All girls reject me except one...

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by jorgeder98, Jan 22, 2016.

  1. jorgeder98

    jorgeder98 Fapstronaut

    Sex is something that can always go wrong if it is not taken with serious responsibility.

    I have a mindset when having sex is referred.
    * I don't have sex with a girl if I consider that I couldn't face a pregnancy or something worst with her.. (it doesn't mean I have to be in love with her in order to have sex...)

    I don't want more kids to be raised without a father. So I seriously think when having sex.
    SONofVEnus likes this.
  2. Machin

    Machin Fapstronaut

    You'll have to face rejection sooner or later. Maybe not now if it's very sensitive, but it's a part of the scary things to do.
    You'll have to get used to being rejected, because if you're never rejected, it means you didn't try hard enough.
    Rejection means you've reached some kind of threshold beyond which is something that matters to you.
    Rejection means you're out of your comfort zone, and it's in this very place where you can grow the most.
    Getting comfortable with rejection is still hard for me, but when I reach it, I know I tried.
    And I learned that I always will be less rejected than I thought... ;)
  3. Harvhe

    Harvhe Fapstronaut

    In some senses of the word, unless you untangle the reasons why this girl is interested in you, it might be linked to your 'Mr nice guy' nature.

    We are all human. Maybe she see's you as different and wants your emotional company.
    SONofVEnus and jorgeder98 like this.
  4. jorgeder98

    jorgeder98 Fapstronaut

    Thank you man!, in this moment I'm fighting because in the past other's approval was almost everything to me, I don't want to feel approved or disapproved by others, I don't want to put my self out there and expect people to reject me or not to reject me.
    SONofVEnus likes this.
  5. jorgeder98

    jorgeder98 Fapstronaut

    She said when I asked her why she wanted to be with me... she said "You offer me something different, you don't want me just for a night of sex.. you are very smart and full of things..." something like that.. anyway I don't talk to this girl anymore, it's been a month since the last time we talked.

    I finally started reading the book mr nice guy.. I hope it can bring some clarity into this
    SONofVEnus likes this.
  6. SONofVEnus

    SONofVEnus Fapstronaut

    Hi jorgeder98.....

    I must tell you my experience..... I am also happy for you, that you rejected that girl because of her past. I can tell you, I was living now for 5 years with a woman who totally frightened me with her sexual past.... I was struggling for five years to overcome that problem.... I tried everything..... Self inquiry, meditation, talking to her, talking to other people, accepting her past, my past, I didn't get through it........ I learned a lot..... We know each other very well now, we understand each other, but we cannot live with each other...... I mean it is not completely done, but I just couldn't overcome her past.....

    Maybe I will overcome that someday, but I think, maybe, like someone said here, you respect yourself enough..... I think there are not a lot of women out there who would suit us.......

    So, don't worry, try to enjoy your life as a single it has a lot of benefits, I can tell you that now, after being 5 years in a relationship..... If it is not a good, healthy relationship, that lifts you, makes you feel better than you will suffer more than being alone, I know that now..... But we get on our way exactly the thing we needed in order to be free...

    But, remember, your wishes will become true, this way or another..... So, be honest to your self, love yourself, and wish for a good girl, not just a girl............

    Take care, man
    jorgeder98 likes this.
  7. jorgeder98

    jorgeder98 Fapstronaut

    WoW man , thank you for taking the time to write your experience, I don't know wether is better not to know about one's partner past or to know it all. I've been alone too since I left this girls, and it was for the same reasons as you , I didn't feel good , it didn't make me feel in some way happier... (I'm not saying a relationship is a panacea ) but at least a relationship must make you feel better not more miserable.

    (sorry for my english, i'm not native! )
  8. SONofVEnus

    SONofVEnus Fapstronaut

    yes, you seem young, but very wise........ i am 38, and i learned only now what you already know....
    this sentence:
    says it all........
    just follow that no matter what others say, because 90% of people will in all different ways say the opposite......
    just follow that and you will find the right one............ it is better, on my opinion, to wait for the right one, and have a pleasant relationship, although the society makes fun of you because you are virgin, single or whatever...................
    don't think if girls reject you, that it is something wrong with you..... life is just challenging you, how strongly you respect yourself, how much you love yourself.......... i was young, and i made a mistake, because i was trusting society and girls which rejected me more than i trusted my self.......... i was repareing my self more and more....... so long, there was nothing left....... i need to reestablish this again..............

    and i think it is better to know, man.......
    better to know everything,
    because i found out, sooner or later you will this or that way need to know her parents, live with them for some time, know her friends, hobbies...........and past too, of course, you will see photos of her etc............
    if you live together, you share, you cannot cut away that...........
    just imagine, living with someone for 20 years in all those situations and not knowing the basics like what was her past like or her parents? for me that is impossible........ at least it was in my case....... now, when i am starting to be single again, i see, it is quite difficult to find a partner who suits you........because it is all that which is important as well, not just her..... i think that it is a fairy tail, if we think, if I just love her, everything will be ok......... i am not 100% sure, because i need time now to rethink everything that happen............

    but i support you totally and admire your courage.......
    stay strong man......... life will challenge you

    and this is my opinion,
    don't take it too serious, think with your head..........
    i may be wrong................
    jorgeder98 likes this.
  9. jorgeder98

    jorgeder98 Fapstronaut


    Thank you for your positive vibe, I really hope you can find a better woman or if you don't I hope life gives you love in other ways (family ,friends...etc)
    You made a great point , it is good to wait for the girl that suits you, but if you have the chance to be with a girl do it, get to know her, and that's the only way of really telling if she's right for you. Don't ever let yourself be guided by the first impression (when relationship is referred)

    I agree with you, it might be better to know it all, and then decided if worth continuing the relationship. But is so sad to realize that your current girlfriend was endless b*tch but it is better to know it.

    The good thing about being alone and in someway keeping orgasm and porn away is that you feel in control of your life and you are not so insastisfied with your life as single. So we might not have a relationship, but hey... life is much more complex than having a relationship... so many things to explore... so many things to learn... I'm open to a good relationship, but meanwhile I'm enjoying myself learning to play music , languages and quitting porn and masturbation addiction.

    Positive Energy for you and everyone around you, keep fighting , keep strong, let's keep working ourselves to be better than yesterday
    SONofVEnus likes this.
  10. Wanderer90

    Wanderer90 Fapstronaut

    I honestly don't see the problem here. There's a woman interested in you. I'd choose to feel good about this, regardless of whether the interest was mutual or not. It's confirmation that you aren't as undesirable as you thought you were.
    You, however, are not interested in her for whatever reason. That's fine. So, the only logical and acceptable answer here is to not even *think* about this. You are not "attracted" to her on an emotional/mental level because of a certain history and personality, you don't want to be in a relationship with her, so don't do it. You respect yourself, you respect her, everyone wins out in the end even though it might not be apparent right away. Honesty prevails, you remain true to yourself and show a healthy amount of respect for yourself. Never, ever do anything you personally don't 100% agree with. It's got nothing to do with being a "nice guy". It's got to do with self-respect, period. I've rejected women that I didn't want to be with too. It's kind of a scumbag move to say "yes" when you're really thinking "no", isn't it?
    jorgeder98, Red Eagle and SONofVEnus like this.
  11. SONofVEnus

    SONofVEnus Fapstronaut

    Well written wanderer90, by my opinion.....
    In our society the problem i think is exactly what you described:
    Don't be a nice guy, respect your self in the first place.....
    I didn't do that and everything was wrong.....
    I didn't respect her, too, of course.........

    And yes, jorgeder98, as wanderer90 said, you could feel good about she was interested in you. That's all. If there is one, there can be 2, 3, 4............. of course man, deep down every woman wants a man who respects him and her....... so there are planty out there who are potentially interested in is logical.......
    And as you said, exactly there are so many other things in life, i congratulate in playing the music etc...... you are brave, man......
    Wrong relationship can occupy your mind totally, and you will start to wish for freedom as i did........
    And i learned in my life, that everything i wished for really honesrly, mostly without knowing it, came to my life..........

    Take care both of you
    jorgeder98 and Wanderer90 like this.
  12. jorgeder98

    jorgeder98 Fapstronaut

    A great piece of advice, I really appreciate your insights and agree 100% , this girl is still asking me to go out and in some way wants to have sex with me... but I'm not doing anything with her, I know I'd had sex with her and then regret it, because I don't want to talk to her I don't like her , I wouldn't like to talk to her after sex or something... so I'm not doing anything.
    SONofVEnus and Wanderer90 like this.
  13. jorgeder98

    jorgeder98 Fapstronaut

    Thank you SonofVEnus is great to hear that. I think in some way we all have something to offer to the world and it's great when a girl recognizes that something in you.

    You should try learning some instrument you were interested it is really helping me in this process, besides my studies music is all my life.

    Take care man, great having your insights in this thread!
    Wanderer90 and SONofVEnus like this.
  14. Hey man I feel the same. I would just try to work on something, like goals, career, bodybuilding, exercising, to keep myself busy at the time. I would read stuff about women...research on how to get them. I found this book to be very helpful:

    That book changed my life. But for you, I would work on self image and self development first. Don't rush it. Be patient. I hope this helps
    jorgeder98 likes this.
  15. jorgeder98

    jorgeder98 Fapstronaut

    I'm going to take a look a this book and see what can teach me about girls, I hope to put the advices in practice later on life, because right know single it is (trying to focus in leaving porn addiction, my career and music)

    Thank you for your feedback, take care man :)
    SONofVEnus likes this.