Any musicians?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by PianistStudent, Dec 27, 2017.

  1. Oh yes, like that :)
    I don't think it's ever really too late for that, I know lots of older people who have recently started with music
    Cool, that's a lot man!
    pezzer likes this.
  2. Hi man!
    The random thread about music, love it :)
    I only have acoustic guitar, kept it for about 5 years. I'm not playing it as much until recently, to get my mind wandered off of PMO. Recently, I've been into fingerstyle genre and learn jazz chord. Still amateur though :) Honestly, I feel kinda intimidated just by posting this..all of you learning all kind of genres and instrumentals :emoji_fearful:. There are many talented NoFap members in here :D
    Lions and PianistStudent like this.
  3. That's great man, playing an instrument helps me too to keep my mind off of PMO most of the time. You shouldn't feel intimidated, I think we're all equals here in this community! :)
    Lions, pezzer and Repentance Gorgon like this.
  4. Hey, maybe people in this thread should post their video playing it.. sounds good isn't it?
    Lions and PianistStudent like this.
  5. Hello there!

    I'm not a musician, but I mess around with my acoustic guitar. Recently, I started to play ukulele and loved it, becuse I'm a student and don't have much space in my dormitory.

    But what I really want is to ask for your advice: what books/websites you would recommend to understand music theory? I'm especially interested in a way different genres work, what makes jazz sond like a jazz, blues like a blues? And also I'm also interested in music of different nations. When you hear spanish guitar, you know it is one.

    I'm completely newbie in this, as you can see, so any advice will help!
    PianistStudent and pezzer like this.
  6. Classically trained organ player here!
    Although I mostly play piano these days, I would like to play huge pipe organs.
    Lions and PianistStudent like this.
  7. Nice! No, Ligeti is a bit too hard I think, I'm working on the Boulez notations at the moment :)
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2018
  8. Yes, the plan is to do them all, working on no. 10 right now, not easy at all indeed, but I bet they're easier than Ligeti études haha thank you :)
  9. I play guitar, sing, piano, bass, and drums. Basically if you need just a musician in a traditional gigging band situation, any role, I got ya. I mainly stick to Rock, metal, and jazz. I have been getting into funk, and funk jazz though.
    HatePorn and PianistStudent like this.
  10. gsherman100

    gsherman100 Fapstronaut

    I bet I can kick all your asses on the Tambourine! I’m a fucking Tambourine god.
  11. I’ve been playing drums for 10 years and now I’m learning the guitar. My next instrument would definitely be piano. I’m starting a course in music this year which is an exciting path for me. My goal is to be a music therapist and heal people through music. Every time in life when it’s hard for me I always turn to music :)
    PianistStudent likes this.
  12. Cool man, go for it!
  13. todaysresolution

    todaysresolution Fapstronaut

    bass and guitar and piano and learning drums
    PianistStudent likes this.
  14. jackson_379

    jackson_379 New Fapstronaut

    Guitarist and bassist here, playing 6 years, mainly into 80s hard rock and metal but I enjoy listening to and playing most genres, funk and jazz being my favourites!
    PianistStudent and pezzer like this.
  15. HatePorn

    HatePorn Fapstronaut

    Hello magicians! I mean musicians!
    I want to join your thread, I dont really call myself a guitarist cause I am just 4-5 months into it and I still have to learn many and I also started singig along it, but I want to work on my vocal, any tips?
    PianistStudent and pezzer like this.
  16. pezzer

    pezzer Fapstronaut

    i used to be really into singing and playing when i first started out on guitar, its a good thing to get into and it can be difficult sometimes to play while singing but lately i kind of drifted away from that. I kinda prefer to just sing along to songs that are booming out really loud while inebriated. It's cool though if your doing that, maybe your voice might just get better and adjust the more you sing yaknow. Although i know there's exercises out there for your vocal chords and shiz, going lalalalalla in higher pitches and what not. But most gruff sounding musicians get by just by playing the music and singing like ok, so long as the music being played is better than ok, lol or maybe its both, i think a part of it is also just down to the voice you have. Some people may very well be able to adjust their voice in certain ways after years of training but idk if i could do that
    PianistStudent and HatePorn like this.
  17. Cool that there are so many musical people on here! :)
    todaysresolution likes this.
  18. Harpsichord

    Harpsichord Fapstronaut

    I've been playing drums mostly since I was 12 though I started at 3. I also play electric bass and I'm practicing some el. guitar and keyboards.
    Looking to be playing Buddy Rich transcriptions soon!
    PianistStudent and pezzer like this.
  19. Cool man!