Having a crush for 3 years - This needs to stop

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Deleted Account, Feb 18, 2017.

  1. Headspace

    Headspace Fapstronaut

    There is no "her". It's you. It's all in your mind.

    The help you don't want: professional help. Or, as others recommended above, read a book on the subject to educate yourself. This is the least favor you can do to yourself. Other than listening to users' advice here, this help will come from a more objective point of view. You don't have to be afraid of anyone judging you, since the writer of the book probably doesn't know you and your problems.

    Not meaning to sound harsh. Just trying to help.
    HopefulChristian likes this.
  2. LonelySunshine

    LonelySunshine Fapstronaut

    Try to block her on Facebook, stop smoking weed and start socialising more with other people.
    HopefulChristian and Don Gately like this.
  3. Just because I mentioned smoking weed this doesn't mean I smoke weed everyday. I only smoked weed twice and it was making me feel good, that's it. I do not plan to smoke more weed because it makes my OCD worse.

    Instead of blocking her on Fb I will simply not use Fb. I don't need Fb.

    And oh yeah the "socializing thing": Besides exercising the second most recommended self-help tip in the world. Listen, I am not an unsocialized jerk, I have a lots of friends, I am quite popular at school, so tell me how the fuck am I supposed to socialize even more? I'll answer it for you: I am already socialized in your sense. But it's not helping. Sorry

    If I would have the money and the time for it, sure. But I didn't have either this nor this. So I am searching for alternatives. I could buy one of these strange books, but I am afraid of ending as another version of myself, of my former version of myself. You know, like the book will suggest approaches to situations for example and I will change myself radically in a way I don't want to
    HopefulChristian and Headspace like this.
  4. Headspace

    Headspace Fapstronaut

    Alright. Some other options:
    a) Talk about it with a good friend.
    b) Write a letter to your crush and burn it.
    c) Keep a diary to become more aware of your wandering mind.
    Become aware that you don't even know her and everything you think about her is only in your head. In addition to my last post I'd say -- since you don't like to hear that there are "other women out there" -- there are real women out there, who are real persons, who you can interact with, in this world, without any sort of technology. Quitting FB is a good idea as well, of course!
    HopefulChristian likes this.
  5. Done it already, male AND female friends. The male friends were like "Keep going" and "Wait till her boyfriend leaves her you still have a chance". So, yeah, they're talking crap. The female friend I talked about it was very patient with me, extremely patient with me. But this didn't help either, her message was also like "Keep going and be open for new love", but obviously in a longer form (we talked about it for ca. 3/4 months, literally).

    Good idea! But this can't be the only thing I guess, it will make me let her go but nothing else, no personal change. This is actually what I am looking for.

    I got a kind of diary in 2014 during this phase. I still have it, but looking at it just disturbes me. These are random thoughts, draws and some other weird shit. It didn't help me sadly.

    Since 3 years I haven't seen another girl as beautiful as her. I simply can't imagine another beauty like her on our planet. Obviously I don't know her, the only thing i know is that she is a very good student, so she rather doesn't have a bad character.

    I said it once more: What I crave is the return to my former self! I don't like what I've become, and I simply want to be what I used to be: Happy, Highly motivated, Humorous. My three big H's
    Headspace likes this.
  6. There is no magic pill or something that will help you immediatelly - seek a therapist and give yourself a time to heal as I see you are suffering depression. When feeling better search wisdom in books, net etc. Search in terms of projecting psychical conditions on other, aspect of Anima in every man or even dreaming instead of acting. This is your job to recognize truly why you fell in love with her and develop utilities to heal yourself and avoid those kind of situations. Stop dreaming about her. Because without that you can get her out of your head and fall with another girl in the future. Lesson unlearned will be repeated. You are in pain and that pain is meaningful.

    I was the same as you. I could fell in love to girl(s) only because she talked to me and showed smallest bit of interest in me. I very painfully (depression included) learned on mistakes and developed for myself so can you. Much wise words had been wrote on this thread. Read them one more time. Its sounds hard but the only way is forward through difficulties.

    And be honest to yourself.

    There is no turning back to good old days - there is only one way - forward. Your weakness now will become you strength in the future.

    And the very last one from me - every time you feel low or difficult emotions just stop and breath, count and be aware of every inhale and exhale. This is simple form of meditation and it should help a little bit against your mind which causes your suffering.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 23, 2017
    Potato93 and Headspace like this.
  7. Saying "because she has good looks" is too simple. Honestly because of this: Before her there was another girl, she was older than me, I was in love with her since grade 6 till she finished school. So I was left, kinda regretting not approaching her. The interesting part is: Although I got some kind of suffering during this little phase, I remained the same person! No depression, OCD and shit. Everything was fine! But I think I seeked for a replacement for her, so I found this girl who we are all talking about, because she kinda looked like her, only in a much much better way. So this is the reason why I felt in love with her, I also wanted to fall in love because it feels so good. I was so super happy at that time being in love, in even a more intense form than before!
  8. Peacekeeper

    Peacekeeper Fapstronaut

    First you have to know very clear, this is NOT love. This is and unhealthy obsession, a fixation, it is a symptom of something deeper you have to resolve, whatever it may be. From reading your words I can see you are in deep pain, suffering. When I was a teenager I use to be like your and trust me this feelings only lead to more suffering.

    Work on yourself, love your self, read books (I strongly recommend you The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle), diet, exercise, meditate, SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP, talk with friends or family about your feelings.

    When you mature enough you'll wonder how this girl could have so much power over you. The world is full of possibilities, there are many fish in the sea.

    Then you'll realize that when two people love each other they are happy and at peace with themselves even if they are alone, they don't need to be with someone else to feel complete but they choose so to share their happiness. The idea that someone is perfect, that will save you from your pain and will make you feel complete is a FANTASY.

    And let me tell you one last thing. Even in the remote possibility you end up with this girl in the state you are right now, you won't be happy either.

    Hope this helps.
    MeTP likes this.
  9. I would be happy, believe me. Sometimes I dream at night about being together with her, it just feels wonderful, like a drug, Inner peace, no worries/problems (I am speaking of the emotion of being phlegmatic), only beauty and happiness.

    Agree. I am obsessed by her, she is my drug.
  10. Peacekeeper

    Peacekeeper Fapstronaut

    No you wouldn't. You are in love with the image of her, with the idea, it's something that is inside your mind. Dreaming about her is a form of fantasy, and fantasy is not reality. If you ended up with her all this would fall down. Maybe you'd get high at first but when this feeling fades you'd have to face the true problem: your worries, your lack of peace, your pain and suffering. And you'd see her as she is: a human being, with imperfections, problems, worries. Not the perfect angelical being you think she is.
    Potato93 and The Great Gatsby like this.
  11. So today is the famous day of the end of my youth. Thanks for your support, but it is difficult living a grayish life without vibrant positive emotions. I feel nothing inside me, literally nothing. No emotion at all. I really don't know what to do, I hate my life, I hate what I've become, I can't bear it anymore. I am going to vegetate in my room forever. Love Hurts - Nazareth, I must give up but I don't want to.
    Don Gately likes this.
  12. Don Gately

    Don Gately Fapstronaut

    You've got this. Things will get better. Btw that Nazareth song is a cover of a Roy Orbison song.
    Potato93 likes this.
  13. m_brando

    m_brando Guest


    You say you're not stalking, but you say you're looking and your emotional state is determined on what this girl is doing. If she knew, she would feel intensely creeped out and violated. You're up in her admittedly public but still personal life, but it *is* a form of stalking. Three years means you've escaped into this fantasy. Do you have OCD or other mood disorders? Medication can help.
  14. Yes, I've got depressive episodes, OCD (checking and intrusive thoughts [not related to her]) and paranoid thoughts.
  15. 3 years ago my youth ended de facto. 3 years ago it was the first time feeling this dullness inside me, this lethargic feeling, the depression has begun. I crave the old times. Of course I got problems then too, I was bullied e.g. But: I'd be rather bullied further on than being in heart pain, depression, OCD and paranoia for 3 years. Robbie Williams' newest song "I love my live" kinda remembers me of the old times and of her, because it was a time where I loved my life, unlike now where I have to listen to Black Metal, PMO and surfing the internet mindlessly for numbing myself.
  16. I realized something yesterday:

    I was so in love with her that I was subconsciously expecting her to love me back. I was waiting for the validation I'll get from her. But it didn't happen. It's like your parents and all of your family/friends suddenly don't love you/like you and you got to survive. Like I was so confused about myself why she didn't give me any validation. Why she assumely took the other guy. Like my narcissism wasn't satisfied. I think this is why I suffered a lot, I was in a phase where I was the best of my class, etc. I had a "high" position, and she not loving me is like I don't deserve this high position, you understand me?

    Also, I sadly got the news that an old TV-priest whom I watched in my youth (I am a traditional catholic) died at age 84. Another part of my youth is gone...
  17. NightReaper775

    NightReaper775 Fapstronaut

    I had created a new thread, but it would be better to simply use this one to tell my story.

    I know how you feel, OP, I am in the same situation as you, I just cannot let go. I am not there yet. The only difference is that I have met this girl many times in reality and then my oneitis transforms into deeper imagination or illusions about some future where she would fall for me. Though we sometimes fought about our stance in life I have no anger towards her in anyway, and maybe the fact that she was intriguing in some ways did not help with the problem.

    @Tekkadan did answer that post I deleted. Here is my comment: I will be focusing more on other girls, and not waste my energy trying to think about something else when imagination comes into play. It just has to pass by and then leave my consciousness. I have to free myself one way or the other. By doing what I want to do in spite of my mind trying to boycott it, and by refusing to pay attention to the ideas, like with sexual fantasies, when I stopped paying much attention, they vanished.

    Thanks for the book recommendation also.
  18. John84

    John84 Fapstronaut

    What your experiencing is called "limerence", or some call "oneitis" maybe google those terms and do some reading. Its deadly and dangerous for your mental health. Your also wasting your life fixating on one woman that doesn't want you. As long as you do that, that space is being taken in your mind for a woman who actually will want you back. So go no contact, forget about her.

    Also with experience in life, you'll realise it doesn't matter. What you felt for one woman, you can move on, and feel that again for a new woman. Its not the end of the world you didn't get that one girl.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2017
  19. MrPrince

    MrPrince Fapstronaut

    I had this problem with one girl who i fought she is the one but then i got to know her and i knew that i dont kike ger personality.... i turned out i liked her physical appearances only
  20. tweeby

    tweeby Banned

    If you can find the two, great looking + personality you're onto a winner. . .Then you find out she's already taken.
    MrPrince likes this.