Semen Retention? Why?

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by SweetHamlet, Nov 2, 2019.

  1. SweetHamlet

    SweetHamlet Fapstronaut

    So I've been doing NoFap since March and while I've broken several times, I don't consider them to major setbacks. Quite the contrary, I find that my ability to have a relapse after months of progress and continue going motivates me further.

    I started dating my now girlfriend about 3 months ago, and we make each other O just about every time we have sex, usually several times a week. I find it to be a fulfilling part of my life, and I wouldn't trade those moments of connection for the world.

    I've gone 90 days before without O. I felt obvious benefit from quitting P in terms of my relationships, focus etc. etc, however I havn't necessarily felt the benefit of Semen retention that a lot of people talk about (i.e. energy, increased strength etc.) Also with Semen retention, even if it does make you better, stronger, etc, what good is a quality of life without any sex at all? To me that seems like romantic relationships would be sorta unfulfilling if you can't make love anymore. It's one of those things that yeah, you don't NEED to have sex, but the point is it's something you do because it connects you two, mentally, physically, and chemically.

    Am I missing something about semen retention? Any thoughts from people who practice semen retention but are in romantic relationships?
    +TenPercent and Get_It like this.
  2. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    Most people think semen retention is an over-powered bandaid. Am I bald? Semen retention gives you hair. Am I fat? Semen retention makes you thin. Am I hungry? Semen retention ends hunger. Am I in debt with the mafia? Semen retention gives you laser eyes.

    I really wouldn't take seriously most of the people at the semen retention section.
    Get_It and onceaking like this.
  3. Fork2323

    Fork2323 Fapstronaut

    As a man You can have sex and an O with out ejaculation. But that is the highest self mastery you will ever achieve..There are several books on Tantra sex and the muti-orgasmic man. Tantra is really amazing but for it to work you have to be in love with the other person and have a true heart connection.. You can have sex for hours and keep going. They say to set an alarm for 2 hours so you dont just keep doing it forever.
    Also who your partner is and their energy is a big part of it.. Some women are very depleating and suck your life force out and drian you.. And others up lift and give you more energy. That is why older men are into younger women. They want their life force.
    +TenPercent likes this.
  4. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    I heard you can get cancer from semen retention.
  5. Fork2323

    Fork2323 Fapstronaut

    urban myth.. Men will have nocturnal emissions and it will be released in your sleep.. Boxers and lots of pro athletes dont have sex for months before a big fight so they have more power in the ring.. Catholic priests have been known to get prostate cancer, but thats only after like 40 years of no release.. But you never hear of Buddhist monks getting it who are also celebit.. That's because they have yoga exercises and meditation to channel the energy and Catholic priests don't.. If you learn Tantra and just do normal physical exercise you will be fine. Priests dont exercise and live very sedentary lives.. Also you can still have tantra sex with a partner and it gives the energy a place to go as it circulates through each other.. Educate yourself on the aspects to gain knowlege.. Cars will kill you, but if you learn how to drive and use it safely they are a big benefit to your life .
    +TenPercent likes this.
  6. Thank you for asking this question. I'm looking forward to reading the replies, especially from those who practice tantric / karezza / non-orgasmic sex.
    Thrice in my life I have gone over 4 months without ejaculation. Each experience was totally worth it and each was more fulfilling than the one before. But I am also now in a relationship and not sure how to balance my desire to practice semen retention and my desire to be sexual with my girlfriend. I thought what I was doing was working out just fine, but she disagreed heartily and insisted that I have orgasms with her.
  7. Get_It

    Get_It Fapstronaut

    Semen Retention Cult are the gnostic heretics of Nofap, these guys are hardcore fundamentalists.
    +TenPercent likes this.
  8. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    The true goal of NoFap is NoLife? Not even Shyamalan or however his name is would have made that plot twist.
  9. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    NoFap isn't really about not masturbating. It's about not masturbating if it's unhealthy for the individual. In a way NoFap is a bit like the world series in baseball - the name doesn't describe the contents. Personally I'm not against masturbation moderately and I'm trying to figure how much of my religious up bringing effects how I feel about it.
  10. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    I know dude I'm just saying stuff.