Post published by DukeAJ003

Hi guys,
What are some practical methods you can use to avoid P?
I am using the filter results for browsers, limiting taking my phone to closed spaces.
But are some ways of thinking and practical techniques you can apply to avoid P & M.
Also, I am a daily listener to a spiritual programme of "Thunder of God".
John Uskglass more_vert
John Uskglass
So, I am new here, and probably an idiot, but I can tell you what I've read on the site and a little of what I've experienced. I would add to your list:
John Uskglass more_vert
John Uskglass
Oops. Continued - Prayer, diet (healthier choices, but also including forms of fasting), and exercise. Exercise is huge in overcoming early urges and helping with good sleep. In terms of diet, I have found that alcohol has developed into a pretty big trigger for me over the years, so I am trying to cut back pretty severely. It seems like the most successful guys on here are eliminating P in the context of lifestyle changes.
miXhal likes this.
DukeAJ003 more_vert
Hi John, Yes I do not consume alcohol at all. Fasting will give it a try I am walking to some of my destinations. Also, what other lifestyles changes would you suggest?
ForceFire more_vert
I'd say be selective about what you read. I know it might seem innocuous, but it's the first skill we pick up and we use it indiscriminately - we consume a junk-food diet of written material (on paper and the web). I'd add to that - i'm terrible as a Tsundoku: someone who accumulates books way faster than he reads them - the thing is i'm seeking the solution in a book when the only book that suffices for the solution is the Bible. As it turns out i have been displacing the necessity of reading the bible for other written works.
dlansky likes this.
ForceFire more_vert
I know it may seem tangential to avoiding pornography, but reading indiscriminately is a kind of mode-of-behaviour that slides into other forms of unwise consumption. The Very First Skill We Pick Up - Reading (& writing). The deluge of information in the information age has the side-effect of perpetually distracting us and de-prioritising what would otherwise have paramount importance.
John Uskglass likes this.
silencer more_vert
Filtering results and content blockers haven't work for me, I found better to reduce to the minimum the time spent alone in front of the screen and never use a device without having a specific purpose (work, learn, read news, chat with someone, etc) defined first.
John Uskglass and dlansky like this.
dlansky more_vert
Not that I've been great at avoiding relapses myself lately, but one thing that helps me (when I make myself do it) is catching myself wasting time and finding a positive thing that I could be doing instead. For example, I find that smartphone games are designed to make you want to play "just one more time" over and over again. I can squander lots of time that way, but I will feel bad about it later and then want to find comfort, which could lead me to doing things that are on the path to relapse, like browsing Instagram or watching ASMR videos on YouTube. I do better when I find something positive that I will good about having done afterward.
John Uskglass likes this.
dlansky more_vert
silencer wrote: "Filtering results and content blockers haven't work for me, I found better to reduce to the minimum the time spent alone in front of the screen and never use a device without having a specific purpose (work, learn, read news, chat with someone, etc) defined first."

I agree. I find that filtering can reduce accidental exposure to explicit material, but "surfing the web" without a purpose always leads me to trouble. I think accountability software would work better in theory, but I don't have anyone in my life that I trust enough to give that role to.
DukeAJ003 more_vert
Thank you to everyone.
DukeAJ003 more_vert
I appreciate all the advice. But I will continue to do persist, also any of you ever watch a Christian devotional prayer called 'Thunder of God'. Helps to keep a theme each day.