How do I know for sure he's addicted?

Discussion in 'Partner Support' started by Togetheralone, Mar 23, 2018.

  1. Togetheralone

    Togetheralone Fapstronaut

    Dear all,
    Recently, my partner admitted to using porn. He refuses to stop, and also refuses to say how often he watches, apart from "not every week". I have a hard time believing him. He's had porn issues in the past but claims he's over that now because I am his best lover blah blah, but in the meantime, we hardly ever have sex anymore since 3 years. When we do, he's emotionally disconnected. I've had to explain to him that I want foreplay, that I think some of the things he does are degrading and physically dangerous/damaging etc. He is very defensive when I ask about porn and he hides his browser history. On holidays, he always has strange mood swings and blames me for it. One time after our holidays, I actually caught him at home watching porn, it seemed (by the smell in the room and the amount of tissues) that he'd been doing it all afternoon. When I asked, he got angry with me and sayd that it's normal for people to masturbate etc. and I'm just being paranoid. Also, I really don't know what he is doing with his spare time: when I ask about it, he gets annoyed. He does spend lots of time in bed during the day (Netflix he says...).
    I told him how I feel etc. but I don't think he will ever tell me the truth. How can I find out? This is devastating me. I've had trust issues in the past after being betrayed, and therefore I am not sure if my instints are telling the truth, or if this is false alarm.
    How did you find out? If he's browsing in private mode, is there a way to retrieve his history?
  2. kropo82

    kropo82 Fapstronaut

    I'll let the SOs fill you in on technical details, I cannot remember who (@Kenzi, @AnonymousAnnaXOXO, @Torn, @SpouseofPA, @EyesWideOpen, @ILoathePwife, @Jennica, @GG2002, ...) but one of the SOs here is a dab hand at tracking and is happy to share in a private conversation (so that their hubby doesn't learn all the tricks!) Sorry I cannot remember who it was.

    But he does sound like an addict. The way for him to find out is to stop using pornography, then he will see if he can easily stop or if it is a real struggle. There are a million and one reasons why we should (and did) give up porn but for many of the married men here (myself included) the catalyst was an ultimatum from our wife. My wife did not threaten to leave me out of anger but out of resigned self-preservation. My porn use had eaten away at her self-esteem to the extent that she knew it needed to stop, or she would have to leave. The look of fear on her face when she told me, fear that I would chose pornography over her, totally devastated me. And so I started the long journey of trying to give up pornography. That was back in 2010 and I very quickly realised that I was addicted.

    Maybe you are not ready to deliver an ultimatum. Maybe you are frightened that you would lose him. But something needs to shake him out of his complacent abuse of your relationship.

    Good luck, and remember none of this is your fault. There's a giant evil industry turning men into porn addicts, it is not your failing.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2018
  3. ukbritishbloke

    ukbritishbloke Fapstronaut

    I think he's a PA. The fact that he spends a lot of time in bed too during the day suggests a kind of depression, even if he is watching Netflix (I doubt that).

    I don't think you need to "find out" or to "be sure". I think it's obvious, and you know. Turning this into a detective thing about "proof" is a distraction. I think he needs to change for you to be happy. I think you need to talk to him and tell him you need him to be a better, more active man, and that you need him to give up porn and instead have sex with you.
  4. Numb

    Numb Fapstronaut

    I'm so sorry you are going through this. It does sound like he is a PA and even if he isn't his behavior doesn't sound healthy for him or you. All you can do is talk to him, you can not force him to change if he doesn't want to. So even though I know it is very hard you need to ask yourself if you could live with the relationship the way it is for the rest of your life? Would you be happy like this? It took me 15 years to get up the courage to say enough, I can't do this. And now I see real change in my BF, positive change. I gave chance after chance, like you I wanted proof. I didn't want to accuse him of something without it. Even though we've had good times in those years it has really worn on me, depression and anxiety wearing me down. And although things are starting to go well now, and we are working through this crap there are times that I wish I'd have had the strength to leave years ago. It is all very confusing and painful. Know that if you do stay and fight it is a long hard road. Harder if he isn't serious about recovery. I'd probably start by going over and reading on and having him read that site too. They also have a book. Get him to join this site too if you can. He has to want to stop for himself for this to work.
  5. Togetheralone

    Togetheralone Fapstronaut

    @Numb @ukbritishbloke @kropo82 Thank you alle for your supporting replies! Sory I didn't reply sooner, I kept checking my inbox for replies only to find out today that all your posts were (of course) here. Haha. (That's right, I'm not exactly a tech expert). Meanwhile, I've been doing lots of research and checked brainonporn, Dr Weiss etc. I learned and recognised so much! I feel way more confident know that my instincts and observations are telling me the horrible truth: my partner has actually traded our intimate life for internet porn.
    I asked im to read ome articles.
    Next day, however (yesterday), he replied to this request by sending me a text message: he ended our 4 year relationship because I accuse him of being a porn addict. He claims to watch only once in every 3 months (I've been asking him for 3 years how much he's watching, and he never answered untill now). So that's that: after 4 years together, I am actually dumped. Not even during a grown-up conversation, no, by sending me a text message. Mind you, he is a 47 year old, intelligent man.
    @ukbritishbloke : I think your righ, I don't need proof, thank you for reminding me! It is obvious and I do know it.
    I never expected him to leave me over this. I did not attack him in any way, I was actually calm, explained my feelings to him, and asked him to read the article and then talk to me about it.
    Anyway, I feel supported and less alone because of your replies, which is great! Many people have never heard of this addiction, so it's hard to find people who understand what I'm going through.
    Deleted Account and Trappist like this.
  6. kropo82

    kropo82 Fapstronaut

    @Togetheralone I am saddened to hear that. Of course I think he is making a mistake, clinging to what he claims is intermittent porn use in preference to putting in the work to fix his real life relationship speaks volumes. Good luck, you (we all) deserve better.
    Togetheralone and Trappist like this.
  7. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    I am so sorry to hear that he ended things and I know this hurts a lot right now. But you will go out there and find a man who does not have these issues, and staying with this man in the long run would have done nothing but cause yu pain. I do think he is an addict, but the larger problem, even if he is not an addict is that he does not care for your feelings, and totally disregards them. You had expressed that something hurts you, and he won’t even give the issue the time of day. This is not a person you want to be with, addict or not. And then he gaslights you by trying to make you feel that all men watch porn and PMO, so it’s normal, and you are the one that is wrong here. That’s not true. I would have said, do all men turn th Erin partners down for sex and watch porn? Are all men horrible in bed because they watch porn? The reason he ended your relationship is not because you accused him of being a porn addict, he ended the relationship because he is a porn addict and does not want to stop.
  8. ukbritishbloke

    ukbritishbloke Fapstronaut

    I'm sorry about that news. This must be a horrible time.

    I suppose it's possible he'll get back in contact and promise to change. I've no advice for you on that, but wish you strength if it happens to achieve whatever you want to.

    If not, once your feelings allow you to you'll be free to look for a relationship with a non-PA.
    Togetheralone and kropo82 like this.
  9. Togetheralone

    Togetheralone Fapstronaut

    Thanks all of you. It really is a difficult time. But in a strange way, I feel relief (relieve? I'm Dutch..not sure about the grammar. Grammatics. ? haha.).
    After years of questioning my own mind, I finally feel ready to trust my self. And actually, that feels great.I do think I've been gaslighted all along. He would have continued for who know how long. I'm glad that I spoke up about what I believe is going on, namely a porn addiction that's ruining our relationships and his live. But not mine! I was probably (not sure) willing to fight for an addict if he was willing to be honest, willing to admit, willing to appologise for what he has done to me and us. But what can I do now? In spite of the evidence, he denies that his porn use is destroying us, and is breaking up the relationship merely because I know and I'm asking questions about it. I fear that he's just protecting his 'fix'.
    So what options are left for me?
    I can either become a detective, (all right, I've tried that), pretend to believe him (all right, I've tried that too), talk to him (yes...check) or move on with my live. Seems like he made the decision now. Maybe for the better. But right now, I do wonder when the tue realisation really sinks in. It's almost too hard to believe that this is what really happened: he chose porn over me.
  10. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    Relief is exactly what I felt when I ended things with my ex addict. Like a weight had been lifted off my body. I did not realize how much his addiction had been effecting mr.
  11. Togetheralone

    Togetheralone Fapstronaut

    Yes, it does slowly affect you, more than you realise doesn't it? Little by little your happines and self esteem go down the drain. At the start of the relationship, all seems fine, you feel loved, wanted and respected. Then, when your happy and attached to him, things change, slowly enough so you don't leave immediately. But it changes you.
    I hope you're in a better place now and that you don't have to go through this again.