Recently married seeks support for husbands pmo

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by DireMerl, Oct 6, 2015.

  1. DireMerl

    DireMerl Fapstronaut

    I'm not sure why I feel ashamed. I suppose it's because I feel like it's a comment on me. I'm not good enough or whatever. I know it's not about that. But I just can't help that feeling. I'm working on my self esteem. Because this is something that's been with me for a while and it needs to change xx
    WifeInTheDark likes this.
  2. Mj1064

    Mj1064 Fapstronaut

    It's hard to shake that feeling that we're not pretty enough, too curvy, not curvy enough bla bla bla. We are who they fell in love with! I was forever saying to hubby 'I don't seem to be enough for you, or why would you keep searching for these girls?' It sucks. I hope you can find a way to build yourself up :)
    WifeInTheDark likes this.
  3. WOTL

    WOTL Fapstronaut

    I just caught up reading your journal after a while. First of all, you should know that your weight or looks has nothing to do with your husband's addiction. If you want to lose weight to feel better about yourself, for whatever reason you choose... Great. If you don't, that is OK too. And whoever questions your identity or attractiveness based on this shows lack of awareness about how human value is generated. Having said that, I am not surprised at all, your husband was not recovering. This is difficult, very difficult even for the people who are very committed to the recovery. Perhaps he was and failed, perhaps he wasn't. But the reality is that PMO distorts everything. It poisons the mind, it distorts the truth, it basically kills love. And sooner or later it destroys relationships... You have shown great commitment to help your husband. You have encouraged others to try and reach out to him. This shows you are courageous and your husband should realize he is lucky to have someone who still cares about him. I hope that by the time he decides to fix this situation and take control of the addiction it is not too late. He can do it if he is committed... If he is relentless.. If he is willing to cut to the chase and do the work. At the same time in the heat of the moment, nasty things are said. Do not let them affect you. Your husband probably did not mean what he said. He probably wants to recover and needs to figure out how to do this. Best of luck and stay strong!
    WifeInTheDark, CdB and DireMerl like this.
  4. Silverback

    Silverback Fapstronaut

    Just reading the thread & replies, I would like to add my tuppence worth.
    The above reply from @TheWife is superb, even from my point of view I couldn't agree more, excellent words.
    @DireMerl you do what feels good for you, your self esteem is most important. @Mj1064 & I are working on improving our health with nightly walks, though she moans forever about them, they are doing us good (aren't they?).
    My journey is getting easier as I try to get away from porn, I'd be a liar if I said it's a "doddle", because it is not, but I am making sure I resist the urges to go back. It is not easy, but if I was to try & MJ asked me how it's going, I would have to lie, again. I do not want that to happen as I would only be lying to myself in the first instance, what does that achieve?
    Anyway, I wish you all well in your journeys, I hope & pray that you all have a successful & happy outcome, I'm determined we will, we have put too much into this to lose it all.
    Take care all
  5. DireMerl

    DireMerl Fapstronaut

    Thanks as always for the support guys. You make this process less awful.

    Things seem to be looking up after the weekend. The husband is happy to get a blocker for my piece of mind. Although he has said he is determined this time. He's also removed a dodgy element on Facebook. I was very happy about this as I know he didn't have to do that. He said he would rather make me happy. He says he is determined never to make me cry again (unless I'm giving birth apparently haha).

    I'm not nieve enough to think we're riding off into the sunset together. I know there will be stumbling blocks along the way. But as long as he's showing the desire to work through our issues, I can forgive setbacks. And to be completely fair to him, his pmo use has lessened dramatically. So he has made significant progress. I think the struggle lately is more to do with trying to find a way to replace that dopamine fix.

    We're going out for a nice meal on Friday together. Probably our first date night in a long time. I'm hoping things are looking up xx
  6. Mj1064

    Mj1064 Fapstronaut

    So glad he's playing ball - especially with the Facebook thing. Anywhere @Silverback can chat makes me nervous! I seem to be particularly teary at the moment and I know I have no reason to's just the 'what if' that scares the shit out of me. Anyway......... let's hope your hubby's aim of no crying works :) Hope the blocker gives you the peace of mind you need and have a fab time on Friday :)
  7. DireMerl

    DireMerl Fapstronaut

    Feeling teary is ok. It's understandable. Let yourself feel upset sometimes. Its cathartic to let your emotions out sometimes. Do something nice for yourself when you feel a bit down. Worrying endlessly about what if will only drive you crazy. I know it's impossible to let go of that feeling sometimes. Try taking one of the pmo recovery steps on board. Don't push those feelings away. Acknowledge them. Give yourself a certain amount of time to cry or worry. Then her up and do something else. I hope you feel better xx
    WifeInTheDark and Silverback like this.
  8. Mj1064

    Mj1064 Fapstronaut

    Thanks :)
  9. DireMerl

    DireMerl Fapstronaut

    Update time hooray! Not much to be told really. The dreaded manflu has arrived in the house. The husband has been feeling a bit sorry for himself. We went out on the weekend and got another ps4 contoller so we can play some games together. Currently playing Diablo 3 which is very entertaining.

    As far as I can tell things are ok on the pmo front. Nothing suspicious going on. We're trying to spend more quality time together which is nice. Weather here is utterly crap so there's a lot of snuggling up with the duvet and watching films or playing games.

    I'm feeling hopeful that this really is a turning point. Hope everyone is doing well xx
  10. DireMerl

    DireMerl Fapstronaut

    Feeling pretty crappy today. Struggling with images in my head. Stressing about things that never even happened. I know it's all in my head but it's really distressing me. Interupting my sleep and making me irritable.

    To top it off, he got some pretty terrible news in work today so I'm unable to talk to him about my fears because I don't want to stress him out any further.

    He is planning to go out on Friday. There is a chance that the girl he was flirting with will be there. He has said he will check she won't be there before deciding to go. I feel like I can't tell him not to go. I'm also worried that he may bend the truth just so he can go out for a drink with his friends. I wonder if I can trust my own judgment. Maybe I'm being over dramatic.
    WifeInTheDark likes this.
  11. Mj1064

    Mj1064 Fapstronaut

    I guess if he's been ok up until now you're just going to have to trust him. Don't suppose you can go with him can you? You're both going to be feeling pretty shitty at the moment but hope you can still keep the lines of communication open.
  12. DireMerl

    DireMerl Fapstronaut

    I spoke to the husband last night about my worry over the girl.

    He was very understanding. He recognises that he made a stupid mistake and is so sorry that he ever made me feel like he was interested in anyone else. He has reassured me that he has no feelings for this girl and it was just a meaningless comment. He's also said he will stay home if she will be there, or he said He's like me to come if I want to.

    He's also asked me to stay home tonight (i go to my parents on a wednesday) as he's feeling really depressed about his work situation and wants to spend time with me. Which is very sweet. He normally pulls away in these situations so it's nice to feel he wants to include me in his decisions. He even called my mum to ask her advice. I think he feels very close to my family.

    It's six years since we started dating today. We're not celebrating or anything as we decided we would just start celebrating our wedding anniversary to make things less confusing. It's also 4 days before Valentine's day. But it's nice to just chill together and have a snuggle in front of the tv.

    I'm feeling better today. Still worried about work situations but happy about our relationship. Xx
    WifeInTheDark and WOTL like this.
  13. Mj1064

    Mj1064 Fapstronaut

    I'm so glad you had 'that talk' and he responded in the right way for you. For him to not go, or you to go with him are the best (in my humble opinion) solutions and will greatly help you on the 'trust' front.
    To have him acknowledge, apologise and comfort you must really help. Shame about the shitty job bit but at least you can tackle that together.
    Gamerwife85 likes this.
  14. DireMerl

    DireMerl Fapstronaut

    Feeling positive today that we might actually work things out. The husband decided to stay home Friday night. He said he wasn't in the right frame of mind to go out drinking. I was pleased because he usually uses alcohol if he's feeling down. I don't think that healthy so I'm happy he chose not to go.

    We've had a lovely weekend together playing games, eating nice food and having a quiet drink. Of course watching the rugby too. The husband actually paid me a compliment yesterday. I can't remember the last time that happened. I feel like he's really trying to get back to normal.

    Work things are still up in the air but we're working on it together. And that's a good thing. Hope y'all had a good weekend xx
    TheWife, MaKa and WifeInTheDark like this.
  15. DireMerl

    DireMerl Fapstronaut

    Today I weep for humanity. Not because of anything the husband has done really. I have been thinking a lot about our hypersexualised culture. Maybe I'm super sensitive to it at the moment but it seems to be everywhere. Female celebrities wander around practically naked. Women aren't valued for who we are or what we can achieve. We are simply valued for randomly selected genetic wobbly bits. Grown men, with children, seem unable to stop ogling the naked flesh that's constantly paraded in front of them. I don't really blame them. It makes me sad.

    There are so many women out there. Fighting for equality. Fighting to put an end to gender stereotypes. Fighting to be recognised for their achievements. Intellectual, brilliant, funny and kind women. Women who want to make a difference in the world. And it's all swept away with the flash of a breast. And once again, it's something that men get away with. Male celebrities are able to strut around in speedos, but it doesn't detract from their gender's achievements. It doesn't hinder them from being successful buisnessmen, world leaders, scientists. Because clearly men have more to offer than flesh.

    We think we're making progress, only to be sabotaged by our own. I'm not suggesting that men don't suffer from objectification. But it is far less prevalent than what women have to put up with. We're constantly catalogued by how hot we are, how big our boobs are, how thin we are, how much our asses wobble. In all honesty, has a man ever looked at a woman and wondered how smart she is, what her views are on world events, what books she's read? Nope. It all boils down to basic reproductive organs. And if NoFap, and countless other anectdotal evidence is to be believed. Half the men on the planet are unable to have successful intercourse with these fit women anyway.

    So yeah. Today I'm mostly having a pity party. Do you want to join me? We have comfy chairs. Maybe even cake.
  16. TheWife

    TheWife Distinguished Fapstronaut

    I'll join the pity party. I have red wine to bring along with me. I think I can also rustle up a cheese platter. I have a great tomme in the fridge.

    Totally agree. It is very sad to see.

    We can change though. One person at a time. If each of us makes an effort we can make it a better world, slowly.

    Do we have to stay on topic at your pity party or can we meander into other discussion areas?
    MaKa, WifeInTheDark and Mj1064 like this.
  17. DireMerl

    DireMerl Fapstronaut

    You, my darling, can discuss whatever you like. Something on your mind?
    Mj1064 and WifeInTheDark like this.
  18. TheWife

    TheWife Distinguished Fapstronaut

    No, nothing in the noggin. Just think that a discussion on the sad state of humanity could be a little depressing.

    How you doing today?
  19. DireMerl

    DireMerl Fapstronaut

    I'm all right. Plodding along. Trying to get through the days.

    The husband seems to be doing well. Still finding it hard to believe him. Suppose I always will. How are things with you? Xx
    WifeInTheDark likes this.
  20. TheWife

    TheWife Distinguished Fapstronaut

    There will always be doubts now for us. That is a hard pill to swallow. Knowing that we will always have a question mark in our marriages.

    Me, I just dropped my mum off at the train for her to return home after 2 weeks with us. I hate being so far away from my family. We are close and I miss them terribly. I just found an uneaten advent calendar, so I'm comfort eating away the afternoon when I should be doing something productive.
    Mj1064 and WifeInTheDark like this.