Why is masturbation said to be healthy?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Dailydoer, Apr 10, 2015.

  1. Okay, lets say it does prevent prostate cancer.
    But the way everyone is talking about masturbation is half-truth way.
    Nobody says about addiction to masturbation.
    Nobody says when too much of masturbation happen. What is chronic masturbation.
    Its like saying, alcohol from time to time is healthy, because it makes you feel good. And no word about alcoholism.
    NewGeorge likes this.
  2. Devil Nabin

    Devil Nabin Fapstronaut

  3. Devil Nabin

    Devil Nabin Fapstronaut

    Animal does sex directly,...not like us with hand job...think bro.
    testwarz likes this.
  4. Why is masturbation said to be healthy?

    Because it actually is healthy.
    I genuinely don't mean this with any disrespect but honestly, if you're discrediting what doctors say, who by the way, have STUDIED their asses off for years, and I mean actual proper doctors, the ones that don't piss fart around, who have been thrashed by placements, exams and all of that sort, you are genuinely delusional. I genuinely don't understand how someone with no practical knowledge within the given field of study can just discredit and gatekeep the living shit out of what masturbation does or doesn't do to the body.

    People fail to realize that their experiences with masturbation are their experiences, not another's. Masturbation could have been detrimental to you because you lack self-control and relied on it as a form of escape or just couldn't get enough of the dopamine high. Masturbation isn't inherently bad, and NoFap LITERALLY states this on About NoFap which is linked at the bottom section of the page. Masturbation only becomes bad for an individual if theyre using it to relieve stress constantly, doing it because they feel sad/down or if they crave that dopamine high again and again. Masturbation isn't bad because "you're wasting your seed, your nutrients", you make masturbation unhealthy because quite simply, you just lack discipline and self-control.

    I lack discipline and self-control, hence why I stopped masturbating. Originally I quit porn but it i realized that I had a problem with masturbating as well.

    Also, James Bond and Jason Bourne are extremely poor examples regarding the whole topic to masturbation. They are movie characters, even so, those characters have their reflexes and bodies trained to the extreme, hence why they are "capable" of doing and pulling off the shit they pull off in movies, even though its all scripted and stunted, the "characters" themselves are trained beyond belief.

    Masturbation is a natural thing, and it is healthy. It is not a beta thing to do, guys and girls masturbate, why in the hell would it be a Beta thing to do, there's no logic behind that.
    It only becomes unhealthy if you can't exercise any self-control.

    Remember, your experience is your experience, no one is a gatekeeper for everyone's opinion on masturbation or whatever the hell the topic is. Just please, stop discrediting medical knowledge from a doctor unless you actually study within the medical field and are a doctor yourself.
    Jonyx likes this.
  5. Neveragain27

    Neveragain27 Fapstronaut

    Well... i do agree that mastrubation in itself without any porn is not harmfull. That beeing said i dont think it's healthy either.
    I know that mastrubation makes you loose energi for a time.
    I wouldnt trust blindly on the doctors nor scientists.
    I dont think they give missinformation on purpose, but things like this takes extremly long time to figure out properly.
    It's like smoking, i used to smoke, i could without a doubt tell you that it was harmfull to me, but still the doctors and scientists used decade with research and disinformation before openly telling the people it was harmfull.
  6. Masturbation can be done in a healthy or unhealthy way. If you do it right before work and are so tired and sleepy as a result that you can't stay awake on the road like I used to do, then it's unhealthy, or if you are driven to looking at porn and looking at things you would not feel proud of looking at or would shun in a fully awake non lustful state it, which would happen to me most often when I would masturbate at night under my covers, then that's unhealthy. Not to mention I would be tired the next day from having edged and stroked myself all night long- Unhealthy.

    If you condemn yourself for masturbating and are guilty for days with low self esteem, like I used to do, then it's unhealthy.
    If you do it so often and don't take vitamins and other supplements afterwards to replenish yourself, including zinc, which is lost in the ejaculate, Omega three's and a good multiple vitamin like Alive Ultra Potency for Men, and possibly herbs like panax ginseng, maca, or tong kat ali to cut that refractiry period significantly, then it can be unhealthy.

    If you are so sexed and you jack off to avoid unhealthy or even immoral sexual contacts or to avoid being so horny for so long that you start gravitating to porn and it's various selacious topics, then it's a healthier option. If you are horny as hell, and you don't want to be tossing and turning in your bed all night long and fighting with yourself and you have to get up and go to work the next morning and your balls feel like they are about to detonate because they haven't emptied themselves out in a long time and you go to the restroom, masturbate (without porn), then go to bed and sleep like a baby and wake up relaxed and refreshed, then I think that masturbation is healthy. I think it is healthiest devoid of base sexual fantasies. I do struggle with fantasies. I think the safest place to do it and get it over without the lingering lustful pulls, long bouts of edging and temptation to pull up the latest freaky interest on your device is in the restroom. I feel completely positive about it when I don't have sexual fantasies while doing it, although I have often struggled with fantasies. I admire those who can go weeks without doing it and it not be an issue. I would do that more often when I was younger.
    As a little older man, if I go weeks without a semen release, I have experienced some irritation and sometimes swelling in my prostate. Masturbating has soothed my prostate at times and improves my urinary flow. When I had prostate problems in the past, it did irritate it a few times. I think I did it too often when that happened.
    I always take vitamins after ejaculating, including at least 50 mg of zinc balanced with 2mg of copper along with hemp seed oil or cod liver oil, B complex and sometimes strengthening herbs like panax ginseng, tong kat ali, Black maca.
    Doing this cuts down the refractory period significantly. Most aphrodisiac herbs will restore your strength more quickly and have benefits beyond the bedroom.
    I would recommend anyone struggling with the masturbation issue to pray about it and seek God's will. I have most peace about masturbating devoid of fantasies. I no longer condemn myself for masturbating and have a much healthier attitude about it than when I was younger and let religious dogma and condemnation erode my self esteem and confidence. I suffered sometimes from immense guilt and feel this was a tactic of the evil one to get me down, looking back. No one should be walking around feeling like a loser and beating up yourself because you masturbated. If you feel you sinned in the manner in which you did it, ask God to forgive you, try to learn a lesson from it and move on. I don't mean to sound religuous, but its often unhealthy and erroneous religuious dogma that keeps people bound in guilt, shame and condemnation. There are no specific verses in the bible that directly condemn masturbation. Guilt and condemnation can be just as debilitating as porn, in my view. I have been there.
    Neveragain27 likes this.
  7. No one trust's anyone blindly if you think about it. The one's who do are usually very easy to prey upon when it comes to scams etc.

    However, doctors do not waste their time studying and doing placements just so they can give you wrong information.. Except for those that piss fart around. A doctor knows more about the body (apart from scientists) than anyone on this website ever would.. Unless there is an actual verified doctor/scientist on here. It really honestly doesn't take a long time to get information about how healthy or detrimental masturbation could be to the body.

    What people fail to realize time and time again and are seriously guilty of this, is that your experience with masturbation is nothing but yours. We all agree that porn is inherently bad, toxic for the mind, however masturbation isn't.

    People fail to realize that they make their experience with masturbation unhealthy because they can't exercise any self-control, they're running away from responsibility and pinning the blame on something else except themselves. They are the ones in control of what they do and of what they decide. They're the ones who decide to "masturbate" consecutively and let it consume them because they never thought about the concept of self-control, so they blame the act itself when in reality the only thing you should be blaming is yourself. But that doesn't mean you're worthless/useless, it only means what I've said previously before, you just have poor self-control, which can be improved day by day if you put your mind to it.

    Smoking and masturbation are two extremely different things and to be honest a very poor comparison.
    I used to smoke 2 packets a day when I was 19 to 21. Smoking was bad back then regardless of information not being present or not and it still is now. You don't need a doctor to tell you that it is harmful, putting any sort of smoke/gas inside your lungs is obviously unhealthy, it's common sense.

    One is clearly unhealthy, the other is healthy but can be made unhealthy if the person can not exercise any self-control.

    Also, I remember reading someone saying that moderation is impossible when it comes to masturbating and to the person who wrote that;
    Moderation is clearly possible and very much achievable, just not with your ability of self-control. You aren't a gatekeeper, you're another individual who is addicted to porn, not a speaker for every other human or individual on here, it's just you.
  8. Neveragain27

    Neveragain27 Fapstronaut

    For the first, I never said I believe it is unhealthy, but I do not believe it gives you any benefits either (like preventing prostate diseases etc, making your sex life better or for fighting depression and what not.)

    It irritates me when you say that masturbation and smoking are a bad comparison, when I have never tried to compare those two.
    I gave an example of why to be careful about trusting what ever the scientists, doctor's and every one els for that matter are stating as facts.

    I was of course not talking about what we knew as facts in the 70's 80's or what ever.
    In the early 1900's till 1950ish? Doctor's used tobacco as medicine and claimed it was healthy.
    But let's say I was living in 1920 and smoking a pack a day, I would still feel the bad consequences It had on my body, but who would believe me if I would tell people its bad for us? Who would I think I am to claim such a thing when all the doctor's and scientists say otherwise. You get the point?

    So when people feel that masturbation if bad for them, who are we to tell them wrong? No doctor nor scientist knows that person's body and brain better then that person himself.
    What we know as "facts" today might as well be proven wrong tomorrow.
    Much of the practices of 50 years ago are known to be bad today, and in 50 years from now we will look back at things we knew and did in 2019 and know it was totally wrong.

    So don't give to much weight in what others say, use comman knowledge and listen to your body.

  9. We don't say anything if they think that for them, as an individual, that masturbation doesn't feel right. If they know that masturbation has become an unhealthy habit for them, then that's a good thing because it means they do have some degree of self-awareness. However what I'm trying to state is that a lot of people on here make masturbation out to be the worst thing that dawned upon mankind. It genuinely isn't. The purpose behind the "masturbation" is what matters and eventually decides if masturbating can become an unhealthy habit or something that can be moderated for that individual.

    We should all listen to our bodies, what I'm trying to say is, don't gatekeep opinions on masturbation and say it is unhealthy and don't try to discredit what doctors know if you don't have the same experience within the medical field. They spend years studying and doing placements for a reason. Obviously technology will advance and diseases and stuff that are present now can possibly be cured in the future.. who knows? Only you'll know if masturbating is unhealthy for you or not, but that doesn't mean it's unhealthy for others. People in this community obviously view and see that their habits of masturbation are unhealthy, but's what even more asinine is just claiming that masturbation in itself, outright, is unhealthy when it isn't. Individuals can either moderate it or make it unhealthy for themselves and themselves alone, no one else.

    Strictly talking about health benefits etc, I'm Pro-Fap, I genuinely don't see anything wrong with it under moderation, but because I have a problem with porn and because I used masturbation and porn for the wrong reasons (loneliness, sadness, boredom etc), I recognized it was an unhealthy habit for me that I needed to drop, I made it unhealthy for myself.
    Neveragain27 likes this.
  10. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    That could be one reason as to why the numbers of great warriors, strong leaders, productive geniuses and thinkers have been so few since WWII and onward. Men overall have become more obsessed by and attached to sex, lust, pornography, and masturbation which are all draining the productive energy, spirit and force out of them.
    PredeterminedPurpose likes this.
  11. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    I might sound like a conspiracy-theorist here but I almost think that information and articles show up first in all search-results in order to indoctrinate and encourage men to keep that destructive habit going. Because if we men (in the Western world) do, there will be nothing left but weak, simpified, needy and emasculated beta-males who are obedient, submissive, and easy to control for feminists, globalists, politicians and other unscrupulous leaders who want nothing but complete control over developed civilizations for their own evil purposes.
    If 90+% of men in working age (15-65 years of age) never masturbated or watched porn, there would be plenty of strong and confident men who could stand up against the BS, lies and other divide and conquer tools that are constantly being thrown at us.
    PredeterminedPurpose likes this.