21 months PMO free: I became and adult

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by fercho29, Feb 12, 2017.

  1. Today I celebrate my 21st month of PMO free life.
    When we turn 21 years old we become adults and we are responsible for what we do from that moment on. This is what I feel today.
    After 21 month of reboot I really can say that during this months I have became an adult. I am 52 years old , nevertheless I just became an adult only now. I struggled with the addiction during 40 years of my life, trying to hide all my problems behind PMO , avoiding becoming an adult
    Staying in PMO make us stay as eternal teenagers. We resist to grow up instead of moving forward. We prefer to stay leaving a deceitful life because it looks more comfortable. We know we are leaving a lie but we pretend to be OK with it. We become Great Pretenders, as the song says. After 21 month I'm not blind anymore. I know that PMO is deceitful. I know it's a lie. I know I have been lying to myself . But I also learnt how to recognize the enemy, It's a treacherous one because wants to make us believe that it's a real friend. We got so used to live with him.
    After 21 month I still got some urges once a week. When I feel stresses at my job or I have a problem at home it reappears again . I hear the song of the sirens : -"Do it one more time dude, it's not that bad, it will make you feel better. "
    This last month was particularly tough for me. My wife started her menopause and she doesn't feel like having sex with me. This is a new challenge for my reboot. Other guys can fap to release when they cannot have sex. I do not have that luxury. I'm a former PMO addict. I need to endure, resist the pain, in order to keep living a free life. The type of freedom I have been living for the last 21 months. I have decided that any stress or pain is much better than getting back to that shitty life. I'm not coming back to PMO. That is my past. No room for that shit in my future.
    Thank you once again to all my fellow Fapstronauts who helped me during the past 21 month to get to where I am today. For those who are starting the challenge remember Freddie Mercury : " this is not a bed of roses, this is not a pleasure cruise ,I consider it a challenge in front of the whole human race, and I will not gonna lose. "
    Keep on fighting
  2. Harry Maclad

    Harry Maclad Fapstronaut

    Great job on reaching 21 months. I mean WOW 21 months. Your a great inspiration to me. I definitely liked how you said that any amount of stress or pain is much better that fapping and you are definitely right. I will not let my self fap just because I am really stress out over something. Instead I will deal with the stress in a positive way. Nice job on your accomplishment. Keep going!!!
    Zay1, Napav, Aloha and 3 others like this.
  3. DbArcher

    DbArcher Fapstronaut

    Great Work 21months ain't no child's play.Such great encouragement
    fercho29 likes this.
  4. This is very encouraging. I never thought of being addicted to porn as being an eternal teenager and a refusal to mature. That was a powerful analogy for me.

    Thanks and keep it up.
    vet and chuka like this.
  5. sirfapstinence

    sirfapstinence Fapstronaut

    Very very amazing. And I like your spirit. Go strong!
  6. Thank you very much for your support @Harry Maclad . Using stress in a positive way is great. You will find you have much more energy to workout, run, ride bicycle or any other thing you want to do
    badeae1 likes this.
  7. Smartboyj

    Smartboyj Fapstronaut

    Wow , this is a truly amazing , inspiring message. Thank you for sharing it..

    I can really empathize with you saying the PMO has stopped us becoming an adult. This is something that I’ve started to realize over the last few months. All my life I have run away from anything difficult or hard like a child. And that child ran to PMO for comfort.

    “We become Great Pretenders” is an amazing way to out it . Running from life…

    But you seem to have fought hard for what you have and 21 months is truly inspiring.

    Again thank you for sharing and I wish you nothing but happiness
    fercho29 likes this.
  8. dhw87

    dhw87 Fapstronaut

    Amazing, no pmo for 21 months after 40 years of struggling is no joke, keep up the effort, you inspired me although I'm still rebooting on my 21 th day after struggling with pmo for 20 years
    chuka and fercho29 like this.
  9. AppyB

    AppyB Fapstronaut

    Very True..!Breaking 40 yrs of habit..and 21 months without P&M. Oh man!#respect
    We dont have eternal life to experience everything in world, so best we can do is to learn from others mistakes. Thanks for sharing such a great experience. You are an inspiration to me.

    chuka and fercho29 like this.
  10. Thank you very much @AppyB , i am glad my post had inspired you.
    You are right, we only live once and we need to try to make this life as good as we can.
    Which is funny because YOLO was the excuse I used to watch porn and hire male escorts and hooked up like crazy with hundred of guys while I was "under the influence " of PMO. I lived such a promiscuous life , even being married with the most wonderful wife.
    I feel guilty now about the shitty things I have done to her.
    I have promised myself to be the best husband I can and try to compensate her for so many years of neglecting her.
    Valentine Day is a good day to try to do that, this is the first Valentines in years that I can focus just in her and not in my fantasies and PMO
    Keep on fighting
    AppyB and im_alive like this.
  11. Stay strong @dhw87 . It looks hard, specially the first few months. But if you got to 21, you can make it happen
    Did not lower your guard
  12. Thank you @DbArcher , I am glad this encourage you to keep fighting for your own reboot
  13. chuka

    chuka Fapstronaut

    fercho29 likes this.
  14. Thank you @chuka
  15. Thank you @Smartboyj , I am glad you found my post interesting!
  16. Smartboyj

    Smartboyj Fapstronaut

    you are welcome @fercho29 , I truely hope that one DAY i can be on here writting about myself beign clean for 21 months and helping others with this fight .... The way others on this web site have inspired me ....
    fercho29 likes this.
  17. You will @Smartboyj , it just require being stronger than the addiction, and understanding what makes us feel weak and relapse.
    It is a big step if you can understand what is triggering your urges, because this will allow you to be awake and kill those urges as soon as they appear.

    I recommend you to create your own "Emergency Toolbox" with readings that can be handy to read when you start feeling urges to screw up.
    I can share this post with you with my own Emergency Toolbox, it helped me a lot during the first few months, i had them in my cell and read them every time I started falling down:


    I wrote some tips in this post that perhaps will help you too:

    You can watch some interesting videos which are also very helpful in this post:

    I also suggest you to read "Breaking the Cycle" by George Collins, it is a must-read if you are serious about getting rid of this addiction.

    Last but not least, I would strongly recommend you to take the NoFap Academy course if you can afford it. The course is great but the best value are the weekly video calls with @alexander (the creator of NoFap and NoFap Academy) and Mark Queppet, where you can chat with them in real life and listen to other guys's stories and problems too.

    I hope that all this helps you to fight this shitty addiction.
    Let's keep on fighting

    im_alive likes this.
  18. Strength And Light

    Strength And Light Fapstronaut

    On Monday it will be 6 months no PM for me, only O with wife. I completely agree that the PMO cycle suspends adolescence, and stops emotional growth. I have matured more in these last 6 months than I have in the last 20 years before that.

    Great post. You are inspiring others to help themselves - making the world a better place. Great job!
    Zay1 and fercho29 like this.
  19. 6 months is great @Strength And Light . Is it not amazing how we grow up so fast when we can get rid of the PMO deceitful life we were living?
    Good job, man!
    Keep on fighting
  20. My wife went away on vacation for three days with some friends. This is a big challenge for my reboot.
    In the past, when she left me alone I always " took advantage " to have a feast of PMO, random hook-ups and hiring many escorts ( some times more than one at a time).
    I spent hours watching porn and MOing until I was exhausted and had nothing else to ejaculate. I used to be hours in the chat rooms or the hook up Apps, leaving and reading messages until I got a date. Most of the times the meetings were very disappointing, usually met guys that had nothing to do with the pictures they posted, or even guys who never showed up.
    This time is different. I have been sober for 21 months and I am not planning to relapse. It may seems tempting, with all the house just by myself for three days. The Gremlin soon started talking inside my head: " why not to take advantage of bing alone? What do you think your wife is doing with 8 friends in a beach resort? Come on, let's have some fun! Just once, after 21 months it will not harm you! "
    But I know this is not true. I do not trust the Gremlin. He has deceived me so many times in the past, promising the paradise, but just delivering hell.
    I have all my alert alarms tuned on.
    I know my weak points and know how to avoid them.
    When I arrive home, I stay downstairs with my notebook. I will just go up to my bed when I want to sleep, no notebook nor TV or other devices in the bedroom.
    I will go out with friends every night, so I am not too much by myself at home.
    I will come back and go directly to sleep.
    If I got an urge I need to get out, go somewhere with people.
    If it is too late, I will meditate or practice Tai Chi until the urge is gone.
    In case of an emergency I will text my AP.

    I have confidence in myself, this is one more step in my reboot and I will win