My Story

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by PhilippB, Oct 3, 2023.

  1. PhilippB

    PhilippB Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone,

    due to my miserable situation right now I want to share my addiction story with you all:

    I am 25, quite good looking and fit, and live in South Germany.
    Right now I am living with my parants and my younger brother again.

    Since Feb 2023 I am working as a controller in an EMS-Company.

    In my freetime I am doing Karate, a bit of weightlifting and Yoga and Cardio.

    I am also Interested in theology and philosophy and like spending time with my family.

    Safly I only have one friend left fue to my extremely jealous ex wive ( details in the followinz passages).

    To make my post more clear I will structure it into several chapters.

    First Chapter: Upringing and first contacz with P*rn

    My parents were married before I was born and are still happily married.
    I grew up very based and quite happy without any severe problems.
    Atvthe age of 12 I did masturbate for the first time due to the content of a biology book from schoon (sex ed).

    When I met p*rn for the first time I don‘t remember exactly but I assune it was between age 12 (not long after my first masturbation) and 13/14.

    Back then I was scaried of all of the gross categories that were available in internet porn sites.
    I think I watched „normal“ vanilla porn, interracial porn (B..C) lesbian type stuff most of the time but I also remember having seen besstiality content and transwomen (I didn‘t watch these categories often because it grossed me out, I just remember it).

    I also used the dildo of my mother a few times or the sextoy of my dad and also masturbated over thoughts pf my mother (maybe this is an important psychological hint).

    Second Chapter: From end of chapter one until my ex-wife (break up end of 2021):

    During my years in school and university porn always accompanied me.

    I watched it regularly, also sometimes several times a day, but it did not really influence my day-to-day life negatively in big terms.
    I also consumer it while having relationships with my exes.

    Chapter 2.1: My HOCD:

    As a teenager I was influenced by american rap very profoundly, this also had effects on my choice of clothing.
    Due to that I have worn non-common clothing an jewellery, such as a very fitted Versace-Tank-Top or a fake Diamond Chain for example.

    This lead to classmated or people in my age calling me gay, because in the rural area where I am from, people arr not that used to non-common clothes (it has become different over the last years I think).
    Back then I reacted quite confident to these accusatione/insults.

    Additional to that my own mother also made jokes about me being homosexual because i took care of myself (for example the uncommon clothes, hairstyle, plugged eyebrows..).
    She kept doing this for several years.

    And now in 2016 I was friends with benefits with a girls, after some weeks I realized that I was not really attracted to her and that I also didn’t like spending time with her besided the sexual part, too much.
    So I ended our friends with benefits.
    After that thoughts came into my mind why I did this, because all men just want to have sex and would never do this like me, just ending a friends with benefits because of the personality of the woman (I know that this is wrong) so I thought is somethinh wrong with me? Am I homosexual maybe?

    This was the beginning of my HOCD which stoll appears sometimes to this day.

    Chapter 2.2: Me being bullied because of penis size

    In seventh class of school my ex sent a whatsapp-screenshot of me saying „I wamt you to s*ck my 16 cm“ to other girls which also told other people about my dick size.
    Therefore many people knew it and mocked me for having a small penis (which is in fact not even true because its even above average, but it still was a miserable situation for me).
    Due to that i began being resentful and revengful towards people, I wanter to surpass them in career and sports (I startef bodybuilding shorty after that incident which helped me tremendously).
    Until this day I have this feeling of anger ane revenge in myself.

    I also think that this drastic moment in my life is a major reason for my inferiority complex about which I will write later on.

    Chapter 3: Beginning of realationship with my ex wife until break up

    In August 2018 I had a new girlfriend, she is Tunisian and a muslim.

    In this time I already heard that porn is bad for mental health and can even change your sexual preferences (which was very frightening for me because of my HOCD and the light social stigma that is still on homosexual people in some parts of germany), so I wanted to quit porn for good.

    Also my tunisian girlfriend did not want me watching porn because she considered it cheating (what I also think) and she was very jealous.

    After some relapses I managed quitting porn during pur relationship and later on marriage (about 3 years).

    During this time I also found my way back home to the catholic faith (before that I was more of a „culture-catholic“, thats aldo how I was brought up, even though I alwayw believed in gofd as our father.

    Because of my faith I was able to handle my HOCD better and even manage to make it disappear for a long time (before that since the first appearence my HOCD occured in phases, some were short and some longer, with sometimes longer HOCD-free phases in between and sometimes shorter ones).

    The bad side of the story/relationship/marriage was that due to my extremely jealous ex wife and the „forbiddennes“ of even looking at other women I have become very fixated on other women.

    Breakup: End of 2021 my ex wife moved out of our appartment and we broke up (divorce in July 2023).

    Chapter 4: Falling into the rabbit hole if porn, sexchats and video chats

    Soon after my ex wife moved out I began watching porn because so much forbidden during our marriage (even thoughts about other women).
    I started with vanilla and things like interracial but in just a few monthd i fell deeply into the rabbit hole of porn and even more online sexchats.

    I have developed some really bad fetishes about me being humilated (cuckie, cock size, BBC, transwomen), and also stuff about animals, even a bit gay stuff in connection with the cuck-themes.

    I even did videochats with some strangers and wanted to visit a prostitute once but luckily it didn‘t work out.

    Also my HOCD naturally occured again surely because of me consuming that content again.

    Addition to that I began using my parents sex toys again (mostly dildo).

    I spent so many even whole nights beating my meat and sometimes anal masturbation, it really sucked so much energy out of me, ir is a cycle of chame and doing it again.

    Furthermore I felt very lonely and left behind.

    I tried solving the addiction with faith, prayer, talking with a priest during confession, a Hypnosis-therapy and i have used and use again the accountability Software Covenant eyes.

    In Summer 2022 I had a short relationship with a girl I got to know during vacation, at first I was very confident and also dominanz in bed but over time i became more and more emotional and unstable (because she lived in Italy and i couldnt see her that often) and also submissive in bed until the relationship endef in autumn 2022.

    In January 2023 I moved back to my parents house which I was endlessly happy about because they always supporter me and loved me.

    Still the porn consumption and sexchats continued until I one day open up to my mother in detail (not the porn content and sexchat content) about my problems and I decided to attend therapy.

    Chapter 5: Present:

    So since August I am seeing my therapist once a week. He is a depth psychologist about which I am very happy because I am sure that my hardcore additction and self humiliation habits in sexchats arr just the symptoms of a deeper lying problem or trauma.

    Due to my laptop beeing locked away in a safe and my iPhone being protected with covenant eyes (my mother as accountability partner) and Apple screen-time function as well as my ongoing therapy (we are still discussing my past live and the stages right now) my addiction became quite less.

    Unfortunately during a business trip with my female collegue (she is 40 and I find her quite attravtive, we talk a lot with each other and also tease esch other a little bit) after our dinner with coworkers and a beer (i get drunk very easily) I started looking up for pictures of trans women on the internet (its a site that is not blocker via covenant eyes) and masturbated to it quite a long time.

    After that i did this several times also at home and i started using the Playstation 4 in my room to access the internet sexchat and porn sites and edged whole nights again.

    If you have read this far I kindly want to thank you.

    At this moment I am a bit hopeless because I wonder if i can manage to end the addiction and solve my underlying inferiority complex.

    I wonder if tehrapy can really heal me or If i shouldnt rely that much on it?

    I also try to work on it by myself with active imagination, a technik for communicatinh with your unconscoious by Carl Jung (Jordan Peterson fans like myself will know him).

    If anyone has some advice/help for me or was in a simular situation please let me know and I am looking forward to your experiences.

    Thank you all, may God bless you and never give up the good fight!

    Greetings from South Germany.

  2. pete379

    pete379 Fapstronaut

    Thank you for that honest intro about your life and struggles. It does help to spill it all out, and is helpful to others to know they are not the only ones, I too struggle with HOCD sometimes, but the porn does not help at all. I am a much older American (my apologies for rap!) and am now starting to get a handle on this problem. I wish I had some great advice.
    You still are so very young, you have a lot of good years ahead of you. Your life will be infinitely better if you stay away from porn. It is a lie, pure and simple, It is so easy to forget that, because it can be so seductive.
    Kudos to you for telling your mother and having the help it can bring. shame is a big part of why so many never get help.
    Keep checking in here, many helpful wise people.
    It has been helpful to me lately to read stories about the truth of women who are involved in porn and prostitution. None of them want to do it, just about all have had horrific things happen to them as children.
    Keep fighting
    fusion47 likes this.
  3. PhilippB

    PhilippB Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your advice Pete!

    Yes I know, that the porn industry is fed on lies.

    My problem is that i know all of these things about dopamine, etc. but my urges still control me.

    I also have to find the solution for the roots of the problems which is my self humiliation.

    I feel that something inside of me is brokeb or has to be fixed but don‘t know how to do that.

    By the way: Do you think it is better to stop listening to rap music (bad music) all together because it affects your thoughts maybe?

    Because I still listen and enjoy rap music.

    Thanks for your kind words!
  4. pete379

    pete379 Fapstronaut

    You may have a point about the rap music affecting your thoughts. Yes I would find some other kind of music.
    Same with porn avoid it like the plague, especially any kind of humiliating porn. this is poison on another level.
    It is not who you are, some of us for whatever reason can be affected by this.
    good on the martial arts, I wish I had taken it up as a young man, im 58 now and I think its probably a bit late for that.
    I feel for you younger guys, there is more in your face now than when I was your age.
    I have 2 sons 26 and 28. and I have never had an honest discussion about these things with them. (shame again)
    I guess I just hope they know better. they seem to be doing well.
    Again, look into what really is behind the porn and prostitution business. try to see these women as people. I know for a long time I knew on some level they hated it, but rationalized that they were just making money and we were just helping each other. it is not true.
    Try to get that 90 days, I can tell you it wont be magic when you get there, but you will realize that you can do it, it can be done. couple that with seeing the lies of porn, you will start to have a different viewpoint. we will on some level always struggle with these things, but you can keep it under control.
    I was married 16 years and have 3 children, many things cause a marriage to come undone, but my part was having issues from my youth not dealt with and still not dealt with. Porn was a player also, I got caught by her a few times.
    always "vanilla" I only now realize what that must have been like for her. My low sense of self worth also just became too much for her, and she told me "I'm done" a day I will never forget.
    If you do ever meet another woman and hope to marry her, at some point I would be honest with her about your struggle with porn. I would not mention the HOCD thing she would probably not understand. Tell her that you will never lie to her, make a pact that you both won't, and do just that. I cant guarantee it will last forever, but it will give you the best chance.
    You are not broken, just flawed like all of us. You're gonna make it.
    fusion47 likes this.
  5. PhilippB

    PhilippB Fapstronaut

    Thanks you my friend. I have made a nee thread about my current situation. Just as an info, you don‘t have to comment on that. You already made a lot of effort.

    Best Wishes Philipp
    pete379 likes this.