Post published by mab65

Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Was on vacation and took a two-week hiatus from the gym after going all out for about a month. I tried to start where I left off and man does it hurt. Cardio tonight and upper body tomorrow. Let me know if you ever read and tried to abide by the principals of Bill Phillips's book, Body for Life. I made it through 11 weeks of it years ago with amazing results but got injured. Attempting to give it a go again.
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MyName25 more_vert
Never read it, but now I want to!
mab65 more_vert
The book changed my life while I was practicing what it preached. Got injured, tried again, injured again, then injured again and have been trying to get back on track.
MyName25 more_vert
Dude injury sucks. I hurt my lower back over a year ago and I'm still spending 30 minutes or more warming it up before warmups.
mab65 more_vert
Why is it that back injuries seem to linger for years? When I worked in construction if a guy's back went out they were screwed up for months if not years. My injuries occurred with both shoulders: 2 rotator cuffs and a torn labrum. I didn't do enough research and went to one of the worst surgeons. Getting back into working out and so far so good.