Newbie, don't know how to proceed

Discussion in 'Partner Support' started by StillStuckinReverse, Jan 23, 2017.

  1. StillStuckinReverse

    StillStuckinReverse Fapstronaut

    hi. So I'm new to NoFap. My husband is an addict. D-day was 09/25. This wasn't the first traumatic event, but it hit me hard. I didn't function, or leave my bed for 4 entire days. Meanwhile no one seemed concerned at all. That was another red flag. I have amazing instincts and for whatever reasons when it comes to my husband I almost always ignore them. Even when I do speak up about them, they are always (then and now) met with responses of how I am paranoid etc... it's always me until I have proof. Well I don't want to get into everything right now. Things seemed like they were going well with minor excuses on his part and then it stopped. Everything stopped and there wasn't much to begin with. Every resource every book etc. has all been basically handed to him from me and yet he does absolutely NOTHING to work on his recovery. There are so many issues here, abusive behaviors, his manipulative, narcissistic parents.... Anyways, I have decided to continue moving forward whether he does or not. I'm doing this for me and our children. If there's no change it will hurt but I'm preparing myself to say goodbye.
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  2. Hello
    I'm very sorry that you have to deal with this. Your husband has to want to get better. You can love him, encourage him and forgive him but ultimately he has to decide to face the facts and put in what it takes to get better and stop betraying you. This is the harsh nature of denial. If he wanted to get better, he should sign up on nofap. Professional help would make for a speedier recovery. Again, I send my consolations.
  3. StillStuckinReverse

    StillStuckinReverse Fapstronaut

    I just don't understand. How can he be so ughhhh!!! After d- day I said straight out that he had a problem. He finally admitted to using P and Ming all day everyday. That he would do this during work hours. He would be driving to his next job and decide to pull over in *fill in the blank* parking lot and do this. Instead of coming home would sit up the road at a very busy store and do this.... now how, how could you not think/ even if in the slightest way, that you had a problem with this? He had/has no issue coming up with excuses for not being even remotely intimate with me. But never crossed his mind that he had an issue come on! I just don't know what to do.
  4. It appears that his addiction is very powerful if his behaviour is so compulsive, and he makes no effort to stop despite you knowing about it. I think it would have crossed his mind that he has a problem. In fact his conscience would constantly be nagging him. But he suppresses the truth and turns away from it. To him, it is easier to continue on with his behaviour, to continue to be enslaved. He must be in a very dark place.

    You need to put your foot down and say enough is enough. Tell him why he has to stop, then start enforcing some measures. Take his phone away, organise therapy etc.

    I am probably one of the most ill-equipped people on this site to provide you with guidance in an issue like this, being 18 and single. There are a couple of married couples on this site who have gone through the same thing as you and triumphed. @ILoathePorn @ILoathePwife @lfromcr @jfromcr etc.
  5. ILoathePwife

    ILoathePwife Fapstronaut

  6. ILoathePorn

    ILoathePorn Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Sorry you are in this situation. It really sucks. The link that my wife shared with you is very good. We are here for you, this community offers awesome support. @Rubidium pretty much said to you what I would have said. Just remember to make sure to put yourself and your kids first. It isn't only you that is being affected by his PMO addiction, the kids are as well. I hope that you are able to get this figured out and that there is a possibility for things to heal between the two of you. You can also start a journal and keep track of things. Sometimes looking back through it can add some perspective down the road. I hope this helps. Stay strong!
    StillStuckinReverse likes this.
  7. i_wanna_get_better1

    i_wanna_get_better1 Fapstronaut

    As a married man I'll chime in as well. A normal, reasonable person would look at these symptoms would recognize that there is a problem. An outsider can objectively look at the fact and see that there is a problem. Unfortunately, an addict has a very difficult time looking at himself and acknowledge they have an addiction.

    Addiction is a mental illness. It is characterized by compulsive behavior, escalating behavior, and withdrawal symptoms. It also has a side effect of delusional thinking. The addiction becomes the most important relationship in their lives. The longer it goes on the more dependent they rely on it to offer them comfort. In order to continue the behavior they have to block out the negative consequences. A related tendency is that addicts develop selective memory where they can't recall the negative aspects of an event.

    I believe there are many levels of delusional thinking. Some wake up during the early stages while others have to have their whole world collapse before they change. Many men have to wait for a rock-bottom moment to cut through that delusional thinking. My wife knew about my problem and I refused to address it until one night my wife said she was going to move out and take our children with her and tell others the reason why unless I changed. That was my rock-bottom moment and I finally quit cold-turkey after more than 25 years. I refer to my addiction years as being in a porn coma because it was almost impossible to wake me up.

    Addiction never goes away on it's own or stays the same... it always escalates. Eventually he is going to have a rock-bottom moment that is out of his control such as getting arrested for masturbating in public or something like that. Another option is to induce a controlled rock-bottom moment by having an honest conversation where you establish boundaries, communicate your expectations and the clear consequences of not complying, and then follow through with escalating levels of consequences.

    Some husbands have woken up. Some try the bare minimum and fail. Some couples have broken up. Almost all would agree that any kind of action is better than the helplessness they feel when they first come here. I hope you are able to navigate the path that puts your family back together.
  8. StillStuckinReverse

    StillStuckinReverse Fapstronaut

    I thought our rock bottom was 4 months ago however he relapsed within the week, since then according to him he has not touched anything. As far as the phone, I waited until finally he mentioned restrictions on iPhone he tried to give me a million and 1 excuses as to why we shouldn't do it until finally I said no! So he does have that, however he also has a work phone that he can use. He has used it before to carry out sexting and such with another woman so I honestly can't see him not using it to watch porn. I am so relieved to have found this site. I've found tons of things online mainly with religious tones and almost all of them said to leave and forget about him ever getting help. He seemed like he was trying and things between us had deff gotten better but this was short lived. His parents actually incourage his behavior at least with the affairs and things. After the last issue with involved another woman, his father said that it was my fault! That I was abusive, I neglect my children, it gets worse. Oh and their main priority was to keep asking him to come there. To stay there! No working things out or how he should be held accountable! It was disgusting and still makes me sick! He did nothing to defend me and his mother knows that I know but has done nothing to rectify the situation. Instead I'm supposed to pretend nothing is wrong place nice, have these people over to my home! His father doesn't even speak to me! They are besides his addiction, the biggest issue in our relationship. Until he can get away from them I don't think he will ever change. It's pathetic actually because he blames almost everything on them but refuses to do anything about it. To be honest a huge part of me is afraid that if I do tell him to leave he will be lost forever. The only place he would go is to his parents and then it will get worse. Idk what to do. I know he's in there somewhere. His time is running out and there aren't anymore excuses left to use. Holidays have passed so I am working on building some kind of support for me. This way if and when the kids and I have to go, I will be able to do so. I'm also hoping that the fact that I (a bipolar agoraphobic, telephonophobic..) made an actual appointment with a therapist this week after actually trying for months will push him to see that I am very serious about this. Sorry for the rant.
    i_wanna_get_better1 likes this.
  9. StillStuckinReverse

    StillStuckinReverse Fapstronaut

    Oh I should add, I know all about addicts I've spent most of my life with them. I'm very familiar with mental illness as well. I suffer from it. I get the process which is another big reason why I know this isn't working. He can't just wish his issues away or they will just keep coming back. And I'm sure he doesn't need porn to jerk off, right?
    i_wanna_get_better1 likes this.
  10. StillStuckinReverse

    StillStuckinReverse Fapstronaut

    I've read this and requested to join. I'm looking forward to hopefully being apart of this group. There aren't many groups out there that don't blame the partner. I've learned a ton from I just don't know about paying monthly to join their support group.
  11. :( I can't believe people could be like this. You need to stand up for yourself and keep you and your children safe.
  12. StillStuckinReverse

    StillStuckinReverse Fapstronaut

    Thank you. Seriously I can not thank you enough for saying that. See one of my biggest issues is that I'm stuck in a warped reality also. I'm stuck with my only real support being him and his family. I'm isolated and my mom has her own issues to deal with (I'm more of the mom) And when I explain to him how the things that they do hurt me or how what they do is wrong he seems to not get it. He doesn't get angry or upset. He will simply shrug his shoulders in a "idk what am I supposed to do about it" way and agree that "it's messed up." Some of it whether it's an appropriate emotion or not at this point scares me. For instance I just blocked his parents from Social Media (mainly his dad) because I found out that he is friends with most of my family. This is someone who doesn't talk to me and I mean has never ever in 7yrs! Why would he need to be friends with my aunt, my 19yr old sisters bf?, or my 2nd cousin who I rarely speak to?! It's so that he can see everything that goes on in my/our lives at all times. This really has me on edge. There's always another reason why I have to see them weekly at a min. There's more and bigger things but I'm determined to make him see that this is not ok let alone acceptable behavior.
  13. i_wanna_get_better1

    i_wanna_get_better1 Fapstronaut

    Children who grow up in dysfunctional families often have poor coping skills. Addiction is an attractive way of coping with emotional pain. Many times we can hide our flaws while courting but after we get married the ability to hide our flaws disappear. If he has grown up in a family that enables his behavior then he will resent you for pressuring him to change. As long as he has people that reinforce his toxic behavior then he probably won't change.

    You also mention how things were better for a little while. Do you have any ideas why? Do you think he was actively doing something about his addiction or do you just think he was better at covering up?

    If he is reluctant or refuses to change then that leaves you with few options. If having an honest conversation and he continues to disrespect your boundaries and is willing to pay the price then you have to start looking after yourself. Branch out and try to form a support system that does not include family. Try to achieve a measure of financial independence. Consider a temporary separation as a tool to get him to change. Sometimes sharing with your SO that you have an exit plan may scare him into taking serious action.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  14. StillStuckinReverse

    StillStuckinReverse Fapstronaut

    Ok so it's weird cuz I mean when you look at both of our childhoods/ adolescence mine is clearly the one that was filled with issues. It's not until you dig deeper into his and see the complete lack of any kind of privacy& over control smothering... that makes you think hey? That's some crazy ish. Yes we were doing better for about a month. He was having little contact with his parents & was actually reading literature. We would talk about how he was for the day etc. and most of the time it was him offering information not me. Then it stopped. And old behaviors started. The not calling or texting while at work, not actually talking to me about anything other than specific jobs here and there. See I do blame his parents and honest to goodness I am not that type. I'm more of a take some responsibility, do it yourself, no one is gonna help you but you, type of person. In this case though they are a HUGE portion of the problem. They will not CAN NOT go more than 12 hrs without having some reason for him to call or text or come over. They created a lot of his issues and they exploit them to remain in control. I am done. I can't handle it. I'm mentally and physically ill from all of this. I know with all of my heart that if I stay and nothing changes I will be dead within a year. That scares the shit outta me. The fact that his parents will then screw up my daughters and more blatantly neglect my son. The fact that I have written out a "will" so to speak and have left information with certain people so if anything should happen to me neither him nor his parents will have custody of my children. These things are not normal. There is so so much to this thing. I will get help. I am determined to build a support system that I can rely/lean on. I will not go through another year or even another 6 months of constantly being afraid. My kids do not deserve to grow up this way. I honestly don't think I can remember a period of my life where I was actually happy. Obviously when my kids were born.. but I mean more than a day or 2. It's always been bad. I've always had horrible things happen to me no matter what I did. That's one of the biggest reasons why I'm agoraphobic. If I don't socialize with anyone and I mean anyone, then my chances of being heartbroken and torn apart are minimum right? Uhh smh boy was I wrong.
  15. You do need to build up your own support system. Obviously you have fears that have kept yourself from others, but it is time to take that chance again. There are people that will help you when you reach out. It may not seem like it right now, but others will be there for you if you let them in. You mentioned others that you confided in about your will and your plans if something were to happen to you, it sounds like you trust some people...You need to reach out. I get that you have extremely difficult issues to overcome in order to do this, but this is now your chance to push yourself. It's fight or flight time so to speak. I'm not suggesting you have to leave, but you do need support and a plan in case that time does come. Your children need you there to love and protect them.

    You mentioned that you don't believe that you will survive this at some point. What are you saying will happen? I hope things are not so bad that you are fearing your physical safety, or self harm. Again, your children need you. If you are fearing harm being done to you, you need to reach out for help and protection. There are shelters, legal assistance, or police.

    I hope you and your children are safe. If you fear this much, it is time for action. Are you fearful of his parents or him?
  16. StillStuckinReverse

    StillStuckinReverse Fapstronaut

    I am attempting to gain some kind of support right now. its difficult though. I've reached out to several places in the last few months and almost never get a response. There isn't a lot in my area which sort of makes no sense given the actual area.

    There also is no physical violence. It is still not a healthy situation for any of us and that includes him. I am determined to better our lives and sadly if he continues to procrastinate and make excuses as to why he can't do anything then we will have to move on separately. Safety plan has been a thought. And the only person left as far as trusting, it just isn't the same anymore.
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