Post published by Corona!

Guys it's been 42 days I've had a break from my streak now. I'm blessed to have you guys supporting me all the way. My lovely Deshwasi! :D
The problem I've started to encounter is of Nightfall now. It's been four days consecutively since I'm nightfall-ing which is a bit worrying to me.

I request all the 'Veterans' to please suggest measures, and enlighten if it's normal in this journey at this time or my steps are in the wrong direction? Please help fellows.
r8js more_vert
nightfall should not be caused by impure dirty ill fantasizing thoughts.
Deleted Account likes this.
r8js more_vert
surely it is time to think more positively, and deeply about beaty of nature.
Born2DefeatPMO4ever more_vert
Congrates for 42 days achievement. You know it is itself a big one..
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Corona! more_vert
Thank you @r8js for the advice.
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Corona! more_vert
@Born2DefeatPMO4ever Read your post brother. You'll be joining the league soon enough. It was hard for me too after 12 years of slavery. First streak of 42 days now. Power to you bro! Keep me posted about the progress. :)
Ankit2Life and Deleted Account like this.
Sleepingwarror more_vert
Many congratulations on the streak. Do not worry too much about the nightfalls. I could be a hidden desire of sexual release. A quick question: do you think you fantasize about girls or sex during the day?
Alex King more_vert
Alex King
Don't worry. It's your body's natural mechanism. Your body will sort it out.