Why did he thank me after sex?

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by green lion eating the sun, Aug 23, 2017.

  1. I am a girl BTW. guy I had for several months told me almost every time after sex "thank you have a good day". No one else ever thanked me for sex. I knew he loved sex with me though

    Is it something guys say typically to their booty calls or he thanked me like a prostitute or he meant it as a simple thank you?

    Twice I found out that he left 20 euros on my desk in my room. He sort of smirked when I put that money back in his pocket (he seemed proud of himself). I felt really humiliated as woman

    When I confronted him, he told awful things but rejected to say that he put money to treat me as a prostitute. He said repeatedly that he left me that money to help me coz I sort of told I had economical problems. He said he did it to help me

    Looking for honest opinions from guys
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2017
  2. Spiff

    Spiff Fapstronaut

    Guys typically have little, if any, respect for a woman willing to be a booty call. He may have been expressing this, putting you down in a way that reinforces his feelings of superiority but subtle enough to keep you coming back.
  3. So why he did thank me according to u? And he was honest when he said he left that money to help me (he insisted on this)?
  4. sparkywantsnoPMO

    sparkywantsnoPMO NoFap Moderator & Yeoman

    If he called you up out of the blue, asked you if you wanted to have sex, and you did, (I've never done booty calls so I don't know), wouldn't the politeness of thank you be in order? I know I've often thanked friends for spending time at an event, "Thank you for coming out here today."

    I don't know what his motivations behind the money honestly are. You could simply tell him you don't want his money. You could tell him that the thank yous and money feel disrespectful to you, and make you feel like a prostitute, so if he wants this relationship to continue he needs to stop.
  5. turquoise

    turquoise Fapstronaut

    It's impossible for us to say with certainty because we aren't in your shoes and don't know your full relationship with this guy, so if you really suspect something is off, you should talk to him. If you get a vibe he is using you and trying to belittle you, cut him off. Why should you put up with someone who might not respect you?
    samnf1990 likes this.
  6. i felt it was a thank you for the service, being kind is alright but thanking for sex is odd, i had a feeling he was surprised that i was treating very good. i think he couldn't believe how good i was to him and how undeserving he was

    it wasn't last minute honestly. btw about the money he had a smirk on his face like proud of himself even though later he said that he left that money to help me coz i sort of mentioned money problems, i never asked for any money from him though. when i asked him if he meant to treat me as a prostitute he rejected that
    sparkywantsnoPMO likes this.
  7. you are right. i wish i had never been with him
    sparkywantsnoPMO likes this.
  8. last time i had sex was with him, in January before i started my reboot
  9. You are getting paid for having sex with the person you want, without even having to ask for it.
    This would be my dream come true.
    Just fuckin take it and don´t regret it xD
  10. For any girl is traumatizing and deeply humiliating. Plus he insisted he left that money to help me. I asked him directly if it meant that to treat me as a prostitute. I dunno what to think. When I found that money I couldn't stop crying for days
  11. I thought I would insert a smiley to imply that I was joking.
  12. Oh. Well, why do u think he thank me after sex? And was he honest when he said he left money to help me?
  13. I think this is a question no one here can ever answer.

    See communication via written words is very difficult (my misunderstood joke would be the perfect example for this). 60% of communication is body language, 35% vocal tonality and only 5% is what we actually say.
    So only 5% of this whole story comes across to me.

    But you are right leaving money after sex is something strange to do.
    Thanking someone after sex is not. People tend to say the craziest things after sex. Take me for example, I sometimes say I love you. (I have an agreement with my gf that post sex "I love yous" don´t count, lol)
  14. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    20 euros is not that much.
    Either you weren't very good, he wasn't very happy or he was logical and legitimate in trying to help you out.
    I mean this in the best sense, truly.
    I'm being objective.

    A thank you isn't a I love you.
    Sex, to some cultures is a gift.
    What nation is he from?
  15. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    Also... Don't ask me how I know... But going rate for the cheapest hookers in the Red Light District is 60 euros.
  16. Maybe he was a beginner and was thanking you for being so nice to him I know my first time I thanked the women I was with. Don't put too much into it he probably was just trying g to let you know he sincerely appreciated it I am sure he didn't mean to hurt you.
  17. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    @green lion eating the sun
    I think he was just being nice also.
    I understand that as a woman it's our version of emasculating for this to happen and I'm sorry he hurt you.
    I don't think he meant anything by it.
    I think he was just trying to be polite to you and maybe try (not the best) to bridge possible cultural gaps?
    At least that's how the story reads to me.
    Best of luck with all your journeys moving forward :)
  18. Half Turkish Cypriot half British
  19. Kenzi

    Kenzi Fapstronaut

    And what are you and what country are/were you in?
  20. :emoji_flag_eu: