My F'd up relationship

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by 1dayattatime, Mar 30, 2019.

  1. Sorry @1dayattatime you can have your journal back.

    @Queen_Of_Hearts_13 is among a handful of commenters that I highly respect, look up to for insight and read her references voraciously because of our past exchanges. Her story is one that I try to follow.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2019
  2. 1dayattatime

    1dayattatime Fapstronaut

    Looks like i missed a good discussion today. @Queen_Of_Hearts_13 @need4realchg @samnf1990 Thank you for giving your feedback on this topic.

    My experience with emotional healing is limited, but here is what I have learned so far. My wife needs to express her pain. Right now we are in a stage where the memories of the additional damage I did early on in recovery are coming back to the surface. Those stab wounds are starting to heal. Even today the memories were coming out and thankfully I was in a place to hear her and own the pain that I caused. For us DDAY was at the end of 2016 and she was going back to our first experience with a couples counselor. It was intense and desparate times and a pretty terrible experience. We currently both have counselors and are searching for a qualified couples counselor to help us with the relational healing that we are moving into. So today when I called on my way home from work my wife needed to let out some pain and memories. Thankfully this time I was able to listen, own and empathize. I could feel her sigh of relief over the phone. We also do FANOS on Wednesday's, which was good. There is a lot more hope in our relationship today than there was 2 years ago. I am thankful for that. Time for me to go to hit the hay. It was a good busy day today.
  3. 1dayattatime

    1dayattatime Fapstronaut

    I also wanted to comment on this one because I think it is huge.

    I love this, the danger is that we get caught up in the rush of letting out the anger or whatever and don't actually process what is there. I intentionally use venting as a way for me to see what would otherwise be swirling around in my head. I often go back and read through it and talk about it with my wife or support guys and process through the why it got to that point. I have found it to be very helpful and needed. One thing that I realized this last week is that while i need to process through my emotions and vent occasionally, I can wait and do that with people other than my wife if I need to be there for her when she is in a particularly painful or triggered state. So that is my new self talk that I am planning on using next time she is triggered and I am feeing the emotions. Anyways, thats all for tonight.
  4. ALL of the boundaries I have currently put in place are just what @Queen_Of_Hearts_13 mentioned

    Concerning only my wifes safety and trust building. That was my feeling on how it should work. Now we each have a different set of our own personal ones that we are working on in the interim

    My wife balked at first because she thought it was too restrictive is the wrong word, but she felt funny because it was all about her needs....i think or i hope I have made her feel better about it after I explained my thinking on just being about safety for her.

    She is a memeber her and some of you speak with her, we ignore each other out of courtesy so we do not see posts
    Good day to us all
    1dayattatime likes this.
  5. 1dayattatime

    1dayattatime Fapstronaut

    Welp, here i am in conflict again. This one is really difficult for me. It started with me feeling irritable and then my wife asked me about it and i made a terse reply, she got triggered and it went down hill fast. We spent an hour talking and yelling tonight. I feel pretty hopeless right now. Im going to go try again with her now that the kids are in bed.
    vxlccm likes this.
  6. Man I am right there with you. Has one of those today too. We agreed to a truce and reconvene tomorrow. I told her I’m going to write out my feelings first before discussing.
    vxlccm and 1dayattatime like this.
  7. Lot Yanisin

    Lot Yanisin Fapstronaut

  8. 1dayattatime

    1dayattatime Fapstronaut

    We made it through last night. It was really, really hard. Mainly because there have been issues that I need to deal with. After the initial conflict we spent a long time repeating ourselves, but in the end we came to the conclusion that, for her, feeling safe is more important than me feelings. It sounds so simple when I write it out like that, but it does not feel simple when in the heightened state of emotions. I want to matter. I have done a lot of work to acknowledge my emotions and to me expressing and processing my emotions are paramount to maintaining sobriety and recovery. For her, safety is the most important aspect of healing. She has to feel safe in order to move into deeper relationship with me.

    Where the rubber meets the road is when I am not doing ok. If she engages with me and I do not respond in a gentle way her safety feels like it is in jepordy. So it is a extremely difficult situation right now. But as of tonight I am planning on doing a self check in the future and if I know I do not have the capacity for empathy towards her I will choose to not engage with her until I process my emotions with a group member or through any of my healthy activities. Hopefully that will save us from what we just went through in the future.

    Otherwise today was a pretty good day. I went on a field trip with my oldest and even was able to keep her back at the end and spend some time in the park without the rest of the school there. what a gift. My life is so much better than I deserve. That is all for tonight. I would greatly appreciate any feedback from those of you who have been through this with your SO.
    samnf1990, vxlccm, Tao Jones and 2 others like this.
  9. I am currently looking into fanos.

    But I Haven’t tried it yet.

    I agree with your premise too; timely expression of feelings eliminates the pressure that builds towards unhealthy expressions of healthy emotions.

    The stress you describe appears centered around two conflicting circles. I don’t know how you feel about the infamous Venn diagram but, your circle of emotional expression is one, but get safe space vibe is the other. The amount of overlap that you both share appears to be quite narrow depending in the circumstances of your mutual needs.

    Maybe evaluate the non-emotional aspects of your conversation strategy.

    When do you talk; when would be better?

    How long do you discuss an issue normally? How long/short would be better?

    Are you taking pauses in your conversation intentionally ? I noticed you paused the other day as I did as well. Maybe it’s a LOT to detox in a single session. Would breaking it up make that easier for both of you?

    I know with my wife the thing that absolutely drives me crazy and agitated is the “and one more thing.”

    I mean ... today we planned a hour discussion but I got sleepy after 30 minutes. And then the “ and let me tell you one more thing.” I would wake up more alert thinking okay, almost done , and then “and another thing , just one more thing again, and let me tell you last thing...”

    Arrrfhhg!!! I think for me it’s expectations management. I think I take her words too literally and she takes my lack of words too emotionally.

    I know one thing we did once to get us to calm down... we recorded it. We did like an audio recording and just talked into it.

    Being aware that it was going “on the record” had such a powerful effect on me especially.

    The other thing we did too, stopped talking by ourselves. I know the kids need to be gone but we started scheduling talks at Starbucks and that helped a LOT. I stopped feeling like my wife was going to trap me in a room for hours ....

    Anyways you pick and choose if these tips might give you guys some respite.
    1dayattatime likes this.
  10. Another way to state your conclusion is: "She is more important than me." And this is what love is: Putting the other before the self. It doesn't mean that others are actually of more worth than you on some objective scale; but it does mean that as far as you are concerned, her wants and needs are more important than your own.

    This is a completely different way to live and approach relationships. It takes time to get in the discipline of putting yourself always in the one-down position. I have come to see it like this: I can pursue my own goals at the expense of others, and achieve anything I want -- and I will get to enjoy my achievements alone, because I will have abandoned all others to get there. Or I can pursue relationship at the expense of my own goals, and see what happens -- and whatever we find and wherever we arrive, we will enjoy it together. I spent many years in selfish pursuit of my own lonely pleasure, and that led only to disaster. Now I am trying to pursue a life of relationship; not just in my marriage, but with my kids and with family and other friends, too. I do not love perfectly, and I probably never will, but I'm working on it. Communication is just hard, no two ways about it.

    What about having both? If you choose self over others, you will never have relationship. If you pursue others over self, you never know what you will get. Might even be better than what you originally had in mind! As a parent heavily engaged in raising children, I am reminded of this constantly. My life is on hold for their sake, and I wouldn't have it any other way. The same can be true in marriage and other relationships, too, I think.

    When I look out for #1, I am first one only my own list. When we all look out for each other, we are #1 on everyone's list but our own. Sounds like a pretty good trade off to me. Just my $0.02.
  11. 1dayattatime

    1dayattatime Fapstronaut

    Ya this view of relationship is how I would've responded before I entered recovery, and to me feels like the christian response. "Pick up your cross daily, love her like christ loved the church by laying down your life for her" Put her needs before yours, and while you're at it your kids, your church and God all go before your needs. Let go of the idol of self. It sounds so heroic, but the problem is if I am so busy putting everyone elses needs first and not making mine a priority then it comes out in addiction. This is essentially how I lived for 15 years. So there has to be a different way to view things in a relationship.

    Her needs are important and I have a big influence on how safe she feels. After betrayal trauma out relationship is going to be unbalanced for a period of time. I get that. I am asking if anyone has gotten to the other side of that? How many years of healing before it feels more balanced? I spent the first 10 years of our marriage in addiction. Am i putting in 10 years of getting my emotional needs met by my support group to for her to heal? I know you can't put a time limit on healing, but I want to anyways. The most difficult thing about this journey for me is that to heal from addiction I have become more aware of my feelings, I can't just push them under the rug anymore and the really sad part is that if I would've done this work before meeting her she would have loved to be there for me. It is so shitty that this woman I am with who is so loving and caring is unable to be there for me because of my actions. I know I put myself in this situation.

    Ok that is enough moaning for this morning. I am going to head to work. Today I am thankful for the spring green. I love walking through maple trees with the sun shining through.
  12. Yep, that's the Christian teaching on relationships. It's the only one I've ever found to actually work. But I do admit it does not work very well without Christ supplying for one's individual needs. I am not sure how life works absent a vital connection to the Creator, tbh. It never did for me. Sorry not to be of more help.

    "Today I am thankful for the spring green. I love walking through maple trees with the sun shining through."

    Sounds like you're on a good path, though. Keep with it.
  13. vxlccm

    vxlccm Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Putting your wife first works excellently when she has your best interests in mind, and is looking toward a future of building a strong marriage.

    My wife and I have the "one more thing" issue. What we agree to do is have a list of things we know we're talking about, and a limited timeframe. That way, no one feels ambushed. We will try to say ahead of time in the day or a couple days ahead a topic that we want to take on.

    Trees and sun! That's a great way to have the strength within for the challenges of the day -- works every time :)
    need4realchg and 1dayattatime like this.
  14. 1dayattatime

    1dayattatime Fapstronaut

    Thank you for these practical steps. We have done the coffee date thing a few times and had intensly quiet conversations that ended with one of is storming out. I have totally thought about recording our conversations. But probably for selfish reasons. It is a struggle. We have young kids and only limited amount of options for talking.
    Last edited: May 24, 2019
    need4realchg likes this.
  15. 1dayattatime

    1dayattatime Fapstronaut

    We have tried instigating something like this, but when the feelings get big some of our more practical ways of communicating get disregarded. We are working on getting a couples counselor to help us through, but even that conversation is difficult today. I know that we go through phases. I hope that we can find a more peaceful happy medium soon.
  16. Last weekend in our sit down (it’s four of us) my dad her best friend and us in a Starbucks, when we talk we don’t have the explosive results.

    But the thing that her friend told us which was really helpful was; “you are sanguine but she is melancholic—/ here’s what those strengths and weaknesses are.

    I hadn’t looked at the personality chart in a while and I agreed more with the analysis. We then agreed I shouldn’t be in ccharge of certain things per my temperament.

    You two sound like an evaluation of temperament would point out some safeguards to lower expectations and make conversation more relaxed. ; .

    Conversation in every context married or not , can be tough. It’s just the expectations get in the way—- and the failure in meeting them (she just doesn’t understand me) versus (he just doesn’t listen and empathize).

    Unrealistic expectations kill us.
    1dayattatime and Deleted Account like this.
  17. One of the most valuable things my wife and I ever did in terms of our communication was learning our conflict resolution styles. Very helpful to know how we each approach and deal with conflict. It has aided our comms many, many times. Highly recommended for all couples to assess this!
    1dayattatime likes this.
  18. 1dayattatime

    1dayattatime Fapstronaut

    thanks! I looked that up and I think I am all of them haha. I definitlely have some agressive tendancies and avoidant tendancies. After searching around I also did a google search for how to express empathy and found a helpful site.
    BB7378 likes this.