Greetings -- 33 y.o., married with 5 children, trying to improve myself

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by H4L!, Dec 12, 2017.

  1. H4L!

    H4L! Fapstronaut

    I attended one the New England boarding schools -- I was exposed to hard-core porn daily at that school from the age of 13 -- the older students would brag about their sexual exploits (i.e., whoring in Asia) and were offered admission at top-tier universities so it seemed like "me too" was a good idea regarding porn/masterbation loop. Recently the school has been in the news for sexual abuse: female student & male faculty. Hence, we have been considering the overall effect of sexual identity and the toxic aspects of porn: i.e., 13-15 y.o. males would go into NYC and go whoring, trying to "keep up" with the more sexually mature seniors who constantly brag -- a cycle that affected young men's sexual identity -- It took me many years to realize women don't like to be aggressively penetrated "porn star" style -- and I adopted an orthodox Catholic lifestyle and am now trying to completely rid myself of masterbation to pornography -- it did not cause massive problems, I just now realize that it contributes to a culture of sexual abuse. I would describe myself as good looking: blond hair / blue eyes, varsity level college athlete -- I was able to transition well to "real women" and enjoy an excellent, fruitful marriage but still need to improve: I have a bad habit of sex-texting (showing off) my genitals to old gfs and others met on line -- a narcissistic habit that I need to nip in the bud. Finally, a married friend asked me to go on a sex tour with him to Asia -- which I found very exciting, but very much not in my long term interests.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2017
  2. Saskia Simone

    Saskia Simone Fapstronaut

    Hi! Welcome:) Also Catholic here with 5 kids. I wish you the very best in your efforts, although I have varied success myself here at times this community is very helpful if you share and engage here. I recommend totally the sacramental life as the way to peace and purity. Sending good wishes and sisterly love xx
    Deleted Account, Step-One and H4L! like this.
  3. H4L!

    H4L! Fapstronaut

    Thanks kindly. However, the web is full of deception and lies -- I must ask, why would a female with 5 kids have any need of this site? Why is it just 6 days -- I actually started a week ago, but my account reflects my date of account creation -- just wondering if other people are real -- or just enjoy talking to people about private struggles.
  4. Saskia Simone

    Saskia Simone Fapstronaut

    My journal/s are longstanding and I have as much need of this site as any other here. I’m sorry you doubt me, but you’re not the first. Maybe our brothers here can be of more assistance.
    Deleted Account and kropo82 like this.
  5. kropo82

    kropo82 Fapstronaut

    The real strength of a site like this is reading the journals and posts of the other addicts (and their partners) here. Some of those will not resonate at all because the writer's attitudes to life are so far from your own, but some will really help you. I find some posts motivate me, some cause me to think, and some challenge me to be honest with myself. Giving up pornography is so hard we really do need motivation, support, and challenge.

    I urge you to approach the other people respectfully. They are here to help you and to help themselves. Let us all be a positive part of each other's journey. I don't mean suffer their lies, sometimes the kindest thing is to point out someone's delusions (I've seen that done kindly here, and even then it wasn't accepted). But to question the honesty of someone who reaches out to help you here, in fact the only person who reached out, is unkind. You and I know how embarrassing it is for a man to have a problem with pornography addiction, but at least it is almost expected that men use porn so we are not stepping outside our gender's expectations. Can you imagine the additional shame associated with being a woman addicted to pornography? There are lots here so it definitely is a problem. We should help, not question their honesty.
    Deleted Account, Step-One and H4L! like this.
  6. TryingHard2Change

    TryingHard2Change Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Welcome...I have 6 kids, not Catholic ( yes, we exist )

    This NoFap community is an excellent have to invest the time to read and research and really consider your current place regarding PMing and where you want to be.

    I find reading/browsing all the New to NoFap forum thread every day is a reminder of how big of a problem this is.

    If you're interested, find an Accountability Partner in that forum.

    For me, the most impactful forum is the Rebooting in a Relationship forum--so many stories and difficult life battles similar to what I am going through...from the PA side and the SO side.


    How serious are you about never looking at porn again? Have you installed any porn blocking tools?
    kropo82 likes this.
  7. H4L!

    H4L! Fapstronaut

    Thanks kindly! I'm very serious in never looking at porn, using sext text apps, or reading erotic literature -- I help teach marriage formation in my Catholic Church -- I expect to never return to it, and I'm a little surprised people's daily counter is so low -- for example, I already kicking porn for about 90 days without any help, but willingly returned after the birth of a new child and stress. I hold an advanced degree in Comp Sci -- so can so around any porn filter -- the priest has a better idea -- next time you view porn, promise to say a log prayer asking for intercession of the Virgin Mary BEFORE entering the URL -- most times you never will -- so that helps.
  8. H4L!

    H4L! Fapstronaut

    -- I just find that people lie constantly on the Internet -- even in self help forums -- many people like the power of "helping another". For example, half the "teen females" in an anorexia chat room are older married men -- so it's worth being very skittish about talking with someone. I read the statistics on female porn addition -- and such would fall far outside the standard deviations.
  9. Step-One

    Step-One Fapstronaut

    Well, try not to believe the worst about females on here. I'm new, but I'm sure the mods would boot anyone trying to come on to male users, in an attempt to catfish them or turn them back to the dark side . . . or whatever. And it could be six days because people relapse, and they restart their timers.

    You aren't getting off on the right foot by being distrustful of others on here. This place isn't swimming with porn bots.
    kropo82 likes this.
  10. kropo82

    kropo82 Fapstronaut

    I'm sorry we have hijacked your thread to talk about the issue of believing and respecting the women here who have a pornography addiction, but I did just want to add one more data point. If you are struggling to empathise with women who share our problem this video may help. It is in interview between Noah Church (who runs Addicted to Internet Porn) and Jessica Harris. She is a Christian and was a porn addict and runs a site for women porn addicts called Beggar's Daughter. Her story is very genuine and very moving, see if it helps you understand that a statistical view of women's pornography addiction may not be the best way to think about their struggle.

    Last edited: Dec 15, 2017
    I Am that I Am likes this.
  11. I Am that I Am

    I Am that I Am Fapstronaut

    Wow global population is increasing I see in this thread.

    Anyways welcome.
  12. Because this is not easy. look through the journals, you'll see lots of people who have been here a long time, but have low day counters.

    Also, had to chuckle at "standard deviations". I don't think we've standardized those. ;)
    kropo82 likes this.
  13. First of all welcome to the nofap community @H4L! As you are new to the community, I would highly recommend you to read "Your Brain On Porn" by Gary Wilson!! It will reveal the science of any addiction, be it P, smoking, alcohol, weed, gambling or even junk food & the testimonies of people who have embarked on this nofap journey ie their struggles & benefits!! I respect that you're amazed to see women on this website but they are also humans !! Anybody can get addicted to PMO or any other addictions !! & Yeah most of the people here are real sharing their genuine struggles & benefits !! Staying anonymous is a way of not exposing themselves in the real world about the struggles & addictions that we're going through.. Not everybody is cool with that !! I'm so sorry, you were exposed to hardcore P at an earlier age & were forced to go out whoring at an earlier age under senior guys' pressure.. Anyways respecting the views & opinions of all the people out here, I once again welcome you !! Goodluck & thanks for sharing !!
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 16, 2017
    kropo82 likes this.