schizophrenia and porn

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Road2Recovery, Aug 6, 2017.

  1. Not sure if I have schizophrenia im starting to feel like I do some kind of ocd what role will that play on porn since schizophrenia people have higher dopamine levels anyway ... And I was on mdma for 6-8 months before I stopped what roles do that have in schizophrenia I heard it can be a trigger
  2. Have you looked up schizophrenia and OCD and do you have any symptoms?
  3. Shit bro I'm having anxiety paranoia ... I mean I was on mdma for 6 months abusing it heavy I've been 5 months clean n still symptoms
  4. No, I meant have you researched schizophrenia and OCD and do you have symptoms of any? Or maybe I guess it could be withdrawal effects of abstaining from MDMA.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2017
  5. JakeWoods

    JakeWoods Fapstronaut

    Doing MDMA heavily for long periods of time will definitely mess with your brain. The good news is that your brain can heal, as long as you stay away from it. It just takes a long time.

    aarondf is right. Do you actually have any symptoms of schizophrenia? Look up symptoms of schizophrenia.
  6. How long it's been 5-6 months
  7. Yea but it may just be cause of the mdma I'm not sure ... But I've always had fears and would get detached from reality like fear I've contacted hiv would drive me insane to the point I'll go get tested things of that sort
  8. JakeWoods

    JakeWoods Fapstronaut

    That sounds like anxiety maybe?

    Do you have any hallucinations? Do you see things, hear things, smell things that aren't there? Do you feel like the thoughts you're having are not your own thoughts?
    I'm not a doctor and I have very limited knowledge on the subject. The best thing you can do, if you think you have schizophrenia is to go and see a doctor and tell them how you're feeling.

    How long will it take for your brain to heal? I don't know the answer to that. Every person is different. But look at it this way. You've been using MDMA for the past 6-8 months and you've only been clean for 5 months.
  9. Hallucinogens can throw a person into a scary or sad experience from the past, where he or she gets stuck without even realizing it. I copied and pasted that that's exactly how I feel bro
  10. Mdma post I seen that on
  11. I'm stuck on past events any help
    Powerous likes this.
  12. Powerous

    Powerous Fapstronaut

    I can relate to you, I have OCD symptoms especially after breaking my streak. It's depressing, I'm stuck in the past and feel like I'm in a repetitive loop.
    Only thing keeping me going is my faith in God. Pray
  13. Sananafraz

    Sananafraz Fapstronaut

    I feel you. I was hospitalized with symptoms of borderline schizophrenia. I won't go in to specifics but it was tied to drugs and porn/sex addiction. It was true hell on earth. I wouldn't have wished that feeling on any human being. If that is what you're going through, know that I'm with you.

    Pray if you're into that. Meditation is what helped me. Relax and let yourself feel everything all the way through. Notice your paranoid thoughts without accepting them as the truth.
  14. Camanche1985

    Camanche1985 Fapstronaut

    I have bi-polar disorder diagnosis. I have terrible psychosis. I think my psychosis gets worse when I don't use porn. It's probably why I like porn so much. I take 6 mg Invega pill and I hate it with a passion I think it makes me worse. Also, antipsychotics have been shown to increas estrogen levels in men up to 10x so fuck that. The government practically forces me to take this stuff they come to my front door every day and make me take it. I don't want to take the 30 day sustenna shot because of terrible hellish side affects. People underestimate what people in the mental health system go through, Anyway, sometimes I feel very aleviated by porn. But I want to see if in the long-run not using it helps me. Also I digress, please help people with psychosis, few people know what we deal with.
  15. Sananafraz

    Sananafraz Fapstronaut

    Bottom line: Trust a well respected professional.
  16. From my experience, Schizophrenia does make living harder but not impossible.

    I was diagnosed with Schizophrenia 12 years ago, and I've been hospitalized for it (with psychosis) in the past.. At the time, I forgot who other people (including Family) were and who I was, it was an emotional roller coaster, I had no control, and -- as has others have said -- I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I still have trouble with it to this day.

    I have found that both my Schizophrenia and PMO addiction are primarily triggered by Stress. They were (until recently) somewhat intertwined too, what I mean by that is: They both influenced each-other and were a toxic combination.

    After a long period of mental stability -- as stable as it gets with medication and therapy -- I have finally felt progress with both my major problems (Schizophrenia and PMO). There have been hard times to even get as far as I have, but it's been very worthwhile.

    Getting mentally stable was my priority, and then when that was achieved, changing my lifestyle (including being PMO-Free) became the top thing.
    Camanche1985 and Sananafraz like this.
  17. Camanche1985

    Camanche1985 Fapstronaut

    I have no idea what my porn addiction since I was 15 has been doing to me. Could seriously be ruining my life. I can't wait to see what thirty days does. I've never done it. I did 13 days previously and learned some about myself. Now I want to see what 30 does.
    Sananafraz likes this.
  18. Sananafraz

    Sananafraz Fapstronaut

    If you are able to see even a glimpse of the real world from the depths of madness, you are among the luckiest ones alive. If you have seen reality distorted around you, you have had a glimpse of the power of the mind. Don't take this lightly. Power without discipline is a death sentence!

    Your power is unlimited; therefore, the amount of discipline you will cultivate in life is the amount of power you will have access to.
    This is true for all humans. This doesn't make us better. We were just lucky to have direct exposure.

    I want to stress how important seeing a professional was in my recovery. I was resistant to prescription medications. When I saw them as a stepping stone to a better future, I had the moment of clarity I needed so much. Peace!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  19. Ted Waiharo

    Ted Waiharo New Fapstronaut

    Hey did you hear voices for months on end trying to shame you. I also have bi polar DID and cut pmo 3 and 1/2 months ago and can't stop hearing them since I started getting insomnia after 2 months. I don't want to see a psychiatrist cause of all the meds you were talking about but I don't have much control over this situation. Any suggestions on how you cope?
  20. Sananafraz

    Sananafraz Fapstronaut

    It must be terrifying to experience that. Please do your best to find someone suitable to give you advice.
    Psychiatrists are professionals who have trained rigorously to help people suffering with mental instabilities.

    We are just random people on the internet, my friend. We have absolutely no credibility. This is a dangerous topic to trust to the opinions of strangers no matter how well meaning we are.
    Deleted Account likes this.