My urges stem from emotions

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by Llywelyn App Grufudd, Jun 5, 2018.

  1. Llywelyn App Grufudd

    Llywelyn App Grufudd Fapstronaut

    Ok so i have been told this is uncommon around here. When i think of sex usually security and affection are involved. It is these two feelings that get me aroused more than the act itself. Does anyone else have this ?
    P-Free likes this.
  2. Reverent

    Reverent Fapstronaut

    What do you mean? security & affection
    Like an officer holding a puppy gets you going?
  3. Air0

    Air0 Fapstronaut

    I think I understand what you are going through. Pmo releases a lot of dopamine and makes you feel that way. But you have to remember that feeling you get afterwards. After a relapse you feel horrible. Stay strong and don't relapse because IT IS NOT WORTH IT.
  4. Llywelyn App Grufudd

    Llywelyn App Grufudd Fapstronaut

    No, a woman taking care of me telling me i will be safe with her, that no harm will come to me and things like this.
  5. Llywelyn App Grufudd

    Llywelyn App Grufudd Fapstronaut

    Not the dopamine but some things i have been through make me feel like i need those two. But you are right i wont give up on this, i want to make a change.
  6. P-Free

    P-Free Fapstronaut

    I get it. I actually have a friend who calls those “affection erections.“ I can get the same way. I think it’s the desire for a connection and not just physical intimacy. I find that I can get equally aroused from a very close emotional conversation as I can from physical touch.