Is crossdressing bad?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Bingles, Jun 15, 2023.

  1. Bingles

    Bingles Fapstronaut

    i'm gonna try and keep my mind off it for now and keep a streak going. i don't want to do something i end up regretting.
  2. UnholyConfessor

    UnholyConfessor Fapstronaut

    There's a million million miles of difference between wearing a pink jacket and wearing a skirt.
  3. Bingles

    Bingles Fapstronaut

    Not in my country.
    Onceagain2.0 likes this.
  4. Bingles

    Bingles Fapstronaut

    okay i am off to bed goodnight
  5. Onceagain2.0

    Onceagain2.0 Fapstronaut

    men wear kilts women wear female cut pants dudes wearing literal dresses is something else
  6. UnholyConfessor

    UnholyConfessor Fapstronaut

    Dude with all due respect you live in Scotland, not the Middle East. If you can't see that there is a clear objective different between wearing a jacket with a garish colour and wearing a dress like a girl, then I don't know what to tell you. If you're so concerned about what other people will think of you then you can either hit the gym and man up so you can kick the shit out of people who bother you over it, or realise that wearing girl clothes is inherently dysfunctional and stop even thinking about it.

    Honestly you would do well to listen to what Roady is saying because he knows what he's talking about more than anyone else on the thread. A young man your age shouldn't be thinking about this at all, it shouldn't even be crossing your mind. You're obviously a very anxious and have low self-esteem and I sympathise but wanting to dance around in a dress and thigh highs even for the "fun" of it is going to contribute to your anxiety even more because deep down we all know it's weird and no amount or modern rationalisation completely eradicates that fact. Just because you CAN do something, does not mean you SHOULD do something.

    I'm gonna sound like a hypocrite now cause I'm literally a stranger online but stop listening to strangers online and focus on your real life, your studies, your health, your social circle. Focus on NoFap and you'll see all this shit evaporate from your mind.
    Roady and freedom is coming like this.
  7. Bingles

    Bingles Fapstronaut

    1. I don't feel forced to do it, it's something I'm tempted to try. I like the way the clothes look.

    2. Being happy and carefree. When I was younger I would borrow my sister's clothes sometimes. Didn't care about what other people thought of me and wore what I want. But now I feel a lot more restricted by other people's expectations. During covid, I didn't have the chance to express myself the way I felt but crossdressing makes me feel more liberated and not bound to others opinions. I like the way the clothes look always have but it's taboo to even think of wearing them.

    3. Trying to relive the times when I was happy and things were simpler. When it didn't matter what you wore or the things you liked. People were less judgemental back then and now everyone has a phone to consume trends 24/7. Any slight deviation from the norm is met with criticism. I have to conform to others demands and beliefs and it feels annoying.

    4. Over covid I missed out on two years of my life stuck indoors. Crossdressing allows me to go back to when I was younger and carefree. Less worry about people's opinions. It feels wrong but sometimes I'll look at a shirt or a pair of shoes in the shop window and feel tempted to buy them.

    5. I'm fine with being a guy.
  8. Bingles

    Bingles Fapstronaut

    I started cross-dressing before I watched porn. For me it's more of a personal comfort than it is a sexual one.
    fredisthebes likes this.
  9. Bingles

    Bingles Fapstronaut

    I'll keep my mind off it for now, cheers.
  10. movingon77

    movingon77 Fapstronaut

    I crossdress and I am totally good with it. But before we go into details let's get one thing straight (no pun intended). I am a heterosexual male and I have zero gay fantasies. I am a manly man...or so they tell me. I am in a loving long term relationship and I take care of my family. I do all the manly jobs rounds the house from putting up shelves, to cutting the grass and lifting all the heavy stuff. I am also a gentleman. I carry the shopping for my partner, open the door for her and help her around the house with domestic stuff. I also only recognise 2 genders and men can not get pregnant. I do my crossdressing in private and I have no interest to go out dressed as a woman. Why? Because it is weird, and I don't want to impose my sexual preferences on innocent people.

    I love to wear panties! Especially pink satin ones. Why? They are really comfortable. They hug the nutsack better than boxers, they are more breathable and they are also quite slutty. Luckily my partner loves me in panties. At the end of the day they are just underwear. Society has decided that pink panties are only for woman, and well I don't conform with society. It's okay for women to grab their boyfriend's shirts and walk around in them but it is apparently not ok for me to wear a dress, because if I do I am perceived as gay. I couldn't care less. I know I am not gay, my partner knows I am not gay and if some stranger on the internet thinks that I am gay I couldn't really care about it.

    From time to time I will put a dress on, stockings and a pair of heels and have a date night with the wife. Why? Because I enjoy it. If I didn't enjoy it I wouldn't do it. I suppose on some level it relaxes me. Takes the pressure off from being a man in today's world. I suppose to a certain level there is a degree of escapism. The main part for me is that my partner enjoys it.

    I suppose my partner feels more secure in our relationship and that I wouldn't cheat on her, because if I were to have a one night stand I would have to explain the pink panties. Also look at a soldier's attitude when they are in uniform and when they are in their civvy clothes. In uniform they tend to be more aggressive. The same with panties, I am more in touch with my feminine energy. More relaxed, less prone to confrontation and anger. My partner loves it and the sex is great. I am totally good with this.
  11. No, do whatever you like.
    You're not hurting anyone.
  12. Bingles

    Bingles Fapstronaut

    I told my friend about how I felt and she said it's normal. But obviously I'm a guy and it's not normal to feel this way.
  13. UnholyConfessor

    UnholyConfessor Fapstronaut

    You're a young guy with obvious self-esteem issues who wants to do stuff like this to "free" himself from the expectations of being masculine. I fear acting out would only make the issue worse however as others have stated.
  14. Bingles

    Bingles Fapstronaut

    You're right, I shouldn't be thinking about this. For me it's a comfort but I don't want crossdressing to be a coping mechanism for my problems. It takes me back to simpler times when I had less responsibility and worries and when I could act ''gay' without being seen as weird for doing so. But I'm a guy and wearing women's clothes isn't healthy or going to make me a better person. It's hard enough trying to figure out your sexuality without this crap too. I want to be happy again.
  15. UnholyConfessor

    UnholyConfessor Fapstronaut

    It's unironically a slippery slope and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. What seems like a fun and seemingly innocent activity quickly becomes anything but when you escalate because of it. Now I'm not saying you absolutely will escalate because of it. But is it worth the risk? I've never crossdressed in my life but I've escalated in other areas and it's taken me years to even scratch the surface of getting past it. I've literally managed to gaslight myself into believing things about myself that aren't true and it was all external influence that pushed me into it. I've read stories of people who contemplated suicide because of the things they did.

    Running away from your issues instead of dealing with them is exactly what a child or someone lacking maturity would do. You are a young man like it or not and you need to accept this and strive to be the best version of yourself that you can be and take advantage of the youth you have before it runs out. Don't make the same mistakes so many of us on here have made. Figure out what makes you happy when not under the influence of anything other than your own clear mind and chase it.
    Roady likes this.
  16. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    You said you used to play with dolls as a kid, what attracted you to them in the beginning ?
  17. Bingles

    Bingles Fapstronaut

    They were fun to play with, I liked making different stories with the dolls. My sister had all the play sets to go with them.
  18. Bingles

    Bingles Fapstronaut

    Feel like I would be the type of person to take it too far and regret it. This has happened before with other addictions like porn and the internet where you think it's okay but ruins you mentally and physically longterm. My mental health was at its lowest ever point two years ago and I dread going back to that state. I don't want to be a grumpy old man looking back on dumb pictures of myself in girly outfits thinking how much of a dumbass I was for wasting my last teen years. I'm not ready to be an adult yet, this is just a cope for me to keep away from facing responsibility. I need to figure out my issues and become a better person. Every decision I make now shapes the rest of my life. Can't afford to waste it on crap like this. Right now I want to figure out who I am in terms of who I want to be and my sexuality and how to become better.
  19. UnholyConfessor

    UnholyConfessor Fapstronaut

    Going through phases is normal. Back in the day you used to have lots of people dressing up like scene kids and before that goths, before that punks, and so on. Difference is none of those had a psycho-sexual element to them, they were just a form of rebelling against conformity and having a good time. Nowadays there is a concentrated attempt to normalise things like crossdressing under the guise of "well you aren't hurting anyone" and I don't believe that is true. You might not be hurting anyone else but you could easily hurt yourself.
    Roady likes this.
  20. Bingles

    Bingles Fapstronaut

    I have always been a feminine person and now questioning my sexuality. But it feels wrong to start dressing up and pretending to be something I'm not as a way to deflect from my problems. I've got to own up and take responsibility for myself at some point. I know there are some who take women's hormones just to maintain a feminine youth appearance, it's irreversible. Dyeing your hair blue is embarrassing but at least it's not permanent. I'm a man, fine with accepting my sexuality but I know cross-dressing is a coping mechanism for me.
    freedom is coming likes this.