HOCD TOCD and Autogynephilia. *Trigger alert*

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by Hipky Hopko, Sep 11, 2022.

  1. Hipky Hopko

    Hipky Hopko Fapstronaut

    Hello, fellow comrades from NoFap. I come here today to speak out about the worst and probably most embarassing issue(s) i have ever had in my whole life: HOCD, TOCD and Autogynephilia.

    It all started back when the pandemic was a thing. I'd stay home all of the time and just sit in front of my computer desk watching porn and playing videogames while the teacher was teaching some complex physics lesson I wasn't giving a shit about. It was all fun and games at the time. The porn wasn't exactly vanilla but it was straight, in a way it feautured girls with exaggeratedly big boobs and asses.

    Then, one day, I decided out of the blue to search for "woman big dick" and i saw plenty of pictures of girls who had male organs instead of their vaginas, and for some reason i felt extremely aroused. I didn't know, though, why was that. I felt confused and was pretty sure i was gay for a couple minutes. I even got some suicidal thoughts, but I managed to forget about the situation for about a week. Then I recalled everything that had happened and felt a strong urge to go look at that porn again, along with a depression spike (if I can even refer to it like this). Unfortunately, I went back to fapping to that kind of porn and everything i have already mentioned happened again. Again and again.

    This whole thing has been repeating itself for almost a year, and sadness has become a workaday feeling for me. Since then, I developed a consistent fetish for the male sexual organ, have had fantasies where i'm dominated by futanaris and have also tried things like doing anal masturbation and recording myself while i'm masturbating. I have, in one year, become a true degenerate. I no longer feel human, and I mean it when I say it. I have exchanged my humanity for mere sexual pleasure. My deepest wish is win my inner demons and have actual peace of mind, but this seems unattainable.

    Sometimes I do actually consider suiciding myself in a painless way, but never actually do it because of my parents. I know they would cry a lot over my death and suffer because of it (and probably also get a divorce, since their relationship isn't that good and I'm the only one actually holding them together).

    I just needed to vent this. Sorry if I made you feel triggered or disgusted while reading this (I probably would be, myself), but this was causing unbearable to my mind and I don't have anyone i can freely speak to about this.

    That's all.
  2. Dr.J_76ers

    Dr.J_76ers Fapstronaut

    Hey bro, know you're not alone in this. Feel free to read my journal, @Roady's, or @modernstore99's. There are many people who've experienced autogynephilia, and your story mirrors my own in that I received that arousing feeling on seeing a woman with a dick for the first time. But once you get somewhat of an understanding of why this happens, it'll make a lot more sense. In this case, both of us got habituated to regular women in porn (think about the hundreds or thousands of nude women you had seen previously).

    However, there are three prevailing theories as to why one would get an erection to the dick stimulus:
    • 1. They are bisexual
    • 2. They've got conditioned to the penis as part of the arousal cycle
    • 3. Novelty
    #1 is probably what keeps you up at night - worrying (that we me for a good year - on Reddit searching why I was addicted to trans porn). But when looking at specific cases, including mine and dozens of others on this website, #2 and #3 make the most sense. You've probably watched dozens of vanilla videos where there's an erect penis near a woman. In this way, you've been conditioned to associate an erect penis with sexual arousal. Because when you're watching porn, you're basically a voyeur (I'd be interested to see similarities between the brain's reward circuitry in voyeurs and in hardcore porn watchers). Novelty is the other theory. You've been jacking off all day long to women with vaginas, and you've even narrowed your interests to women with big boobs and asses - indicating your habituation to your original sexual preference. But now you've got this women with a dick attached to her - that's pretty crazy. It surprised me the first time I saw it, and I thought at first I wanted to find it again because it didn't make any logical sense. But I've come to realize that the habituation experienced by porn watchers causes us to escalate to this genre especially to get a larger sexual rush.

    I recommend you read Your Brain On Porn by Gary Wilson if you haven't already. Just having this knowledge of why this occurs made it something I felt much more prepared to handle.
    chiyu and Roady like this.
  3. InappropriateUsername

    InappropriateUsername Fapstronaut

    Many of us have done things to ourselves that we feel are degrading, depraved or go against the fabric of who we are. You’re not alone in that.

    But offing yourself is not the answer. The answer is to put forth the effort and beat this. It is a long road, with failures and successes, but it can be done.
    Roady likes this.
  4. Hi young man,

    This is very heavy stuff isn't it?
    Your curiosity was leading you to some weird kind of p0rnography, and now you seem to have serious life issues to deal with.

    You are not alone in this.
    When I was your age, I did the same things, had autogynephilia fantasies and acted that out sometimes with crossdressing.
    You are ringing some alarm bells at a very young age, and that is your luck.
    You already know that continuing the way you are walking (giving into your urges) will lead to a totally dead end.
    There is just one way to overcome this: to cut it out of your life completely.
    Yes that means that you will have to ignore your longings and urges to search for the same stuff over and over and over, until you grow out of the gravity of the kinds of porn that you are now hooked on.

    In the mean time you eventually can think about your home situation.
    Being the reason your parents stay together sounds horrible in my ears.
    A son should receive all the love and affection from his parents he needs.
    From my own experience I discovered that particular porn usage had to do with the emptiness my father left inside of me. I tried to fill an inner gap with the AGP and porn, but that didn't never work.

    Over the years I found other ways to fill my inner emptiness.
    And today I don't need to revive the AGP fantasy any more, while the usage of porn is behind me.

    It would be a great idea if you should visit a sort of confidant at your school.
    Or if you should find a skilled therapist to talk to.

    In the mean while nofap can be a great way to deal with your feelings and confusion.

    Check out my journal, I wrote a lot there how I grew out of my addicted life.

    If you start working to leave your porn usage, you will be happy with a year again.
    Than you will see: it was only porn, a mistake I made.
  5. Hipky Hopko

    Hipky Hopko Fapstronaut

    Thanks for this explanation, J_76ers. I feel a lot more inner peace after reading it. Take care
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2022
    Dr.J_76ers likes this.
  6. Hipky Hopko

    Hipky Hopko Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your response, InappropriateUsername
    InappropriateUsername likes this.
  7. Hipky Hopko

    Hipky Hopko Fapstronaut

    Hello Roady

    I'd like to start off saying I feel honoured to recieve a reply from yours. I have already read plenty of responses you've given to other people in the NoFap forum, but I didn't expect you to be one of the three people to respond this. Secondly, thank you for your words. After reading your text I truly recognize i'm not alone in this journey, and that NoFap is a place full of brothers who I can count on when I'm struggling with porn-developed mental issues.

    Anyway, I do intend to read your journal. I believe it can (and will) add knowledge to who I am as a person.

    Take care!
    Brown Boy and Roady like this.
  8. assasin04

    assasin04 Fapstronaut

    I suffer from the same problem. I constantly wonder if I am transgender or not. I was normally always a man but after transgender pornography these thoughts started to come, unfortunately they are ruining my life...
    Roady likes this.
  9. Dr.J_76ers

    Dr.J_76ers Fapstronaut

    If you haven't already, please look at Roady's journal and the threads he's created, modernstore99's, or mine. You may find some similarities with your own issues
    assasin04 and Roady like this.
  10. The wide availability of not just vanilla porn, but a huge array of fetish porn has caused many of us, over time, to stray into areas which we regret. We get confused because after the temporary thrill of PMO to such material, we later feel all kinds of negative emotions like guilt, shame, remorse, confusion. We find ourselves wondering who we really are, and how we could spend so much time looking at such nauseating stuff.

    What we don't realize is much of it has to do with the conditioning of porn itself on our brains. I bet if you think back to before you were ever exposed to trans porn, you will find it's not something you ever even considered - like most of us you probably just wanted a cute girlfriend. This would be your natural, pre-porn state, and if you stop all porn, you will likely return to it, and feel much better about yourself in the process.

    There are other issues which can be involved such as low self-esteem, loneliness, alcohol/substance abuse, frustrations with daily life, etc. (all things I know well). If you can cut back on the porn, and work on improving yourself and your life, there is hope for recovery. Don't give up yet buddy, there is a lot of support and wisdom here if you seek it out. Others before you have overcome much worse than you've described.
    augustD likes this.
  11. Hipky Hopko

    Hipky Hopko Fapstronaut

    What's up Roady! It's me Hipky Hopko, the one to open this thread about 2 years ago. I'd just like to say that, though I'm still battling against my porn addiciton and have some self-esteem issues (which are originally responsible for making me feel the way I previously described), I have evolved! See, i'm a Senior in school by now, and i've been giving my best to socialize with friends and i'm even considering in asking my crush out on a date! These types of actual human interaction make me laugh at the idea of having to use porn for pleasure. The main reason that i'm here for though is to tell ya i did that thing of visiting a sort of confidant at my school. There's this one philosophy teacher who i really trust and who has also been my previous class coordinator and i've talked to him about these issues. He kind of wanted to help me with words but he can't really do that work of a psychologist due to burocratic reasons. But just like you said, i've also found a therapist for me :). I've only had 5 sessions, but she does seem really skilled. Anyways, i'll update y'all as needed. A huge thank you for your message from 2 years ago. Keep yourself safe!
  12. Hi man,
    I'm glad to hear you have made some good steps!
    I hope you will continue to take the right steps. And that you will be able to leave your porn usage behind you.

    For me personally,
    I'm porn free, and my AGP fetish is also behind me.
    So yes, it's certainly possible.