What’s your take on premarital sex

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by goodnice 2.0, Sep 11, 2019.

  1. Paul69

    Paul69 Fapstronaut

    I looked it up:
    20 If, however, the charge is true and no proof of the young woman’s virginity can be found, 21 she shall be brought to the door of her father’s house and there the men of her town shall stone her to death. She has done an outrageous thing in Israel by being promiscuous while still in her father’s house. You must purge the evil from among you.

    This clearly applies only to women. I think that according to the Bible only woman have to virgins when they marry; for men it is not big deal. The tradition that both men and women are virgin at marriage comes from the Germanic traditions, that we adopted by the Church when Europe was christinised. Tacitus describes in his book "De Germanica" how in the Germanic tradition (I use the word "Germanic" and not German as modern day Germans are just one of the peoples descending from the old tribes) men and woman would both be young at marriage; men 18 and women 16. Also marriage was forever; no divorce. Ideally both would be virginal although even in those days that was not always the case. In the Mediterranean marriage tradition men could be much older than women; they would marry only when they had the means to support their future wife.

    So pre-marital sex for the man is ok with respect to the Bible itself, although personally I think it is a bit unfair to require virginity only of the woman.
    goodnice 2.0 likes this.
  2. dethly

    dethly Fapstronaut

    I have to disagree with this. If you look at my initial reply in this thread I have attached a link to the teachings of the Father which has been presented to us through his holy clergy. The insight is very deep that you have here, however sometimes the scriptures must be interpreted. As you can see this passage clearly tells us to murder women who have committed adultery, however this directly contradicts the ten commandments. "Thou shall not kill".
  3. Hros

    Hros Fapstronaut

    If so, then what? You think God made a mistake?
    Besides, it's not murder, it's punishment. The same could be said about capital punishment.
  4. dethly

    dethly Fapstronaut

    You're interpreting "thou shall not kill" as don't commit murder. Killing someone as a form of punishment is also prohibited.
    And no, I am saying that the Bible is up for interpretation, my whole point is that God DOESN'T make mistakes, and that because of this contradiction, the passage must be interpreted.
  5. Hros

    Hros Fapstronaut

    I'm not sure where you're getting this from.
  6. dethly

    dethly Fapstronaut

    I apologize, the correct form of the commandment is "thou shalt not murder". Capital punishment is not spoken of in the ten commandments. Still, my point stands. When the prostitute was being stoned to death, Jesus said "he who is without sin cast the first stone". Forgiveness is always taught to be the primary reaction, and the Bible is open for interpretation. I'm sure that the Church fathers would always push for leniency before stoning every woman who has slept with another man outside of wedlock. :)
  7. Hros

    Hros Fapstronaut

    Ah, the Christian perspective. Well, I'm not Christian so we'll have to agree to disagree.
    dethly likes this.

    EXPONENTIALLY Fapstronaut

    Evil communism, "out of chaos a new order", devil worshippers feeding demonic entities to bring pandemonium, plan to keep people powerless and miserable and hate God and make them love what is wrong and destructive.

    What else, you have a brain too.

    EXPONENTIALLY Fapstronaut

    God killed 23,000 fornicators one day.

    Sexual purity is the reasonable burden for Christians declared by the Apostles and very good for sanctification (betterment).

    The adulteress and tricky woman is more bitter than death, she can lead to Hell (unless you're saved).

    Women that have indulged in the pleasures are like "zombies".

    Virginity is good for a man and for a woman.

    A woman playing the harlot would have been burnt in the Old Testament, stoned to death as well.

    God killed 1 masturbator.

    Marriage is to avoid fornication and being burnt in lust, a man and a woman joined together as one flesh.

    Christians bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit and as particular members in the body of Christ they should not make it the member of an harlot.

    Christians must glorify God in their body and Spirit that they should not grieve.

    Purity is a fruit of the Spirit.

    Rotten fruits lead to death and shame.

    God HATES fornication.
    dethly likes this.

    EXPONENTIALLY Fapstronaut

  11. Enwar

    Enwar Fapstronaut

    Premarital sex is one of the most condemned sins in the New Testament. 1 Corinthians 6 is a great place to start. In every place that the Bible condemns "fornication" or "sexual immorality", it includes sex outside of marriage.
    dethly likes this.
  12. That's a challenging question because the answer will be different for different people. Values generally drive our decision making or whether we have shame over something or not. For those who have certain types of religious beliefs, premarital sex acts may be viewed as not being God's ideal plan for us. For others who don't share those values, they may feel it's just fine to do anything. For even others, they might have certain boundaries around what's right--like yes to oral, no to intercourse. So who is right and who is wrong? Everyone. Whatever you "consciously" decide and is consistent with "your" values and your partner's values is right (my opinion). I'm not about to force my views or value system on anyone else. I know what's right and wrong for me.
  13. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    It is true. In fact, at times the biblical writers seem to encourage premarital sex. In the Bible sexual immorality isn't premarital sex, rape and paedophilia is sexual immorality. So according to scripture, we shouldn't force sex upon people who don't want it. As recent cases have shown, consent can get complicated when people have one night stands so it's best to really get to know the person first before having sex.
  14. brilliantidiot

    brilliantidiot Fapstronaut

    Could you back that up please?
    dethly likes this.
  15. letter

    letter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    @goodnice 2.0

    To properly understand what is said in scripture, I strongly encourage you to study the underlying original language. Check out this parallel English / Greek of Matthew 15:19 — https://biblehub.com/text/matthew/15-19.htm

    Then check out the strong’s number for the Greek word πορνεία (porneia) which is translated as fornication / sexual immorality — https://biblehub.com/greek/4202.htm

    Some knowledge of Greek helps. There are root words which can be modified for different usages. Kind of like the English word “help” — there is helpful, helpfulness, unhelpful, etc. The root word help is expounded on by modifiers.

    The similarity between that Greek word and porn is no coincidence. You’d need to do a more exhaustive study to grasp the deeper nature of what this word means, but at a quick glance you can see that porneia and its related words like pórnos and porneuó all bear very similar meanings. They are all translated often into English as sexual immorality & fornication.

    And what is fornication?


    What the scriptures say about this subject is clear to me, I have reasons beyond the definitions of the words to help bolster their meaning and nuances. But to tell all of this would be quite an endeavour. So please, because my answer is not exhaustive, follow up on this with study of your own.
    brilliantidiot and goodnice 2.0 like this.
  16. thank you letter for taking the time.

    I didn’t even know fornication meant intercourse btwn two unmarried people!!! That’s crazy that i didn’t know that, because i’ve seen the word fornication used many times in the Bible. And i kinda just thought it meant adultery or M or lust
    letter likes this.
  17. letter

    letter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Glad I could help.

    I remember when I first discovered that fornication was defined as extramarital sex, any sex outside of marriage, that it took me by surprise too. I remember thinking, “well, that’s not an option anymore” XD
    brilliantidiot and goodnice 2.0 like this.
  18. First of all, the reason it's difficult to abstain from sex is because it's so pleasurable. So you're basically asking, "why did God make sex so fun?" Which... seems a bit like complaining to your parents for buying you Christmas presents, since you don't get to open them until Christmas. Would you rather not have the presents at all, since you have to wait? I think I'd rather wait for the presents, and then thank God for a wonderful gift that He didn't need to give me. ;)

    And secondly, there's absolutely no rule saying you have to wait until you're 30 to get married. Most people in Biblical times were married wayyy younger than that. My mom got married at 18, my sister was 19, I was 20.

    Sex is a gift that God has given to those who have decided to make a covenant with each other and with Him, to be faithful to each other. Marriage is fun, but it's not all about fun and being happy. It's a very serious thing. The marriage relationship is very often described as a mirror of God's relationship with His people -- we are His bride, He is the bridegroom. There's no reason you need to wait until you're 30 to make that kind of commitment to someone. If you treat it seriously and remember that marriage is much more often about making you holy than making you happy, you will be fine.
  19. In regards to whether or not the Bible specifically prohibits sex outside of marriage, I was actually looking into that a lot a while back. I realized I couldn't think of a single verse that specifically says that, and I didn't want to be believing something just because people say it's true if it's not even in the Bible.

    The issue is a bit complicated though, because "marriage" in Biblical times was very different than it is now. Especially very early on. I mean, Adam and Even certainly didn't have a ceremony with witnesses and an ordained minister. But they were man and wife, in the eyes of God. I see marriage as being more of a covenant you and your spouse make with God, regardless of whether or not a ceremony takes place. So technically, if you have already made that covenant with God and your spouse by getting engaged, I'm not sure God would frown upon you having sex. (I'm also not 100% sure he wouldn't, but in my understand of the Bible, it seems a bit unclear on that).

    HOWEVER, since sex is meant to be saved for man and wife (covenant with God, not necessarily a legal ceremony required), that would mean that if you have sex with a woman you have made that covenant with, you are married in the eyes of God, and "what God brings together, man will not separate." In other words, you are not to leave that person, because that would be considered a divorce in God's eyes.

    I know that might sound odd to some Christians, but honestly, after scouring the Bible about this issue and trying not to just believe whatever a pastor is telling me the Bible says, that's the perspective that seems most accurate to me. If two people are engaged, fully committed, ready to make that covenant at their wedding ceremony, and they have sex before they get married, I'm not sure there's really anything wrong with that. But if you were to leave that person and not marry them, then that would be wrong, because you're already married under the eyes of God.
    goodnice 2.0 likes this.
  20. Thank you @Castielle

    nice to read that response.

    But @letter said fornication is defined as sex outside of marriage. And the Bible says many times not to engage in fornication