Girls who hoard friendzoned boys.

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Potato93, Mar 11, 2017.

  1. RedPillRebooter

    RedPillRebooter Fapstronaut

    Damn that sucks. They're everywhere nowadays, spreading like wildfire.

    But we got Trump in office so things will sort themselves out soon enough
  2. skeptical

    skeptical Fapstronaut

  3. Hahaha
    Matrix Intel, Potato93 and skeptical like this.
  4. Clean Plate

    Clean Plate Fapstronaut

    What women want is a man who can create the love (doesn't mean you chase her, it means she will chase you) doesn't rely on wealth that will only attract gold diggers if that's your goal so be it (and there's no challenge there.) Good looks = good hygiene even if genetics aren't on your side.
    Bro heres a tip if you want to show an interest in a woman and increase your chances of not being put in the friend zone, You HAVE to TOUCH more in the beginning stages of attraction (BUT TOUCH IN THE APPROPRIATE PLACES!!!) There's more to it, but I'm not going to waste too much time when there are literally thousands of books out there that help you with "The GAME", peace and good luck.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 12, 2017
    Potato93 likes this.
  5. A Normal Life

    A Normal Life Fapstronaut

    Going the romantic way does not guarantee that she will say yes to you but this way is your best bet. Going the friendship way will certainly bring disappointment.
    Potato93 likes this.
  6. over_ITT

    over_ITT Guest

    It really sucks when male friends disappear when I'm not single, and all my female friends complain about this, too. It kind of shows which friends were holding out hope for more and not just cool as friends. I swear there's no test or zone, but men do overestimate sexual interest in general. Evolutionary psychology- it's better for the species to think you have more chances than you have, forcing you to do the mating dance to get her interest. Friends are great. Friendships last longer than boyfriends. Friends don't hold out horny hope for women that aren't intentionally teasing them.
  7. Potato93

    Potato93 Fapstronaut

    Interesting idea. Thanks!
    But I cant say if they were fucking though. She didnt appear to be that promiscuous, but we'll never know. :S
    And that sucks. I wish I could point fingers, but yeah, I dont know the signs that say if a girl was doing it or not.
  8. Ok I just re-read your original post.
    Here's what I think... at the moment I give you about 35% of getting this girl due to the friend zone position you find yourself in.

    Now unless you decide to do what was suggested in my last message then you have another option... it's high risk and may lead to you being blocked on her phone but here it is... I think you message her. After the first reply you send another reply but a bit flirty and then after her second reply you send her a filthy message. Just say to her that you think she's a great girl but quite honestly that you want her pussy. Be really audacious and forward. Tell her you have wanted to go down on her since you saw her and ask if she's down for this.

    May not work but I think this is your only chance from the current position you are in.
  9. Potato93

    Potato93 Fapstronaut

    Lol man, I dont talk to this girl in 6 months, I dont even know if that's even considered friendzone still, whatever. The first method is indeed the way to go.

    The second advice is terrible, but being honest, I would never allow myself to be that guy.
    Proceding as you mentioned, Ill get a block, thats a fact. No made up percentage needed.

    It all comes down that, I prefer having her as a friend in my life than not having her around at all.
    And if she eventually get out of jobs I'm strongly considering hiring her in the future. She was a really good intern in the company I used to work.
  10. The second advice has worked for me in the past. Sometimes catching them completely unawares in a spontaneous way works.

    If it's 6 months since you've seen her then provided to don't act the same way as last time with her and are decisive then you have a chance
    HopefulChristian and Potato93 like this.
  11. Bit of both. He doesn't think it's (edit:ridiculous) but...
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 22, 2017
  12. Potato93

    Potato93 Fapstronaut

    I acted romantically in the last day I had over that company, gave a letter to her in person, never got a answer or a talk after that day. This was before the company party. When we met again we were in social situations and we never really talked about that again. But she acted completely normal. She probably felt desired but in a straight manner anyway. I could've got her in that party but over that day I was too insecure and didnt had the right skills build up.

    Maybe next time if I start to ignore her and be more assertive I'll have a better chance. She's definitely not a easy girl by the way. That sucks, but maybe its why my mind still chases her eventually. Anyway, I'm trying to go meet new people so I can surpass that. But If I end up with her in the future It'll be such a good personal overcoming/success history.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2017
    Harderthansatan likes this.
  13. over_ITT

    over_ITT Guest

    It would make a good movie script, but what would you be overcoming? If she's in the driver's seat, you can't get that power back by ignoring her because you will still care. You will have overcome if she comes around later and you actually don't care anymore.

    If she finds you cool, isn't interested, wants other guys, and wants to be kind, because you're kind to her, I hope you realize that's not manipulative. All the interest comes from you. If anything pretending to be a friend while you want more is insincere.

    If she shut down your directness at the gate, she's not into you. It's an awkward place to gently reject a man whose friendship you appreciate. But if you're making sure you're not there for her, you're not much of a friend.

    hmm, maybe the friendzone really is a thing after all, but just for the person in the zone. Like friendship-romantic potential purgatory. Neither are possible if one is considered an obstacle.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2017
    Potato93 likes this.
  14. Potato93

    Potato93 Fapstronaut

    I invited her to go out, she said "lets keep on talking" than after that she sends me a huge text explaining her insecurities and that she was already having a "thing" with another guy.
    Try not to be heart broken with that. Try it. I doubt you wouldnt be feeling the same way.

    If she wasnt interested at all she wouldnt have allowed to even talk to me via text. :/

    This is where I lost. :)
    But why keep on peting her while she's with another dude? Dont you see I would end up feeling bad by the end of the day too? Its difficult man...

    Its jealously, I know, but I cant control that as I wish I could.
  15. Potato93

    Potato93 Fapstronaut

    By the way guys!

    Trying to rationalize it will only bring me back to this doom.
    For more that we argue, the time I had to clarify this feelings were with her and HER only. She's the only person that can say a word about this.

    I wish people would say "Im not into you" more frequently.
    That way I know that I will NEVER be able to be with her in this universe.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2017
  16. Audere est Facere

    Audere est Facere Fapstronaut

    It seems like her actions made you think so much?

    You acted like perfectly without giving into weakness. So you should celebrate this success of not getting FZed!

    On to the next one, my friend!

    Also, don't blame yourself for losing her. She's not irreplaceable. If you give too much emphasis to one woman, then you're bound to hurt yourself because you can't control how she'll act. You can only control yourself.

    Perhaps the outcomes would have been different if you acted differently, but they could have been the same where she just wasn't interested.

    Respect that, because it's the same way that you don't pursue girls you are not interested in. Similarly girls don't reciprocate interest with guys they aren't interested in. It takes strength and self-assurance to be fine with the fact that some girls simply aren't interested and there's no need to be sad about it. Just accept it and move on :)
    Potato93 likes this.
  17. RedPillRebooter

    RedPillRebooter Fapstronaut

    Holy shit @Potato93 just move on. It's over. Just simply find another girl there are no shortage of them.

    Find a girl who is willing to be with you.
    No offense, but this is getting embarrassing dude. You simply got rejected by a feminist who's seeing another guy.

    And you weren't direct with her. You texted her your "feelings". You should've said all that to her in person. She would've realized you had balls and might have gone for you. I obviously don't know the complexities of you two but from what you have said it seems like you were very submissive in your pursuit of her and that lead to you being stonewalled.
    Exactly. There are ugly girls who hit on me all the time but I don't want them. Its awkward to be around them. I wish @Potato93 just straight up told the girl how he felt.

    Closing comments

    You need to flirt with a girl. A girl should just know that you want her, she needs to see the desire in your eyes and movements. But be direct and to the point. Smile, squint your eyes with your nose raised up (shows dominance) and say something like "so is [enter her name] a sexy girl?" and poke her gently (touching her shows interest). Thats similar to what I do and yea I get them when I want them. Its real easy, especially now-a-days (we live in the post sexual revolution and Miley Cyrus era). Girls are like us, they are horny, but they are physically weak (afraid of being raped by anyone) so they want to know a guys intentions. If a guy comes off as a creep that's a major red flag. If a guy comes off to strong they'll get worried they'll be raped. But if a guy comes off as honest and genuine and is attractive and socially acceptable and smiles 90% of the time they'll be seen as someone like them "just wanna get someone!".

    Hope everything works out for ya
  18. Audere est Facere

    Audere est Facere Fapstronaut

    redpill, you're alpha af! respect!

    and welcome back!
    Potato93 likes this.
  19. overclocked

    overclocked Fapstronaut

    Don't even waste your nerves. Women should be held to adult standards, especially in the dating world. What in the world is so hard about picking one partner and making clear that she chose this person?
    If she cannot do that, no respect or special attention is to be paid. Since it sounds like she goes after you just let her come around. Maybe she says something funny one day you can laugh about. Try not to think of her as a sexual fantasy.
    Don't listen to her words to find any sign. The reality is found in people's actions, not words.

    And special bonus tip: don't trust women with unusual hair colors like pink or blue.
  20. Bro! Chicks like these aren't trustworthy. She's basically browsing around and not settling for anyone. She's a leech, and she doesn't give a shit about any of those guys. If a girl's willing to snoop around with you while being in a relationship, best believe you're next.
    Matrix Intel and Potato93 like this.