Has anyone experienced unrequited love?

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by Namekian23, Oct 21, 2016.

  1. Namekian23

    Namekian23 Fapstronaut

    Have you ever wanted to tell someone you loved or admired them, but you just couldn't do it? Yet there were things that were holding you back, but you didn't knew why. Other times, you already knew, and that could be due to low self-esteem, lack of confidence, fear, rejection, etc. Furthermore, it's heartbreaking when you see them with someone else, and they don't even pay attention to you before moving on to the next guy or girl. Not only that, they never gave you the chance even though you knew they could be treated better. I've been through this phase in my life many years ago. But has anyone ever experienced this? How did you cope?
    WesternWolf, Lone_Wolf and Noelle like this.
  2. Honestly, I think I've always been so afraid of that feeling that I just push myself out of my comfort zone to avoid the regret later. And the biggest example I can think of ended up being pretty embarrassing and ending in rejection. But hey, at least now I know. I would take that embarassment and rejection over regret and "what ifs" any day.
  3. Namekian23

    Namekian23 Fapstronaut

    You do have a good point, but taking the embarrassments and rejections one too many times can also be damaging. I mean, where's the fine line between taking a risk that's worth it or having your heart broken over and over again? On the other hand, these topics are in a different category of its own. As for the regret and what ifs, I try to be a believer knowing that everything happens for a reason, but some people lose faith of this concept. Especially when something happens for a bad reason, and the fact that embarrassment and rejection are already part of a continuing cycle doesn't help. Are you supposed to feel regret or have that what if moment? Does that really happen for a reason?

    Furthermore, I don't know what would have happened if I did told her the truth; I can't imagine what our lives would be like. In truth, we both rejected each other at one point, but in the end, we remained friends and she has someone that respects her at least. She has faced embarrassments and rejections like I have. I don't regret not telling her in the beginning because our friendship is now stronger. But like you said, there's always that what if moment. And honestly, it would turn out badly for the both of us, so you're right. I'd rather take the rejection and embarrassment from her because now I know.
  4. Ochanomizu

    Ochanomizu Fapstronaut

    I feel you, OP.

    There was this girl that I liked for a year, but I decided to wait it out, work on becoming better partner material, and get to know her better as friends before making a move. I confessed after that and it was mutual, we went out for a month.

    There was another guy chasing her during that month, and when we were dating, he confessed to her and she realised she liked him more than me, so she decided to go with him instead. We had the talk and she decided that she "didn't like me as much as she thought she did". It was heartbreaking to say the least.

    But now that I have had time to process my emotions, I do think that maybe it was better to have loved and lost than to never have loved before.

    All the best with your own situation!
    WesternWolf and Namekian23 like this.
  5. Noelle

    Noelle Fapstronaut

    There's always gonna be a guy or gal that's just not interested. They may have a girlfriend or boyfriend. Or they may just be looking for something else.

    As cheesy as it sounds, personality should be the most important quality of a potential dating partner. The eye always wanders. But something about a funny, humble, pleasant person is infectious and keeps me interested much longer than nice eyes or big muscles.
    Namekian23 likes this.
  6. Son_of_Iroquois

    Son_of_Iroquois Fapstronaut

    Dude, all the time, especially when I was a kid in school. I would get a crush on a girl and then get rejected. I see it as a natural process of maturation for the male to go through, one of natural selection where the female is essentially eradicating any emotional weakness within you. You start off green and naive, get rejected over and over, and through this trial by fire you develop a teflon thick level of emotional resilience. It is the roadmap to true inner confidence as a man.

    Ultimately "love" isn't a very strong currency when dealing with women. What they really want in a man is strength. When you say you "love" a woman, you're basically saying that you're emotionally weak on a certain level, you're emotionally overwhelmed by her presence. Showing that weakness is fine IF you've already won her over, i.e. you have demonstrated your strength and had her fall for you. However, if you do it before that, you're just another needy, emotional loser. Overall it's best to burn all emotional weakness away through the crucible of rejection.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2016
  7. Marcus_Demarco

    Marcus_Demarco Fapstronaut

    There was this girl I knew since the beginning of high school. I always thought she was cute but I never imagined myself making a move so I kinda just forgot about it. Throughout high school we would hang out evey now and we hung out the most during junior year when we tried to start a band (Which crashed and burned lol) and we had some beef with each other for a bit.So after high school we unexpectly started hanging out just me and her since we were attending the same college. And just one day out of nowhere I get huge feelings for her and up until this point I never had real feelings for anymone before. I was so tempted to just tell her even though I knew she wasn't going to mirror my feelings but I never did. I tortured myself by spending time with her because I was so happy and sad at the same time. Eventually we stopped hanging out I guess she figured it out with me being so dumb happy and laughing at everything she said.
    Namekian23 likes this.
  8. Namekian23

    Namekian23 Fapstronaut

    I see what you're saying in the first paragraph. Most of your experiences are similar to mine. I guess it was after high school when I first started having my own rejections countless of times with multiple girls. However, I gave myself credit for trying, and thus, I realized that even though I got rejected, I knew that I was able to talk to girls more easily. I've taken pictures with girls, took them out to the mall, and so on. Even though I haven't had a girlfriend, I'm more confident in knowing I'll get one eventually as long as I focus on myself.

    On the other hand, some people, like my brother, are just naturally gifted when it comes to approaching women. He can make them laugh, sooth them, and make almost any girl attracted to him. He was lucky, but for us, we had to go through it the hard way. It sucks, but that's just how things are. I think sometimes, it takes plenty of heartbreaks to either strengthen our emotional well being or to crush it. Not everyone can be toughened up like us; in fact, it might make us even more fragile.
  9. Namekian23

    Namekian23 Fapstronaut

    Dude that's the worst; I'm sorry to hear about that. Strangely enough, I had a similar incident but it was less severe. I remember I really liked this girl once, but I was afraid to tell her. I was going through a rough heartbreak at the time and I wasn't ready. As I was with her, however, she made me feel like I was on the top of the world. There was something about her and there was instant chemistry between us. Then on Christmas, I decided to tell her the truth of how I really felt, and as it turned out, she had a boyfriend at the time. I was like what the hell? We had such great chemistry, and you choose him? Anyway, that was my story. I know how it feels man.
  10. Deadlihood

    Deadlihood Fapstronaut

    Hi @Noelle. 20/m/straight/white/ugly. I have a semi-decent personality, am kind of funny sometimes, semi-pleasant, and have little-to-no muscle in my body!

    My eyes are also stupid looking: o_O

    You said "cheesy" -- how funny, I like cheese myself! See, we're already finding things out about each other.

    Warm regards,
    Jensen Ackles
    (713) 526-8400
    4317 E. Fapper Blvd
  11. LilD

    LilD Fapstronaut

    I had a crush in high school, which I thought wasn't mutual. Years later I found out she liked me back, that made me sick of myself for not making any moves.

    Now, I have an unrequited love again, this time I asked her out on a date and was politely rejected. I was arguing with myself about if I should try again and decided to stop any further attempts and just accept the rejection. I always want to see her badly, but when I saw her today, I was trying my best to not look at her. I want to smile when I see her face, but today didn't even looked into her eyes when I said, "hello," and later I was crying alone at home.

    She is the cutest. I am obsessed and I want to stop it.
    Namekian23 likes this.
  12. Does it count if it's the guy that's in love with you and you don't have feelings for him back? I've had this issue a couple times when I was in public school.

    Poor guy didn't understand that I was going through severe issues in life and couldn't form a proper relationship with him at the time. I remember he and I had gym together and he was crying because I rejected him and people were calling me a heartless bitch. I got angry as fuck at him and started to hate him so I purposely avoided him for it.

    Now that I'm more mature I understand I should have took a different approach at it, so maybe both of us wouldn't have been so affected by the experience.
    Namekian23 likes this.
  13. Unrequited love is one of those human experiences that should be a mandatory life-lesson/life-torture for every person.

    I fell in love with someone who only kind of loved me back. He told me I'm the kind of girl he wants to settle down with but he's not ready to settle down and be with one person for the rest of his life. He's very hot and gets girls easily. He hates the idea of being "trapped" which he sees any commitment as. We don't talk anymore, although ostensibly we are still "friends" but neither of us maintains the friendship. But I still think about him on the daily.

    Only one other guy has measured up and could exceed him in my eyes. But he's in his own unrequited love situation with a different girl. He and I are good friends.

    Both of these guys have told me I'm their second essentially. As in, "if I didn't still have feelings for (other chick), I would want to be with you". But what I've learnt is, seconds never become firsts. They will always be second. The first chick could leave the picture, but you will not take her place. Once he's put you in second, you will never be first.
  14. Namekian23

    Namekian23 Fapstronaut

    Interesting story. For me, I was never able to figure out if my crush ever liked me...at all. We were good friends back then, and we still are even though she moved to another state. We even talked about relationships, love, and so on. However, she never seemed interested in me and was always seeing other dudes only to have her heart broken over and over. The only reason why I didn't tell her the truth was because I was too afraid just like you were. Her best friend told me jokingly that my crush thought I was "weird" at first. I didn't know if she was being truthful or not, but after seeing her chase every other guy, but me, I automatically knew she didn't liked me the same way I liked her.

    But for you, at least you know that she liked you. Sometimes we gotta take these life lessons and learn from it. Next time don't let anything get in your way, especially when you have feelings for someone. Even if they think you're awkward or something, it doesn't that you can't still be with them. You just have to man up and prove your worth, but you'll just never know what will happen until you try. Also, if it doesn't work out, it's not the end of the world; there's still plenty of females out there ;)
    LilD likes this.
  15. Namekian23

    Namekian23 Fapstronaut

    I believe unrequited love comes in many shapes and sizes. Each case has its own scenario, but in yours, I think it's a little different. Sometimes when people experience unrequited love, their crush is oblivious to how you feel about them. That's how it was for me at least. I liked this girl many years ago liked I told LilD from above, and she was never aware that I liked her. She kept chasing other guys only to have her heart broken over and over. It was even worse when I finally told her the truth years later. She completely rejected the fact that I liked her for so long, but I still told her I wanted to be friends.

    In your case, you just weren't ready to be in a relationship and your admirer didn't realize that. If he'd known, he wouldn't have approach you to begin with. Sometimes, people who've dealt with unrequited love never receive rejection from their crush directly, but rather indirectly. My crush had no idea that it devastated me knowing that she was always liking some other guy. She also wasn't aware that I had feelings for her because I hid it so well. And when I told her the truth of how I felt, she was in denial. Anyway, that's my whole bit on this topic.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. Namekian23

    Namekian23 Fapstronaut

    It's interesting to hear about unrequited love from another person. In your case, it seems that the experience you had was much closer and more intimate. For me and the girl I really liked, we had a good friendship at one point, but we still stayed in touch through Facebook only because she moved far away to another state. I even have her cell phone number just in case I need it. However, just like in your case, we are still technically "friends" but we rarely keep in touch anymore. And I too, still have pleasant thoughts of her from time to time. Other than that, I don't think I have too many more experiences of unrequited love.
  17. Yes best friend's faternal twin sister. Dude was a gentle giant but extremely protective of his sister and mother. Also a blocker for the football team that other teams would assign 2-3 guys to cover. Me and him trusted eachother and we were virtually members of eachothers family. I was virtually in love with her, but didn't want to betray him.
    Namekian23 likes this.