STRATEGY A.N.T.H.E.M, S.T.A.R,and urge surfing

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by DR.LOThbrok, May 11, 2018.

  1. jk243

    jk243 Fapstronaut

    I just discovered a website.
    It gave 77 days of free course in purity, maybe we can do it together
  2. jk243

    jk243 Fapstronaut

    Me too.
    I avoid physical trigger but nights are tougher. So I will begin to wake up at 6 and sleep in 10:30.
  3. DR.LOThbrok

    DR.LOThbrok Fapstronaut

    Sure Buddy, I find N for Anthem to be the best,saying no aloud or in yr head in 5 seconds. More than that it has taken a hold of you already,think of PMO or lust like a snake ,and you have 5 seconds to come out of its grasps,if you don't it suffocates you,sucks yr life out,turns you into a lifeless zombie. Let's regain our lives and live in purity. Will pray for you.
  4. DR.LOThbrok

    DR.LOThbrok Fapstronaut

    Hey I've started day 1,do u do it each day or do you do as much as u can in one day?
  5. jk243

    jk243 Fapstronaut

    Maybe not each day but when I relapsed I went to a spirale like i'm hopeless. I watched pornography since 2013; it began a real issue in. 2015.
  6. DR.LOThbrok

    DR.LOThbrok Fapstronaut

    Ohh haha,you misunderstood me,I meant the program,I think I'll do as much as I can,in one day.
  7. jk243

    jk243 Fapstronaut

    Ooooh I didn't see that lol. I was at Day 3 but I need to restart cause Things fell apart.
  8. DR.LOThbrok

    DR.LOThbrok Fapstronaut

    okay man,keep rising..There is HOPE.
  9. DR.LOThbrok

    DR.LOThbrok Fapstronaut

    Hey man ,these courses on purity are really good. I like day 3 about yr motivation to quit pmo,instead of what we usually do,to quit for selfish reasons(more energy,ED and stuff), we should have the right motivation to quit,which is to glorify God in our spirit,soul and body.

    Thanks dude for introducing it to me. Appreciate it
  10. jk243

    jk243 Fapstronaut

    No problem bro. Entering day 1 today. Keep looking Jesus and Enjoy the process.
    DR.LOThbrok likes this.

    JSCHINA Fapstronaut

    I think that the main thing to combat PMO is that we should focus more on the cognition part of our brain. That is, we have to completely rewire our "brain" to receive information that tells us PMO is no good and we should never do it. My plan is simply just go on Youtube and look at videos that says the dangers of PMO and the ways to quit it, and be actively taking notes on my notebook. Although putting phone aside and quit using instagram might be helpful, there would not be that helpful in the long run because as long as you still have it, there will always be a temptation to access it.
    DR.LOThbrok likes this.
  12. jk243

    jk243 Fapstronaut

    Yeah I only access Instagram several times a day and in the browser I don't have the app. Too many triggers ... I watch youtube vidéos about pmo, but This day I read a books, habits and hobbies: breaking free from porn by covenant eyes. I try to help myself too.
    DR.LOThbrok likes this.
  13. DR.LOThbrok

    DR.LOThbrok Fapstronaut

    Day 3 challenge success
    Praise God ,with my new motivation to glorify God and to be contented with what I have,becoz He will never leave me nor forsake me I succeeded to be pmo free for 3 days. Gonna challenge myself, to do 5 days now. Pray for me. Will be praying for your freedom too,in Jesus name.
  14. jk243

    jk243 Fapstronaut

    Relapsed just after one day . This addiction is hard.
    I avoid visual triggers but my thoughts are captive. The brain wants his dose. I don't wanna give up, i am tired to vidéos of girls that I don't know their name; if they die or alive. I'm tired of this life. Lost my motivation. Soon I will be 20 since I have 17 I try to end this cycle, but still in it.
    How the bible says i'm free but I still addict to porn?
  15. DR.LOThbrok

    DR.LOThbrok Fapstronaut

    Ask for forgiveness and thank God for it, start small join me in my 5 day challenge.
  16. jk243

    jk243 Fapstronaut

    Dude? I'm tired to always ask forgiveness days after days.
    I want to be clean; I want to cut this cycle. Perversity to perversity, I saw dirty bisexuals, gay practices that I didn't know exist (i'm not homophobic) and I feel dumb; despaired; idiot; useless, my parents should be ashamed of me. I'm fucking sick of this, why me? Guys who don't pray are free from it; i got Jésus by my side but it's like it doesnt change anything, I'm afraid to lose my faith; my intelligence, my life, my honor. You know, I got friends, I preach them and they changed; and me; perversity to perversity, it's like a hole who has no limit. I'M INSIDE AND I DON'T KNOW HOW TO GO OUT. I'M DUMB ;VERY DUMB; THE DUMB OF THE WORLD.
    I grew up well educated; but that's where I am now .
  17. DR.LOThbrok

    DR.LOThbrok Fapstronaut

    Hey man trust me, I know how it feels like,you feel numb,sometimes you don't even feel you deserve forgiveness,but just knowing that even tho He knew you were a sinner,He still died for you, this addiction can make you gv up even on life sometimes, but if you hang in there trust me dude, you'll love what freedom does,I'm taking it one day at a time,you should too man,don't beat yourself up.

    Start small remember, good overcomes evil, so instead of focusing yr fight on pmo,fight fr your life,to have an exciting Godly life..
  18. jk243

    jk243 Fapstronaut

    You're right.
    But I feel so low. So low. Porn images after porn images; sometimes those images remain in your head (like the bisexuals-gay images I saw today) and that makes you feel like a monster. I was not created for this, I know the journey, but Am I in which journey? Of destruction or salvation?
    Pray for me dude pray for me
  19. jk243

    jk243 Fapstronaut

    I can't even close my eyes, I feel like I touch the limit of perversity.
  20. DR.LOThbrok

    DR.LOThbrok Fapstronaut

    Sure man,will pray fr you,
    Sure I will pray for u man, but I want you to face this like a man, if a man falls he rises again, he does not allow himself to be in a state of pity, but he fights, I pray that God will mold you in to a warrior to fight the battles,becoz my fren ,He has won the war.

    So cheer up dude. Start a fresh,day 0. Lets do this.