How do I get a guy attached to me?

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by happyhyena, Oct 9, 2020.

  1. happyhyena

    happyhyena Fapstronaut

    I'm on Day 52 of this shit and I can just tell it's not sustainable for me. I need to O! However, I need to O with someone who actually gives a shit about me. I've read too many horror stories of women having sex with guys that don't actually care about them and I'd pick months of celibacy over that any day. Anyone got any advice?
    Comfortablydumb96 likes this.
  2. brassknucks

    brassknucks Fapstronaut

    Usually most guys are saps/simps, and if a gal is even remotely attractive she shouldn’t have a hard time finding some shlub to commit to her.
  3. InappropriateUsername

    InappropriateUsername Fapstronaut

    You want to O—you won’t die if you don’t. By Day 52 your brain is looking for a porn replacement. Wait for the good stuff—intimacy, connection etc.

    If you’re just out looking for quick “d”, is that going to attract some who gives a shot about you?
    Comfortablydumb96 and TARS like this.
  4. happyhyena

    happyhyena Fapstronaut

    Well, I don't think commitment is a problem. When I say "attached", I mean finding someone who is actually willing to put in the effort to make me happy. From what I've seen, emotional attachment is key to this. If there is no emotional attachment, women are basically treated like living sex dolls. For me, that's not worth it.
  5. happyhyena

    happyhyena Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the input :)
  6. InappropriateUsername

    InappropriateUsername Fapstronaut

    YW. Stay strong, take your time and be picky.
    happyhyena likes this.
  7. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    Set your mind on something higher and more worthy of O. That will attract a decent, loving man with character. Are you worthy of such a guy?

    happyhyena likes this.
  8. happyhyena

    happyhyena Fapstronaut

    Thank you for the honest opinion. I'm noticing a trend here!
    Package of Order and +TenPercent like this.
  9. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    I'm glad. I thought the possibility that you might react defensively, seething with anger. I think you're honest enough with yourself to actualize your dreams.

    Package of Order and happyhyena like this.
  10. lolos

    lolos Fapstronaut

    Most dudes like if a chick has something else going on apart from jsut being attractive.
  11. AnthonyyVibess

    AnthonyyVibess Fapstronaut

    Attachment comes with time and genuineness from both sides! I tell my female friends all the time, if he's not showing you that he wants to be exclusive and do right by you then apply pressure! Don't threaten to leave him at every turn, but if he's playing you like an option like he's committed to only fucking you but not treating you like a girlfriend then use that threat and if he reacts by not stepping up then leave and find better. This question isn't a clear answer. Relationships are trial and error, but don't let your time be wasted at the same time be smart about it.
  12. "Who's going to buy the cow if you give away the milk for free?"

    That's old advice, but it still applies. If you want a guy who's not going to drop you as soon as you have sex, then don't have sex right away. Tell the guy that you won't have sex in the first 90 days. I still think this is good advice even if me and my girlfriend agreed to that and only made it 30 days, haha! If that sounds too crazy, then maybe just try 30 days and see how well that works.
    Comfortablydumb96 and Sc8r51o1n like this.
  13. I havent read the rest of the comments yet but getting a guy to like you should not be that hard. I am going to give you the same advice I would give my male friends: Make sure you look nice, dress nice, work on your self confidence, conversational skills and so on. Dont be afraid of turning down the crazy ones no matter how good they look. If you make yourself attractive then a lot of guys will want to get to know you.
    josedelamuerte and +TenPercent like this.
  14. Have standards and don't lower them unless you have a good reason to. Watch out for bullshit and manipulation. Guys tend to think with their dicks and they will say what they think you want to hear to get sex. Not all men are like that, but a lot of them are. Just be honest up front to avoid any miscommunication.
    Branchman likes this.