Hi!New to NoFap for improve my life

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Onigiri, May 31, 2019.

  1. Onigiri

    Onigiri Fapstronaut

    I started to watch porn at the age of 18. Sometimes I didn't like it but in the last 3 years, now I'm 27, it became more important for masturbation and orgasm. I'm understanding or thiking that porn is the objectification of people, is the mercantilization of humans and our desires.

    I think I lost interest in sex with real people and isolate myself because of PMO. Also my orgasms are not so satisfying like it used to be.

    I have some periods of time when I don't do PMO at all (like 1 week) but after that I have periods where PMO is a big part of my daily routine and the good habits I was creating dissapeared.

    Because all of that, I'm going for 90 days no PMO for now.

    Thank you everyone, I feel I could make it.
  2. Xen

    Xen Fapstronaut

    Good luck, mate. Definitely replace PMO with better habits.
    Onigiri likes this.
  3. Welcome to the forum! Today is my second day and it's already helping. Your 90 day goal is amazing and I think it will change your outlook on it for good. Dr. Caroline Leaf argues that it takes 63 days to change the neural pathways from a negative habit to a positive one. I wish I could confirm that seeing as this is the first time I will make it that far but I have high hopes. All the best to you and remember, we are in this together!
    Xen and Onigiri like this.
  4. Onigiri

    Onigiri Fapstronaut

    Thank all of you for your support! Yes, we're in this together. Good luck and stay strong
    Enulv likes this.
  5. Always be positive

    Always be positive Fapstronaut

  6. Onigiri

    Onigiri Fapstronaut

    Always be positive likes this.
  7. Always be positive

    Always be positive Fapstronaut

    You can fast and add weight, its all about how many calories you intake, you dont need to eat unhealthy to add weight, there are high caloric foods for example all cereals, however you dont need to implement all habits at once, it takes willpower, they say its needed 21 days for habit to become routine and stop taking willpower, however you can implement more habits at once :) enjoy the progress
  8. Also, by getting that counter past a week you will gain more weight. You working out? Should reduce the desire and increase size. It's not easy though but we have the best body type to put on muscle. Fasting for 16 hours will not hinder your ability to gain weight if all these factors are in check and you continue to eat the same amount of calories or more during the times you can eat. In my experience I added a couple lbs but except I was super hungry in the mornings and got tired of it lol. It is supposed to help your body in adding more muscle quickly. The only caveat is eating enough because you have less time to do it. Like he said, start with one thing at a time and learn as much as you can while you're doing it. There is a group on bodybuilding and some other good groups to join. Hope to see you there.
  9. Onigiri

    Onigiri Fapstronaut

    Right now, I don't workout consistently because I have a lot of things going on.
    One thing that I do almost everyday is meditation, so I focus in this habit first.
    Big changes in my life are going to happen soon and because of that is good to not push myself with a lot of habits but on the other hand I feel it is the best moment to improve.
    NF is putting me in the mindset of doing the things that I have to do and giving me determination.

    Thank you for your wisdom!!
    Enulv likes this.
  10. Hey there man! Wish you the best with NoFap, but I don't understand one thing - why 90 days? What's next? You're goin to start all over again? I suggest not to really make a specific goal/target. Just don't fap. Don't think about how long, cause it can really mess your brain up in process of these 90 days. Of course, your life - your goals n stuff, just sayin'. Anyways - cheers and good luck!
  11. Onigiri

    Onigiri Fapstronaut

    Hi! I just put this days because is a challenge and for doing a commitment with myself. Next I would NoFap as long as I could, ideally forever.
    Thank you.
    Enulv likes this.
  12. When you say you focus on this habit first, what are you meditating on?
  13. Onigiri

    Onigiri Fapstronaut

    I'm doing zen meditation.
  14. So there is no thought? I would encourage to focus on success versus nothing. When one focuses on nothing they are opened up to spiritual forces that can be negative.
    Onigiri likes this.
  15. Onigiri

    Onigiri Fapstronaut

    There are thoughts but you just let them go instead of following them in the spiral of rational thinking.
    For me, the "magic" of this meditation happens in the day to day when I have "eureka" moments or "aha" moments regarding an issue or decisions without overthinking.
    Also I learned about myself, my worries, my personality... just seeing my thoughts pass.

    I like this type of meditation because you don't have to learn mantras, mudras or anything just the posture and the discipline to do it but I'm not saying it is the best type of meditation, just one.

    For guide the intentions, like you said, others types of meditation focus more on it.
    Sometimes, I explore chanting some mantras while I'm doing repetitive tasks like a form of meditation if I feel irritated and it kept me relaxed and calm.
  16. That sounds like a good way to meditate. Do you find when thinking or talking to yourself that you are more optimistic or negative about how you see yourself or how things happen?
  17. Onigiri

    Onigiri Fapstronaut

    Yes! If I don't meditate I tend to talk to myself in negative ways or think in a really pessimistic way about life. Is this happening to you too?
  18. Sometimes I get down on myself in the morning after waking up because I haven't gotten to where I like getting up early yet. I try to stay away from bad thoughts and when I get down on myself a lot, I think to myself "If I don't see a change then I must try harder" or "there is something in my life I need to change so I don't feel this way." That is the reason I stopped fapping daily. I felt it was causing me to think less of myself and I didn't like that feeling. Always look toward improving never negatives like "I can't do something" or "I suck at this" Think instead, "I choose not do this" or "I just need to improve on this" Easy ways to have the same thought without it being negative and bring you up instead of down. IMO
    Onigiri likes this.