kolk book called body keeps the score. There is a way out and it works like magic. If is not quick as the pill, but it works and is much quicker than other methods that don’t deal with the juice of the issue. Addiction is all about keeping tramatic energy away and healing from addiction means facing once trauma and healing it.
    Last edited: May 6, 2018
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. HopeFaith

    HopeFaith Fapstronaut

    Change your concellor, she/ he obviously have no clue. Look for trauma healing therapists that involves the body in addition to working with your brain. I found somatic experiencing helpful in addiction to comstelation therapy that worked magic on me. Needless to say, my panic attacks and anxiety is cleared.

    My insomnia is still present 2,5 years down my healing journey but it is way deliberating now and sometimes it is gone completely.

    Somome once once said that : “ sleeplessness is a state of awaiting for a new path” and it it true.

    You are facing difficult issues and when we do we don’t feel very well for some time, but persisting in your journey combined with some external help of a good trauma therapist is all it would take to get better.
    Last edited: May 6, 2018
  5. HopeFaith

    HopeFaith Fapstronaut

    Or.... check out emotional disregulation concept.

    Assiction is only a means of coping with it that develops to keep all those unpelest symptomes away.
    Also complex trauma is an interesting concept. When we are in the middle of withdrawal from addiction we uncover our emotional disergulation symptoms that lead to us developing addiction in the first place. To get better, one needs to discharge the tramatic energy stuck inside their bodies, learn how to connect to their body by finding internal safety, learn how to feel all emotions without them overpowering them, face up to their fears and learn emotional self regulation skills: how to feel well when being present with yourself only.
  6. HopeFaith

    HopeFaith Fapstronaut

    Please consider family constelation, it works magic at healing and resolving family wounds on a deep level. It also offers a chance of finding peace with what ever was and uncovering patterns that unconsciously drive our lives.

    If you find yourself often trying to make the best of “horrible” situations, than maybe this means that you are in a shirty situation and the answer is...... rather than trying desperately to see some positives in it and desperately trying to stay afloat making it through to let all of your pain, anger, frustrations in ...... on the emotional level and let the pain of it to overtake you and .... go through you. Once you go through your emotions as they are in reality and profoundly grieve your losses you come out on the other side feeling much better and things become profoundly good on all fronts. After realising the emotions, one does not need to try to make the best of the difficult times. One simply becomes well and happy and at peace with what was then and what is now and becomes truly free to enjoy his life in a meaningful level.
    Last edited: May 6, 2018
  7. mgz069

    mgz069 Fapstronaut

    I am almost completing my 90 days reboot, its my 1st attempt and I quit cold turkey! I haven't thought about relapsing not even ONCE since I started this. My will power is like iron.
    But I do have some issues that pre-existed before nofap. The main are:
    - Bad sleep quality
    - No morning wood
    - Ear buzz
    - Brain fog (or you can describe it as cloudy eyesight)

    So far during my journey the sleep quality has slightly increased, but is far from good.
    I had some morning woods during 5-45 days. Nothing from then until now!
    The ear buzz is significantly reduced.
    The brain fog come and goes. On the first days of NoFap I had days with ZERO fog. But now its back.
    Brain fog to me feels like a "spaced out gaze". It's like that if dont try to focus my eyesight on something, everything is a blur. Its like living in a glass box or something.
    hsb0617 likes this.
  8. Pastoress

    Pastoress Fapstronaut


    You have a lot of kind and healing advice. As I am coming to understand recovery, I am finding that people need to move from unsafe to safe environments in order to face the trauma.

    I grew up in an alcoholic/codependent home. Until I removed myself from that environment for a number of years and until I surrounded myself with relationships that had different dynamics, I was unable to feel much of anything. It seems that other people are similar to me in that regard.

    Would you speak to this part of the process, wherein a person moves from an unsafe to a safe place in their life?
    HopeFaith likes this.
  9. HopeFaith

    HopeFaith Fapstronaut

    Moving form unsafe into safe environment is necessary, but isolating yourself from your parents on the emotional level is what is harming you.

    You will not be able to heal unless you process and relise the painful emotions that are still stuck in you because of the parental abuse, neglect and failures you were subjected to as a child. So it does not matter if you move to the end of the world or find other “normal” people. Unprocessed grief and broken love always lies underneath addiction and drives it and one can not truly come out of addiction without healing those tramatic childhood feelings.

    Also, every addict is codependent but not that many addicts awaken enough to realise this. Addiction affects all areas of life: watching TV for 4 h a day, internet browsing, desperately trying to stay in a relationship as not to be alone, workaholism, being glued to a smartphone .... are all ways of not feeling the trauma inside your body.

    To heal you need to heal your heart of its broken parental love and return on the emotional level to your parents, to yourself, to other people who hurt you in the past.... because this is what it means to truly forgive. Only then you will be truly free and your addiction will loose the strong grip it is holding you with. Because if there is no more tramatic painful emotions stucked in your body, then there is no more need for your addiction to keep you away from feeling your pain. This is why most addicts struggle for years never coming out of their addictions: because they don’t go deeply enough in order to heal their original childhood wounds. And if some do succeed at healing one addiction, they often unknowingly transfer their dependence into people , TV, internet, music, staying busy all the time, drinking, smoking or smartphone.
    Last edited: May 8, 2018
  10. Pastoress

    Pastoress Fapstronaut

    Not quite what I was looking for, but thank you for trying.
  11. Legion7

    Legion7 Fapstronaut

  12. SteveMquaid

    SteveMquaid Fapstronaut

    Anyone experiencing an unusually high libido? I can’t seem to shake it.
  13. Pastoress

    Pastoress Fapstronaut

    Only occasionally high, but not unusually so.
  14. Legion7

    Legion7 Fapstronaut

    I have noticed higher now, but not for the first 10 weeks or so...
  15. SteveMquaid

    SteveMquaid Fapstronaut

    My withdrawal symptoms restarted yet again. This morning I woke up into a panic attack.. Just trying to wait it out at this point
    P-Free likes this.
  16. Pastoress

    Pastoress Fapstronaut

    You got this
  17. P-Free

    P-Free Fapstronaut

    Ugh. So sorry to hear that. You can do this, tough as it is. Remember, you are not alone.
  18. Inkpot

    Inkpot Fapstronaut

    I am having panic attacks 24/7. My symptoms include increased heart rate(most of the time), fear sensation in my heart area, brain fog, no concentration, strain on eyes, fatigue, inability to read anything study related, inability to do something productive.
    I am 30 days PMO free but suffering from these panic attacks since February, 2018.

    I try to find other means like video games, YouTube etc to overcome my fear sensation but they are just temporary solutions.

    Is there any permanent solution to stop having this fear sensation everytime?
    hsb0617 and P-Free like this.
  19. Pastoress

    Pastoress Fapstronaut


    I have had panic attacks that seemed disconnected from the current circumstances. For several months they were frequent. That was three years ago. Now they are rare and mild. I have put a lot of work in, doing a little bit during the week, every week for 3 years. My confidence has grown exponentially. My self awareness and my ability to respond to my needs has increased sufficiently to be satisfactory to me.

    It is possible. It’s a long journey of doing a little bit at a time, for most of us.

    Sorry to hear that you’re struggling. Glad you’re here.
    P-Free likes this.
  20. HopeFaith

    HopeFaith Fapstronaut

    Me too, I had panic stacks for 3 years. What helped my is trauma treatment: somatic experiencing, constelation therapy and reconnecting back to my body with daily mindfulness and going to peace and safe place during hypnosis. Now they are gone.
    Deleted Account, P-Free and Inkpot like this.