Relentless Flatline/PAWS - Dark times, the other side of the coin

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Younameit, May 21, 2019.

  1. Younameit

    Younameit Fapstronaut

    As of the time of this writing I'm 2 and a half years still flatlining, recently got my hormones checked (again, 3rd time since I've started nofap 2,5 years ago), pretty much all of them came out okay, total testosterone 521 ng/dl , SHBG a bit high (47), free testosterone 9.02 ng/dl (4,58 to 18,33 range). I will raise the boron intake, take zinc, Vitamin d3 and proviron in order to improve my free test to 14-15 ng/dl.
    The rest of my hormones are within range (LH, FSH, TSH, T3, T4, prolactin among many others). So yeah, no hypogonadism or anything like that, thankfully.
    This flatline has been the most extreme experience of my life by far. I have zero sex drive/libido, no morning wood, no erection, no urges, my brain feels dead, disconnected, brain fog, don't have energy to hit the gym, no energy to work out, no eenrgy to do anything, I just work, read and meditate (thankfully I work home office) but there's no life inside me, I'm just a zombie getting by in life, that's too insane for me.
    Why Is this the other side of the coin? Guys who are horny and have a healthy sex drive should take advantage of that and do something useful with their lives, I've got a lot of projects waiting to be executed, I just CAN'T pull them off because I'm in this zombie phase, I see guys complaining that the urges are "bothering, annoying" them, nigga please.... Your sex drive is your godgiven energy, the energy from which everything is created, any project, business, enterprise, company, mission, goal in life derive from this energy, to see people complaining about that is fucking insane to say the least..
    If you want advice from a veteran nofapper, I know how it feels, the urge is uncontrollable this is what you should do.
    Stop complaining about that, don't take your sex drive for granted and USE IT, find your purpose, quit instant gratification and channel/transmute this energy into fulfilling your mission here, your life purpose and mission is the most important thing in your life.
    Hit the gym, practice self development, become more attractive, learn red pill/game/Pickup artistry and go out to pickup and bring women to your life, you're a man and you NEED sex, stop giving excuses stop using porn as escapism, PMO sedates you, it's dangerous and it's a DRUG, don't bust your nuts to pixels on a screen.
    with that being said, you're allowed to jerk off without porn once a week (2 at maximum!) it's not wrong to masturbate, I wish I could right now, the main purpose of nofap is to stop PORN ADDICTION, porn is the main problem, it fucks up your brain, it destroys your reward system, it is a horrible addiction, as worse as cocaine/alcohol/cigarretes (maybe worse!) You need to draw the line here, for the first few years of your life you jerked off without porn, most of us discovered porn in early adolescence, so you can do this, don't beat yourself up because you "relapsed" by just jerking off, masturbation in moderation is OKAY and healthy, do yourself a favor and exercise your libido, sex drive and dick
  2. Younameit

    Younameit Fapstronaut

    Maybe I'll have to start taking anti-depressant drugs, we'll see
  3. I had a feeling your results would come back normal. Mine always have too.

    Are you doing anything during the day that you funking hate and resent having to do?
    Do you find your work extremely stressful and tiring? That could be the cause of you not recovering or making paws worse. I'm leaving my job at the end of the month as I can't cope with working while experiencing paws.

    I advise against anti depressants, especially SSRI's , theye are fucking dangerous and can cause permanent damage to the serotonin system as well as permanently fuck with libido (search up on PSSD)

    If you really feel you need a antidepressant then go for mirtazapine, it's not a SSRI. any medication you do start though is going to take a adjustment period where you feel like ass and potentially worse, you have to ask yourself if it's worth it.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2019
    dboy18 and Anonymous86 like this.
  4. Younameit

    Younameit Fapstronaut

    at the moment I'm using monoamine oxidase inhibitor, l-deprenyl (it raises dopamine in the brain), I'll see the effects in the following days
  5. BigOne79

    BigOne79 Fapstronaut

    I do sympathize as I have had my hormones checked, even taking herbs for vitality and adrenal fatigue. I just after seven months started noticing Morning wood. Although, I still have not had dreams return, or spontaneous elections so far. I want to ask but do not want to upset you but you have been abstaining by not looking at porn even though you don’t PMO anymore. Also, the fantasizing has to stop which is the hardest for me right now. I am not sure how old you are but considering how much fapping you did a day could be the culprit. Make sure tour diet above all is good. I suggested you also start lifting weights a bit heavier than normal and see how that blood flow reacts. With a T Level that high lifting should make you an animal. Now, another scenario that might be going on is if you are snoring at night! If you have sleep apnea or waking at night from it as you will not remember this will effect your sex drive tremendously as well. Men using CPAP have did they have nor energy which helps the libido. Ultimately you have to make time to truly be happy with yourself and good people around you. I feel libido just by talking with people as well. I still have a eye until a year but I see progress every month like other posters have said in this site.
  6. Never heard of it. Definitely keep is updated.

    Do you smoke or drink at all ?

    Caffine was definitely making things worse for me, quit it a few months ago.
  7. WingedHussar-

    WingedHussar- Fapstronaut

    Maybe you should stop filling your life up with so much bullshit. When i just read “red pill“ , “game“ and all that shit i knew what was going on. Stop thinking about shit like that and your life will start to get better in no time.

    And nope, masturbation is never ok. In no case.
  8. Who's talking about red pill or game? Wtf are you on about lol.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. It's too much O, which fucks the brain up. Which is caused by PM, simple as that. And once you broke it, there is no way back to normal MO ever. Flatlining is sure sign of a PMO brain. You have to live with that.
    Freeddom_Taker likes this.
  10. WingedHussar-

    WingedHussar- Fapstronaut

    Just read the first post from op line for line and you will find that. And that shows me that he is surrounded by toxic things, which create a negative worldview and that wont lead you anywhere.
    Lilla_My likes this.
  11. So because he might be right leaning and you dont like it, he creates a negative worldview for himself.

    The tolerant left LOL.

    Maybe he should just be sent off to the gulag to purge him of his thought crimes.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2019
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. WingedHussar-

    WingedHussar- Fapstronaut

    Haha you really call me left? Boy you dont know me at all. Im right when it comes to politics. But red pill today is more about woman, and “game“ is completely about woman and both of them have a very toxic view of women.

    They generalize and say that all woman are the same. In fact, only degenarate mentally ill woman respond to red pill and similar stuff with positive reactions.
    Lilla_My likes this.
  13. Younameit

    Younameit Fapstronaut

    "Although, I still have not had dreams return, or spontaneous elections so far"

    Here too bro.. i want vivid dreams and spontaneous erections to return
  14. Younameit

    Younameit Fapstronaut

    "Also, the fantasizing has to stop which is the hardest for me right now"

    I haven't fantasised in months, my brain is literally shut, turned off
  15. Younameit

    Younameit Fapstronaut

    " I suggested youalso start lifting weights a bit heavier than normal and see how that blood flow reacts"
    I've always been a gym rat since 2013, but from 2018 until now I haven't set my foot in the gym cause I have no energy to workout. It's insane
  16. Younameit

    Younameit Fapstronaut

    It's used as a nootropic by the nootropic community
  17. Younameit

    Younameit Fapstronaut

    really? haha, bro.. your comment is bullshit, game is just getting better with women so you don't jerk off to pixels on a screen, that ain't bullshit at all, if men knew how to connect and get sexual with women more often, nobody would resort to porn as a cope mechanism. That means men wouldn't get addicted to porn. When it comes to social dynamics people get better at dealing with people (books like how to win friends and influence people, tonny robbins etc..), when it comes to marketing/sales people study neuromarketing, copwriting, and when it comes to women men need to get better at dealing with women which means learning seduction/game. That's it, that's all there is to it
  18. Younameit

    Younameit Fapstronaut

    "And nope, masturbation is never ok. In no case"
    I tend to disagree with that and would reframe this phrase to "PMO is never ok, in no case" but I would also add "compulsive masturbation is never ok. In no case"
    I've seen many nofappers using the intermittent fapping, that is, to fap every 7-10 days to reap the benefits of the testosterone peak around the 7th to 10th day, and they are successful at this approach. Once my libido comes back I will definitely employ that strategy
  19. Younameit

    Younameit Fapstronaut

    If you think that having relationships with women is "toxic" that just goes to show that you are the one who have a toxic mentality/mindset, if you're a mgtow I just feel sorry for you
    The goal of nofap is to quit the addiction (Porn) and have normal, healthy relationships with women, because this is what you're hardwired to do
  20. Younameit

    Younameit Fapstronaut

    "They generalize and say that all woman are the same. In fact, only degenarate mentally ill woman respond to red pill and similar stuff with positive reactions."

    Yeah.. confirmed, that just proves you're a mgtow, game is not about hating women, it's about understanding and learning how to interact better with them, it's about having healthy intimate relationships with the opposite sex, you're full of sh*it dude.. watch this video
    Deleted Account likes this.