All girls reject me except one...

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by jorgeder98, Jan 22, 2016.

  1. jorgeder98

    jorgeder98 Fapstronaut

    Hola :) , so I met a girl few months ago and I invited her to go out, we had great fun and we kissed in the second date, then we started to hanging out even more and we decided it could be something not as a serious relationship but it could be just affectionate sex (she said that word!) . I accepted but instatly lost the attraction to that girl...seriously I was expecting more.

    After months she ended some way "in love " with me and she asked me about being in a relationship and so on...

    The truth this girl is the first one to respond to me, all other girls ended up rejecting me before a first date, even my female friends always made up stories just not to go out with me on one on one date.

    These last days I tried with some girls and all rejected me , I'm loosing hope here, I'm very angry about being rejected and always the same thing, and so sad that the only girl seems to like me was a total b*ch , I know is rude to call her that way , but man you haven't heard her sex stories.

    Anyway, I'm sick I don't find any girl attracted to me, this feeling of emptiness of being undesirable, being the "thing" no one wants , that feeling is killing me.

    I'm very sentitive about this topic, I feel hopeless.
    Some months ago in someway rejection made me strive for success, to have very high notes on college, to make more money and to buy stuff in order to be able to reject any girl that rejected me in the pass and also I was very unfriendly with girls I just wanted apart very far from me I hated tem, now fortunaly this mindset has changed but my loneliness and hopeless remaind the same
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2016
  2. Red Eagle

    Red Eagle Fapstronaut

    And why didn't you want to be in a relationship with this one girl? I mean ok, at the beginning she just wanted to have sex with you, but it seems to me that in time she developed feelings for you.
    With sex stories, do you mean things she has done with previous partners or things she is interested in? I don't really get from your text why you lost attraction to her or why you think she is a bitch. Maybe she has some fantasies that you consider disgusting, but you can talk about that.
  3. Brasileiro

    Brasileiro Fapstronaut

    Since when you need a girl to be happy?
  4. jorgeder98

    jorgeder98 Fapstronaut

    Sorry English isn't my native tongue, thanks for your answer.. I loosed interest in her because I found her past sexual experiences (quite a lot and disgusting), so I don't want to be with this girl. And basically she is the only one ever to show some interests in me. Besides , I don't find her attractive for a comitted relationship.
    Asgardian36 likes this.
  5. jorgeder98

    jorgeder98 Fapstronaut

    Yes that's what I was thinking on my way to school, I think it would be good to take myself out of the dating game and work out on myself, I think rejection could hurt me a lot in this moment.
  6. melancholy king

    melancholy king Fapstronaut

    Not to derail this thread from you onto me or anything, but I would to just make to talk about myself (and some others) sort of as an example. I'm 21, male, never had girlfriend, never had sex with a woman (although I did play around with some guys) and in general I feel very much the same way you do. I think it really depends on exactly WHY the rejection hurts you, why you feel a relationship is so important to you.

    You are beating yourself up way too much my friend, the fact that you rejected that (bitchy, slutty, sketchy) female shows that you have self respect and won't just go out with any ole thing the cat drags in. To me this is crucial in life, most guys will bang any chick if she's hot enough, never mind her personality or her interests or her past or whatever. So you show a lot more respect for yourself than most men do, take pride in that. You should feel good about rejecting that girl, not bad. Going with this I have to make a point here, some people can live the rest of their lives alone and be incredibly happy that way, whereas some are in long term relationships and feel miserable, what makes you think that being in a relationship is so necessary? Not suggesting that it can't do any good for you, because it surely can provided you are with the right type of person, but its not all glitter and rainbows just because you hook up with someone. I don't know anything about relationships personally, but I can tell you just from looking from the outside that they require a lot of time and energy and sacrifices to be successful. In some ways they are actually bad for you, so don't feel to excited about getting wet now.

    Women (as are men) can be very shallow, at least at first glance, so if you improve on yourself, they are bound to take notice eventually. Like if you focus on school and get the degree you need for a certain career, and you end up in a career that pays well and everything, then women would be far more likely to want you. You could use this example for other things but there you go.
    Kirito, Pancho, Asgardian36 and 2 others like this.
  7. jorgeder98

    jorgeder98 Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your support and WOW man, 110 days without porn or masturbation! ,that's great. I'm trying to get little by little until that stuff is out of my life.

    I definitely don't want to be with that girl, I definitely will focus on building friendship (with men and if some females want to be my friends)
    Asgardian36 likes this.
  8. BrainPlasticity

    BrainPlasticity Fapstronaut

    Wow, I was going to post a thread in the Loneliness section until I stopped to read this thread. @jorgeder98 right now I'm feeling the same frustration you were feeling. I'm so grateful that I live in the US, there are so many pretty girls here compared to my previous country. It's amazing that I have such opportunities!!. On top of that, I have so much going for me, I look above average, I'm highly educated, have an exciting career, my goals are big and I'm moving steadily towards accomplishing them but damn it!! I can't believe I don't have the kind of girls I want in my life just because my dating skills are weak!.
    There are some girls/women who find me attractive but they're below my standards! If there are better things that life can offer me, why should I settle for less!? Hmm I guess me being picky is a problem, ah but why aren't attractive girls attracted towards me!? the matches I get on dating apps are below my standards, the girls I cold-approach reject me even though my approach was bold. I know that dating is a skill, if I master that skill I'll have a huge success rate, and I'm doing something about it by cold-approaching almost everyday. But focusing too much on the outcome instead of the learning process. I feel so impatient! Dating is hard if you're not socially competent, I started to think, damn I wish I was not born so I don't have to deal with these desires and frustrations!!

    But oddly enough, reading the posts on this thread, and typing this down is making me think clearly now :)
    Outcome dependency has to be off the table to focus on becoming a stronger version of ourselves first. That outcome dependency of wanting sex, wanting a gf etc can turn into an addiction; constantly staring at women, constantly looking for pretty women, constantly feeling the urge to approach, constantly feeling envy of other couples, or guys who are PUAs etc, all this instead on learning and sticking to a routine.
    We've got to sacrifice today for tomorrow's betterment; focus on sharpening the Axe so that it can cut down any large tree on my path. I took up the 6 month celibacy challenge to turn myself into the ultimate weapon, capable of accomplishing any goal. I had intended to start looking for sex/gf once this journey is over so that I take it on with a better mindset, and a better body. Now it's time to continue sharpening the Axe. I guess I got bored and frustrated of sharpening the Axe; I was thinking, damn it I've been sharpening it for so long, when the hell will I get to cut down some trees!? @melancholy king thanks for providing your rational perspective on this. You're right, I'm sure pretty women are also shallow and frustrated like me because they're unable to get the kind of guys that meet their standards. In time, once the Axe is fully sharpened, they will notice me.
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2016
  9. jorgeder98

    jorgeder98 Fapstronaut

    It's great this thread also helps you @BrainPlasticity , I think when you look at a girl you should see it as a whole ( her physical aspects and how she behaves, how she is with people around her...personality counts my friend)
    I think in this time of our lives we tend to focus on just one thing (is she hot?) and women as well ( is he hot?) , but beyond that is a whole being that could contribute to us.

    I'm not above average, I think I'm just not "disgusting to see" , ahhahaa , I say that because it seems so... allow me to say that I know that thinking could be unreasonable because I'm making a judgment based on my feelings and in someway facts..

    I think something that might be influencing is in my country white women ( they are not really white, they are a mix) they see black men as not worthy , or they could talk to you but when you bring the topic "would you hang out with a black man/ girl" .. they answer "no, I wouldn't"

    you ask "why?"
    they say "I don't know , they could be hot or nice but not thanks."
    I think this mindset of people around me could helping me with my loneliness (I'm almost alway sorrounded by white people)
    BrainPlasticity likes this.
  10. BobDobbs

    BobDobbs Fapstronaut

    You still haven't really said what was wrong with this girl, other than the fact that she's had previous partners.

    If she hadn't been with a lot of guys, would you still not like her? What is her personality like? Do you get along? Does she live responsibly now?

    Unless her past has left her with some sort of deep emotional scars that make her unstable today, it shouldn't matter that she's more sexually experienced.
    jorgeder98 likes this.
  11. jorgeder98

    jorgeder98 Fapstronaut


    I don't like her personality and her body is not attractive to me, she is not the type of girl I want by my side, I think I don't even know what type of girl I want near me...

    I guess she should love me, she should be funny.. and this girl I'm taking isn't funny and I don't have anything in common with her.
  12. Ikindaknew

    Ikindaknew Fapstronaut


    Stop looking and you'll find some.

    I felt the very same for many years. I was too "serious" and not popular enough compared to others.

    The thing is: YOU WONT BE ALONE ALL YOUR LIFE. It's a lie. All comes in due time. You WILL find a nice girl that shares her life with you, but you have to be patient and keep talking to people and meet people without being always on the hunt.

    The girl might come out of your blind spot...! Be good and fair to all girls, meet some without too much expectations, meet some girls thru hobbies of yours, etc...that might very well come out of nowhere...
    ekoluomu, Kirito, yoyo1 and 1 other person like this.
  13. BobDobbs

    BobDobbs Fapstronaut

    OK, then those are good reasons to not be with her, but you never mentioned any of that, just that you didn't like her sexual history.

    Which makes me wonder if you only came up with those other reasons after you found out about her past.
    jorgeder98 likes this.
  14. Ikindaknew

    Ikindaknew Fapstronaut


    Careful here. The girl you met, offered you to be your "fuck buddy". Although I don"t agree with it much, its more common nowadays. Maybe she can"t commit to a long term relationship. Have you had sexual relations with other girls yourself?
    A lot of people here would die to have real sex! They are trying to stop fapping to porn, not to have real sex!
    Also, you may want to have a girl that does not have that sex history (even a virgin???). Well, you can find that, but that girl "might" not know her body much, be real shy, etc...

    Your call, but the girl you mention is just sexually might have a good time with her, if the relationship is RESPECTFUL on both sides...

    My first wife was sexually active before I met her.
    My second wife was divorced (and I was divorced) when I met she had sexual history before catch my drift?
    BobDobbs likes this.
  15. Machin

    Machin Fapstronaut

    Just my two cents : read "No more Mr Nice Guy", by Robert Glover.
    Honestly, you sound like the typical Nice Guy, and it could help you to know more about it (there's a great online support group with some helpful recovery plans).
    And don't settle for less than a great woman.
    jorgeder98 likes this.
  16. jorgeder98

    jorgeder98 Fapstronaut

    In response to

    Thank you buddy that's great advice, I stopped trying , I have my porn problem but I have many things to do ( university, music, languages, programming,etc...) ... The bad thing is I stopped talking to girls, and my major is basically men, so I don't have to see girls everyday... and the girls I used to talk I barely say "hi" from the distance. I believe doesn't worth talking to people that don't appreciate you,all the female "friends" I have, they never invited me over or plan things counting on me, I always felt unaccepted. Right know I just go around with some male friends ( I have like 5 close male friends).

    I was not looking for a virgin, but I was expecting more from her, in some way after hearing all her sex stories I find her disguting , I didn't judge her when she told me , because in some way she was opening all her life to me.

    I definitely agree with stop trying so hard to get a woman, I'm sick of that, I don't talk to girls... The only females I talk to are family members.

    I might never find a girl and I have to accept that, that's ok... is easier for me write it than actually doing it :(


    I have to be honest with you, the truth, I was relly into that girl I wanted to be with her into something serious... but after we went out and she came with the "fuck friends" I started loosing interest and after a while she felt she could tell me everything and there you have it... I lost all interest.

    I don't know much about nice guys, but I definitely will take a look at that book. The saddest thing for me is that female "friends" I used to have don't count on me for anything. You know when you are in some way left behind, I'm not interesting for girls , painful truth.

    Guys @Machin @BobDobbs @Ikindaknew , I notticed that a thing that could really rice your autoestim is doing great at other things, I might be fucked up in love, friendship and relationships. I can still do my best in my study field and in my other activities... I got a great grade in some courses and it really helped me to feel worthy, to feel that I am in some way a human of value.
    I'd love to hear from you , how do you make yourself feel worthy
  17. Ikindaknew

    Ikindaknew Fapstronaut

    Guys @Machin @BobDobbs @Ikindaknew , I notticed that a thing that could really rice your autoestim is doing great at other things, I might be fucked up in love, friendship and relationships. I can still do my best in my study field and in my other activities... I got a great grade in some courses and it really helped me to feel worthy, to feel that I am in some way a human of value.
    I'd love to hear from you , how do you make yourself feel worthy[/QUOTE]

    Yup, sometimes not focusing on relationship at all brings more people around you. But University is busy time for your guys...a few parties, exams long study'll find more time some day...
    jorgeder98 likes this.
  18. Machin

    Machin Fapstronaut

    It's often a sign that you're not interested in yourself, and you leave yourself behind. Nobody will love you more than you love yourself. That's what I learned 8 years ago. Do things that amaze you, that scare you, and that you'd be proud to have done. Bungee jumping, hike alone for a week, go visit a foreign country you always wanted to visit. It can be smaller, like try some kind of new food, show up dressed like a president (if you're not used to), start a conversation with someone you don't know.
    Three things to do that changed my life:
    1- write a little note about yourself, in a positive way, describing in an amazing way who you're going to be in a few years. Read it aloud every morning just after waking up, and every evening just before going to bed. Self talk is key, and in fact, you already view yourself as not interesting to others. Change the way you talk to yourself, and you'll change your life.
    2- do some kind of workout at least five days a week. Not a big workout, just a set of push-ups or a set of squats is good (in fact, that's what I do). But do some kind of strength training. Your body is the vessel of your mind, and if your body's in great shape, your mind will be in great shape.
    3- do one new little scary thing you'd be proud to have done every week, like speaking up your mind, even if it means being rejected : in fact you already feel rejected, so at least tell people what you think. You might even notice that you're getting more attractive to others when you speak up your mind.

    Three rules to do these things:
    1- consistency: do it whatever it takes. It's easy to do a set of push-ups, so just do it.
    2- humility: don't aim to big. If you try to do a whole 1 hour workout every day for three months, you'll do it for two weeks then give up. Aim small. Baby steps. Consistency will do the rest.
    3- accountability: get some kind of measurement and accountability. Use an app to remind you to do it, and find some people to be accountable of your progresses and your consistency (here is a good place).
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2016
  19. jorgeder98

    jorgeder98 Fapstronaut


    Wow Awesome :) , I currently go swimming once per week and running once per week. just two days of exercise. I'm definitely writing something positive about me , the most positive attitude I recognize in myself is that I'm always looking for improvement in my general life. And I'm not a selfish person and nor a envious person.

    I'm writing little paper a read it every morning to improve my self-talk... Since I speak three languages (Italian ,Spanish and English) I'm going to write it in all of them and see if this helps to record it in my mind.

    And I can't talk to girls right now or do things that put me out there to be more rejected, I'm very sensitive to rejection right now, Honesty is key point. But I feel people don't listen to me. I have just three friends who I know they really are listening,and discussing ideas the other people around me they just never listen.

    Thank you for your feedback man!, I wish all the good for you !
  20. himmelstoss

    himmelstoss Fapstronaut

    It's pretty cool that this girl just wants to be a fuckbuddy.
    jorgeder98 likes this.