A new Fapstronaut saying hello.

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by CraigR, Nov 18, 2016.

When did it get easier, cravings subside

Poll closed Jan 18, 2017.
  1. Within the first month

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  2. After 90 days

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  3. After 6 months or longer

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  1. CraigR

    CraigR New Fapstronaut

    21 hours and 37 minutes of my new life. I've tried to go cold turkey on the no porn drive for a long time. I arrogantly thought I was strong enough to do it without help. What I came to realise is I'm not yet strong enough to do it alone. It has cost me money, relationships, a loving family environment - twice. It, no my addiction and weak morality, has cost me everybody who ever loved me. The woman of my dreams hates me, I literally BURST into big thick rolling tears without warning, in TESCO, driving, with friends, listening to music, reading, gardening. It's damaged my self confidence almost beyond recognition. I have been told I'd need a circumcision due to the physical damage of done to my foreskin. I was so scared of ED I have myself porn-induced ED! I WOULD LOOK AT PORN AND EDGE FOR HOURS EVERY DAY FOR YEARS. When I look back at how much I've wasted and thrown away over the last 35 years its probably nearly a decade of that. I'm nearly 50 and have very little to my name. I have thousands of people who would testify that I was a liar, cheat, insubstantial, fake, secretive, and all those other wholesome adjectives. I subscribed to a path of destruction and committed myself to a dedicated life of meaningless harmful disrespectful pathetic depravity that took time and energy away from real life as well as time and energy to cover it up.
    I no longer want to have the tyranny of pornography anywhere around me. I'm taking it one minute at a time because that's how tough it is for me to stop this. Hopefully minutes will become hours and in turn days, weeks months and eventually I'll have lost count because it is removed, deleted, triple shredded, burned and buried. I want the person I was to be unrecognisable to the person I am. I ask for your help and support in making it stick until it becomes me.
    AndySky180 and Frühlingstimme like this.
  2. douggie1962

    douggie1962 Fapstronaut

    Welcome to the Movement.
    Sounds like you are 'sick and tired' of being 'sick and tired' - that is when you are ready for change. Those recovering from alcohol addiction must attend 90 AA Meetings on their first 90 days of sobriety. For success you need to live on this site. This site MUST replace any and all web surfing to include PORN, You Tube, Facebook and anything else. I like to check 'Forums, New Posts'. Glean from those who are doing well, and encourage those who need it, and avoid those who just want a 'Pity Party'.
    Porn has stolen too much from your life, and it is time to fight to get it back.

    Be Strong My Friend.
    AndySky180 likes this.
  3. douggie1962

    douggie1962 Fapstronaut

    William Ernest Henley, 1849 - 1903
    Out of the night that covers me,
    Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
    I thank whatever gods may be
    For my unconquerable soul.

    In the fell clutch of circumstance
    I have not winced nor cried aloud.
    Under the bludgeonings of chance
    My head is bloody, but unbowed.

    Beyond this place of wrath and tears
    Looms but the Horror of the shade,
    And yet the menace of the years
    Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

    It matters not how strait the gate,
    How charged with punishments the scroll,
    I am the master of my fate:
    I am the captain of my soul.
  4. Andyst343

    Andyst343 Fapstronaut

    I was the same, edging destroyed me its bad, I used to go for hours and hours 6-7 hours then sleep bit then go again, then end up in my usual dark place, wasted so many years and what gets me mad was all the opportunity's I gave away, gave my seed and life away.
    Then had my wake up call.. Just get your mind set right, and always remember why your doing this, can you afford to waste anymore years?
    AndySky180 likes this.
  5. Frühlingstimme

    Frühlingstimme Fapstronaut

    Hey Craig

    I feel the same. You are about twenty years ahead of me and I'm starting to be afraid I'll never accomplish anything in life, unless I throw away PMO. It's interesting how each story is different, but we feel exactly the same. That's the porn in action.

    Welcome to the group, have faith in yourself and look only the good examples (this site is full of losers)
    AndySky180, CraigR and Andyst343 like this.
  6. CraigR

    CraigR New Fapstronaut

    As I was welcomed to the site someone said, stay away from porn - duh kinda why I'm here. Stay away from YouTube - no I only watch camping, prepper and bushcraft stuff on there and other web stuff like Facebook. I hate antisocial media so that's no problem either. It's a PMO problem, I recognise my triggers and do my utmost to avoid them. If I feel the need for speed I hit the panic button on here or look at my 90 day countdown counter or the panic button on NF Companion a great app.
    AndySky180 likes this.
  7. CraigR

    CraigR New Fapstronaut

    By the way i bought a chastity cage and posted the lock number on FB. I think that's a massive accountability step. It's a meaningless message to anyone who doesn't know what it means.
    I'm starting my 90 days today now I know how hard I'm going to have to work on myself.