Porn Isn't The Bad Guy

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by OneWithTheUnderdogs, Jul 14, 2017.

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  1. PasterofMuppets

    PasterofMuppets Fapstronaut

    Porn in moderation maybe won't hurt you, but for sure it won't do good.
    LivinginRecovery likes this.
  2. Jacksta

    Jacksta Fapstronaut

    I just wanna say I share your opinion COMPLETELY. Id consider myself much more an addict of it, however, im trying to moderate it. I want it in my life still, I just dont want to run to it like a fat person runs to mcdonalds.. i just need to learn that base line amount of self control, which I let go of completely. I made a new post about moderation it in this section of the forum. If you got any advice, chime in.

    For those of you who dont like this approach, sorry, but its a real option that exists... If it doesnt work for you, thats fine.
    OneWithTheUnderdogs likes this.
  3. fyi I can't like posts still. I don't know why this website has a like limit.
  4. Jason911

    Jason911 Fapstronaut

    I didn't know there was a like limit. Strange.
  5. OzTheBear

    OzTheBear Fapstronaut

    I completely disagree, porn is evil.
    We have wronged ourselves to indulge in it, but porn is evil, wrong and a lie unto society.
    TheAwhit and Spiff like this.
  6. OneWithTheUnderdogs

    OneWithTheUnderdogs Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the intelligent response! :) We need more people like you around here.
  7. sparkywantsnoPMO

    sparkywantsnoPMO NoFap Moderator & Yeoman

    NoFap rules allow it.

    “Criticizing rebooting (abstaining from porn, masturbation, or even orgasm altogether) is permitted. We will not prevent you from expressing your arguments, even if we disagree with them. If you want to debate aboutporn or masturbation, just don't detail another person's submission or try to discourage particular NoFap users -post a new thread to share your views.”
    TheAwhit likes this.
  8. TheAwhit

    TheAwhit Fapstronaut

    WELL SAID! When you see the destruction these things cause you have to refuse to say they are good.. even in moderation! If you don't try porn and drugs you won't become addicted to them! Crazy what this guy wrote on NoFap's forum with people struggling with these things.
    Deleted Account and Jason911 like this.
  9. OneWithTheUnderdogs

    OneWithTheUnderdogs Fapstronaut

    Again, I disagree.

    Casinos, Porn, and (some) drugs are used by millions of people every day, many of whom do not develop an addiction or dependence to the substance.

    I had a discussion on another thread with a guy who compared Porn to Crack or Heroin. While I could see what he was getting at, trying to compare them as one and the same is simply ridiculous. Drugs such as Crack, Heroin, or Crystal Meth are cooked in such a way that the compounds found in them hook the user from the very first hit. No one can casually use Meth, but people can and do casually use Cocaine or Ecstasy. I'd say Porn shares more similarities with these drugs, as it gives an intense high for a short(ish) period of time, followed by a possible comedown which makes the user feel paranoid, anxious, weak, unsociable, and "out of their body". Sound familiar?
    The reason I say this is because drugs like Coke, Weed, and E, don't have the same addictive elements as harder drugs, and it seems that over time, the user becomes addicted to the feeling that the drug gives them, rather than the drug itself. The same can be said for porn. We have built up our "dependance" on Porn over time, by misusing and abusing it, just like the potheads who need to smoke this so called "non-addictive" plant every day or they get tetchy. Or the gambler who pumps his last $100 into the one armed bandit, despite knowing there's a chance he could lose it all.

    I gamble, I drink, I've taken drugs, and yes, I watch porn occasionally, but what I don't do is overuse. I don't allow these so called "predatory elements" to do my thinking for me.
    I got to a point where I felt that porn was slowly becoming the thinker, and I was its servant. I hated this feeling, so I quit, just like that. Now I only PMO a couple of times a month, and I feel great.

    I've won a lot of money by gambling, but I always kept 100% focused and knew when to quit while I was ahead, saving me from any major financial misfortune. When I drink, I drink in moderation. I get a nice buzz, become a better conversationalist, and when I wake up the next day, hey, no hangover!

    Casinos aren't designed to corrupt people; it's the people who allow themselves to be corrupted by letting the mind become victim to the promises and notions of wealth and infinite happiness that the house perpetuates. Porn doesn't corrupt everyone either; only those of us who succumb to it's every beckon call and never say "No". That's all it takes. Strengthen your mind and you strengthen the ability to become a stronger person who can enjoy life's pleasures without becoming a slave to your brains reward circuit.

    I'm not going to change my opinion. I'm glad I started a pretty lively debate, as I've heard some very interesting responses.

    All of you can do whatever you want to do, just know that some people are going to share different opinions to you.
  10. Themadfapper

    Themadfapper Fapstronaut

    Where the hell did you get the idea that Cocaine is not addictive?

    As for the Casinos. Would you rather have a Casino and higher crime rates more theft and murder, more people homeless, more prostitution, more gang violence, a greater disparity of wealth or not allow the Casino at all?


    If you PMO twice a month why does your counter say 59 days porn masterbation free?
  11. OneWithTheUnderdogs

    OneWithTheUnderdogs Fapstronaut

    I didn't say it wasn't addictive. I said that it doesn't contain the same addictive properties as other drugs, and that people people get addicted to the full body "high" rather than an addiction to the actual chemicals found in the drug, which would in turn develop into a dependancy.

    Gang violence and prostitution would be happening regardless. People would just find a new way to fuel it. I only care about how I make my own money, so disparity of wealth isn't really an issue for me either. People should find their own ways of supporting themselves.

    Because it should be a counter for "meeting my own goals", I just haven't bothered to change it. I know what it means anyway and that's all that matters.
  12. OneWithTheUnderdogs

    OneWithTheUnderdogs Fapstronaut

    Just so you guys know, a fellow NoFap user just quit the forum because of how ridiculous and brainwashed you guys sound.

    I believe the world "cult" was used.

    I swear Scientologists look tame compared to you lot sometimes.
  13. TheAwhit

    TheAwhit Fapstronaut

    I have a problem when people try to turn opinions into facts, not when they have opinions. i.e; "Casinos aren't designed to corrupt people" OH PLEASE. Just because you may not have become addicted to any of these things doesn't mean it's good or actually helpful. Stop acting like you've found out the key to life. These things are designed to capture and ruin society to keep people oppressed. Just because you have not in essence become a slave to it doesn't change it for what it is.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2017
    Jason911 likes this.
  14. Jason911

    Jason911 Fapstronaut

    NoFap forum users come and go all the time. And this particular person has the right to his/her opinion.
    Pornography reprograms the brain, so I would refer to porn as brainwashing rather than efforts to abstain.
    You are entitled to your opinion. I hope you find success in your plan. I personally see no more need to perpetuate this thread. Have a great day.
    TheAwhit likes this.
  15. OneWithTheUnderdogs

    OneWithTheUnderdogs Fapstronaut

    Stop getting angry because of my ability to to pick things up and drop them at will.

    It's not my fault that a bunch of weak minded individuals can't handle a bit of gambling or porn without getting addicted to it.

    Maybe I have found the key to life. The key is to stop being acting like a little a bitch and learn to have control over your own fucking mind.

    The whole reason I started this thread is because I was fed up of seeing people whining on thread after thread. "My life is so bad everything sucks because I can't say no to fapping for hours in my room every night". The only thing attributing to your poor quality of life is you. Things like porn, gambling and drugs have existed for longer than you've been alive, and they will continue to exist long after you are dead. They thrive because of the number of people who seem to lack the basic ability to say "No". People who compare porn to drugs are also deluded. Porn isn't a physical substance that you put into your body. It doesn't come out of the fucking screen and inject you with some super addictive chemical that keeps you coming back for more. The only catalyst connecting porn to addiction is your brain.

    I'm sick of this ridiculous attitude that it's all porn's fault that we're here.

    Fuck that shit. I was addicted. I was watching way too much, Porn had control over my mind, and you know what I did? I admitted to myself I had a problem, recognised that problem, and worked out the most effective and efficient way to tackle it. This is how life works. I realised I had a problem with porn, So.I.Fucking.Quit. Why is this so hard for you guys to understand?
    LivinginRecovery likes this.
  16. OneWithTheUnderdogs

    OneWithTheUnderdogs Fapstronaut

    I'm not defending porn, I'm just not defending you.

    I'm not saying porn is innocent; just that you are partly, if not mostly at fault for letting it corrupt you.

    You are all completely missing the point here. I'm not saying "Porn is amazing we should all be watching it every minute of every day". I'm aware of the damage that porn does, I just hate seeing people throwing pity parties and coming on here whinging about their lives instead of taking active steps to better themselves.

    The porn industry, just like Hollywood, exploits attractive people for financial gain. This would continue to happen through advertising and branding even if every fucker on her quit porn today and never watched it again.

    My main argument, is that you can't just go around blaming porn for your own fuck ups.

    You're all getting angry because you know that what I'm saying resonates somewhere in you. You know you messed up, and I'll tell you something, admitting it is going to help you massively in your recovery.

    This is the last I'm going to say on the matter, because I'm quite frankly bored with repeating myself.

    I'm going to go back to enjoying my (now) awesome life.

    I hope you all find success in your journeys.

    Also, don't be scared to be different and try a new approach.

    It might just work. I know it did for me...
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 8, 2017
    LivinginRecovery likes this.
  17. OneWithTheUnderdogs

    OneWithTheUnderdogs Fapstronaut


    Someone who was himself addicted and has since overcome it.

    Someone who is sick of seeing the same self deprecating crap every time they log on.

    Someone who believes that strengthening the mind is they key to overcoming this affliction.

    What you all are failing to pick up on is that I have suffered like you have. I've felt the pain of Porn addiction. I know what it's like to wake up feeling like you won't even be able to manage to see the day through because you've been up all night jacking your half erect cock to people doing gross things to each other all night.

    I've fucking been there, and I fought. I fought with everything I had and I overcame. That's why I'm acting the way I am. You could all quit if you really wanted to, just like I did.

    I'm just not going to pussyfoot around anyone and tell them it's all okay and they're not to blame.

    You are to blame, so it's up to you to turn your life around and start looking for the light on the other side, instead of drowning in your self pitying pool of blame games and ignorance.
  18. OzTheBear

    OzTheBear Fapstronaut

    You have a point op.
    To quote the Dude
    'you're not wrong, you're just an a**hole'
    We should take the blame for watching porn, OK I get it.
    But should I take blame for being lonely, sad or too young to know right and wrong? Should I take blame for when society is saying porn is good watch it?
    Porn is wrong, it's a drug and many of us (if not all) watched porn without knowing the dangers of it.
    I like how you called us addicts weak minded, very kind of you to kick us at our lowest.
  19. kingpietro

    kingpietro Fapstronaut

    I thinx the problem with porn is that the schools don't educate the teangeres well.. They do it about smoking and alcohol but not about porn wich is bassicly the same drugs
  20. TheAwhit

    TheAwhit Fapstronaut

    I agree!
    Deleted Account likes this.
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