Coworkers: To Date or Not to Date?

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by Batty Belfry, Mar 10, 2022.

Should you date a coworker?

  1. Yes, love can be found anywhere from anyone.

    13 vote(s)
  2. No, work is work and coworkers are coworkers.

    9 vote(s)
  3. Maybe, it depends.

    13 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Armin1

    Armin1 Fapstronaut

    Sorry about that, I didn't know that you already had asked her out.
    Personally I wouldn't risk it. because a second ''no'' is more destructive.. (I'm some kind of conservative and arrogant guy and I can tell your success rate will decrease this way)
    It's on you. No one of us are working in that office. You have experienced the moment and I can't get it completely just with words ..

    And I've just read your other posts (I read just the first one earlier, sorry). It sounds to me, you're talking too passionate about her, you remembered and write us very detailed ;-)
    Are you sure you're not in love buddy?
  2. Batty Belfry

    Batty Belfry Fapstronaut

    @Armin1 I do not plan on asking her out a second time, I agree with you on not forcing the date.

    I used to look at women through rose-colored glasses, but I have matured and take my time to see who a woman is.

    I want to understand her, which is where my passion goes to, but I admit that I like what I see. I want to like who she will be, but she is aloof with her feelings and thoughts. I once asked her how her Tuesday was treating her and she said it has been busy at work; she never mentioned herself or how she was doing. To me, she comes off as a workaholic at times.

    I am attracted to an ambitious woman, who works hard and earns her share. I love her work ethic, her nurturing personality, but I understand how it is a work environment and she could just be acting this way because "it's her job." Although, from my time with her, she did not seem so far gone that I could not reach her. She did give me attention at work on more than one occasion. For example, she would make "mistakes" in binders given to me, so that she would have to come see me and talk about what she did with me.

    Do I love her? I need to know her before I confess love for her. Do I love the way she works though? Definitely.

    For now, I like her and will see how she acts towards me or with me moving forward.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2022
    Armin1 likes this.
  3. Batty Belfry

    Batty Belfry Fapstronaut

    Today at work, she was fraternizing with this other guy. He tends to chat a lot with the other supervisors and coworkers. I ignored them. I do not fool around with jealousy.

    Working on me and my income streams.
  4. Z.e.n.o

    Z.e.n.o Fapstronaut

    It may have been just fraternizing.. Is she the only girl that became comfortable with you? In other words, is she the only girl you had/have around? If yes, it may be "the problem". It's easy to fall in love if you did not see a girl in a very long time and all of a sudden one comes near you.
    It should be added that usually girls understands very well if you are attracted to her and she may have already understood what you feel. In the worst case she may have played with you or she was just friendly...

    I feel to say to keep broad! Talk to more girls, keep opportunities open. In that way you regain your attractiveness even towards her, if there's a chance. I mean, the "you don't make my happyness" attitude. The "i'm not desperate if you say me no" behaviour.

    I've been there and i think you will never understand her. Waste of time!

    I've been attracted to the wrong girl for a year and a half, waiting and waiting for something.. mixed signals were present since the beginning, with lies and weird behaviours.
    She exibited jealousy and she behaved like she was interested on me. She refused me twice (i don't like you!) but one evening she pursued me, just when i was been pursued by another girl. What a coincidence!
    In my story she is not a good pursue at all because of other reasons, and i understand now that if a girl is interested she will show. Playing games is for casual sex. You girl seems weird too. I tell you, brother, keep broad, don't focus on her, have lot of friends or acquaintances or experience or talk to a lot of girl and become comfortable with the other gender.

    OR trash entirely what i've written if it's not good in your experience!!

    And please make us know! I'm on your side, all the best!
    Batty Belfry likes this.
  5. Armin1

    Armin1 Fapstronaut

    So thoughtful and wise. I wish I could manage my emotions like you. When I'm attracted to some one, I act like a dumb monkey!

    Wish you luck, prosperity and love, buddy.
    Batty Belfry likes this.
  6. Does she talk to other men and looks at you at the same time
    Batty Belfry likes this.
  7. Honestly OP I can relate with this story There was this girl looked like she was interested in me at the same time I tried to talk to her or be with her she would avoid me. Which she later tried to make me jealous. Which I ignored which got more obvious that she tried to get my attention. Put I still ignored her and move on with my life.
    Batty Belfry likes this.
  8. InappropriateUsername

    InappropriateUsername Fapstronaut

    I’ve dated coworkers from part time jobs and at a career-level job. The part time dating escapades were fun—people all around the same age, love sessions in the parking lot. Pretty casual.

    at career level, I dated one lady. She turned out to be crazy. It was a mess and it only worked out b/c she got fired.

    I stayed away from coworkers for a lonnnggg time. Until I met my wife. But we worked in completely unrelated departments on different floors of the same building. And she wasn’t crazy.

    For the OP—go for it. It’s a part time job, plenty of them if things go south. You’ll regret NOT asking her out more than losing a forgettable job.
    Batty Belfry likes this.
  9. Batty Belfry

    Batty Belfry Fapstronaut

    @Z.e.n.o Thank you for sharing your experience, advice, and support.

    Originally, I was talking with another girl, Girl 1, but it did not lead to anything; I got her number after we trained together, alone in the same room, sharing one computer, but I have not used it to ask her out. Girl 1 has texted me only about work matters and she would always text me first. The girl I asked out, and a couple others, are comfortable with me, but I would not use them to make her or any other girl jealous however. I will not sink all my attention or interest into someone who does not give attention or interest back to me. I will keep it casual and professional for my sanity and paycheck, but if interest is shown, I may give the possibility of a date another chance.

    @Armin1 Thank you. I know that feeling too well. You just have to recognize that women are human too. Talk to them and treat them like a person, the same way you would want to be talked to and treated.

    @Percy_Jackson That same day, she came over to where I was working with another coworker and talked to that coworker, clarifying something they had to do when I had already told them what to do. I looked right at her, she did briefly, but neither of us budged and said hi to each other. After that, she did not address me and a little later, was talking to the other guy at the end of his shift behind me. I ignored them, kept to my work, and left shortly after. No "good-bye," no "have a good night."

    @InappropriateUsername I had the same sentiment. I did ask her out, she said it would be inappropriate, I said I get it, and I moved on. I will not entertain or harbor on the possibility that she could be lying to me and hiding a relationship she is already in. I will not wait for someone who does not want me either.
    Z.e.n.o, Percy_Jackson and Armin1 like this.
  10. I truly understand you try to talk to her or be with her yet she tries to make you jealous.

    The best thing you could do is honestly try to move on and try to talk with other girls. She looks like she wants play games with you.

    That she is for the excitement

    I think when You decide to move on and the girl decides to do weird things to get your attention. Well is obvious you did the right.
    Batty Belfry likes this.
  11. Batty Belfry

    Batty Belfry Fapstronaut

    Thank you @Percy_Jackson and I agree with you. I think she wants the attention, the validation too, without really giving me any effort. She only wants to talk about work, so I'll talk about work. It seems she is not in tune with her emotions or is not being vulnerable or honest with herself, others, and me. It's like they say, "play stupid games, win stupid prizes."
    Percy_Jackson likes this.
  12. funniest thing about it at the end of day she might me attracted to you

    Put regardless the girl who this to me was high school. I honestly never thought women in your age would be this childish.
    Re-Life2010 and Batty Belfry like this.
  13. Batty Belfry

    Batty Belfry Fapstronaut

    @Percy_Jackson I can believe it. She could be stuck in her ways from her past for all I know too; a high school mentality is not impossible either. I think every woman has this little girl complex that, if not measured consistently or properly, becomes this childish or immature sense of empowerment and ego. I will see how April goes, but for now, I am focusing on my priorities and forgoing distractions.
    Percy_Jackson likes this.

  14. I thoroughly accept this plan of action, anything online is kind of dodgy and you don't know what she'll say behind you're back. Even report if necessary. Not to mention I've had similar co workers extremely like this gal right here. But I would only come to the conclusion that it was only to make them look good for supervisors that they can associate with new comers and better evaluate them. Not matter how nice and flirtatious they seemed to be towards me. I'm not sure exactly the time line you guys have first started working together. But it seems like you are catching vibes from her and staring is definitely a sign.

    Watch out for dilated pupils this is also a tall tale sign she finds you attractive or interested. I've learned a few things on YouTube, it wouldn't be bad to see sign's if a woman likes you. Keep an eye out for hair playing and this has happened to me in the past numerous times. It's like just a sign that they are trying to be affectionate coming off to you. I've been working in the retail field for 8 + years of experience eventually you start to figure things out. Especially the customer couples on whose paying the bills. But definitely do it in person my friend. Only seems fishy in some cases.. If she continues this, then she is definitely interested.

    But on the side note; don't feel down if she's doing it for business tendencies. Allot of Woman will do what it takes to make take the next move up on the latter even if it's flirting.
    Batty Belfry likes this.
  15. Batty Belfry

    Batty Belfry Fapstronaut

    @Re-Life2010 This is why I rarely flirt. I don't want people thinking that I'm lying or embellishing truth. I have noticed that she has not been talking to me. I can't tell if she is looking at me anymore since I have not been looking at her. It's this back-and-forth runaround she has been giving me that I find unnecessary, especially when she has shown me she does not know what she wants. She did not accept my offer for coffee, so I'll accept that. She would rather flirt and talk to another guy, so I'll accept that too. Her choices are her choices, not mine, and that's okay. I can't wait for her, nor will I, to make choices that are better for her. She will have to learn what better is in her own time, with or without me.
    Re-Life2010 likes this.
  16. InappropriateUsername

    InappropriateUsername Fapstronaut

    Sounds like you got it handled. You shot your shot.
    Batty Belfry likes this.
  17. Listen, most work relationships never tend to work especially in high business fields. I remember reading a post last year about a guy that grew close with a co worker and then it drifted just like the two of you. It’s very had to maintain especially with being at work together day by day around other females and males.

    Believe me brother although you may feel let down about this, it’s a good learning curve for the future. Not something to be disappointed by. Most woman are high octane activists in the job field. Maybe you can sign up for an app or even Facebook date which has helped me. You can say this boosted my confidence.
    Batty Belfry likes this.
  18. Batty Belfry

    Batty Belfry Fapstronaut

    You're right. I was ready for a relationship more than her, based on her actions. I won't waste time trying to convince someone who doesn't know what they want and doesn't want a relationship with me. I might give Facebook dating a try; I used Bumble and Tinder in college six years ago and got two dates out of it, one from each, but they were surface level and did not lead to anything. I like a traditional approach, but I could always bring that traditional leaning to the digital scene.
    Re-Life2010 likes this.
  19. Yeah especially professional jobs are risky, unless she is really the one pulling towards you. I’m not sure why she backed out and my I’m sorry to hear. Woman like the attack on most parts, but perhaps she wasn’t suited for a relationship at this time.

    It seems like you’re on the right path, maybe you can pray for this right woman to come to you and ask for good luck from above, this sounds cliche but it really does help.
    Batty Belfry likes this.
  20. Batty Belfry

    Batty Belfry Fapstronaut

    @Re-Life2010 Thank you for your concern. I keep my faith and I believe in finding the right woman in my life. Have I been looking since college? Not zealously. Have I kept my eyes open? Yes, but I have not been staring or fixating on women either. I will keep working on me and if a woman is working on herself and wants to join our journeys, I will be open to exploring a potential relationship. Until then, I will keep believing in the good in life.