My Journal on sexual energy harnessing.

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Deleted Account, Apr 15, 2019.

  1. So i have another post talking about this but i figured i would make another one talking only about my discoveries. For those who do not know i wish to discover a way to use our sexual energy and desires for good, a way to master and control them, maybe this could be the key to all addictive urges?. And let me say this is not about spirituality or any religion, i am a christian so i do not want to transcend or anything, i just want to gain control over my life and be the best version of me possible.

    Energy Theory

    notes#1 - Through meditation i have been able to control my urges considerably, by focusing and breathe retention exercises i am able to get into my meditative state rather fast. I learned that i can move the energy around in my body through deep meditative focus, i can take the pressure from my genitals and move it to another desired part of my body, i moved it to my feet to start and i have yet to do it again yet. I am curious if the pressure and urges could be focused else where, perhaps a certain place that could use this energy most effectively, the third eye is an option but i do not want to mess with that stuff anymore, perhaps that would be the best place to move the energy but i will try elsewhere first. I am only on day 2 after relapsing so i am not very horny right now, i will wait until the urges are stronger to experiment again.

    Masculine Energy

    notes#2 - One of my colleagues,
    made or had an interesting theory,, what if the "urges" we feel are not urges for porn?, but instead masculine energy. This theory makes sense seeing how when the "urges" arrive, we are never hard?. I believe that masculine energy is what draws females to us, it is a magnetic device working towards our benefit. And what do you think will happen when mistaken for porn urges?, we deny it and mislabel it, as if it is some negative force of destruction. So what would happen if we were to embrace these powerful feelings?. Perhaps when we embrace them we will learn to naturally tap into it, and than learn to use it productively for ourselves.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 19, 2019
    bikinhappy and The Bink like this.
  2. locomia

    locomia Fapstronaut

    May I ask how can you move that energy to other parts of your body?
  3. benj

    benj Fapstronaut

    LOL. You some sort of spiritualist?
  4. First get into a meditative state, than simply focus on one part of your body, envision your feet in your head and focus on them, you will notice the pressure slowly transfers to the location and away from the genitals, but make sure to keep focus.
    locomia likes this.
  5. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    Here is a very good technique. Focus your awarness on the spot between your eyes (it's called the third eye) and put your finger on it. Press on it and focus on it . And imagine a white light coming out of your head lightening the whole room you are sitting in. This is very effective in transmuting your virya towards spiritual awakening. But if you don't have enough virya it won't work. This is why you need to cultivate sexual energy at first by doing semen reteion for long enough.
  6. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    Spirituality is the truth.
  7. Nope i am a christian, i used to have extreme anger issues and i learned how to harness and control anger, its no different from porn urges and sexual energy. It would be like getting angry and punching a wall, instead of punching that wall you take that rage and do something else with it, like pushups or meditating, you can control that rage and do something else with it that benefits you.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 15, 2019
    A-Dogg likes this.
  8. I am kinda iffy about third eye stuff, i used to mess with it a lot and i feel as a christian i should not mess with it, i had my dark night of the soul because of it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 15, 2019
    PepeKappa likes this.
  9. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    And what Christianity teaches You?!..god is the father and the son at the same time. What does that mean if you get it?!
    PS: I'm not trolling or making troubles for no asking a serious philosoical queastion .
  10. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    The power of mind.
    locomia and BravelyKegger like this.
  11. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    Well ..that's a long ass article :D..but I promise you I will read it. I wish you explain it to me yourself.
    Anyways is what it really means. It's just a metaphor. The son the ego "i". The father is the true self which is is the creator of all. Think about dreams. You are the creator of the whole dream..and you are the dream character at the same time. The same with this world. You are the creator..and you are playing a role in your own creation .
    I don't ask you to believe me. You can verify this to yourself if you want.
  12. locomia

    locomia Fapstronaut

  13. I dont believe that we are our own God nonsense, i dont expect you to understand, christians have a bond with God that non believes know nothing about, to us we do not need proof or reason, we know he is there and we can feel his presence and see him all around us through his creations and goodness. We have the hole spirit living in us, i could explain it all day but unless you seek God out and ask him to open your eyes you will never know the truth.
    benj likes this.
  14. interesting video, however i do not believe in fapping ever.
  15. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    We are not our own god. We are god himself. Not in the atheists sense(you are god. Do whatever the fuck you want) are actually the god that created the whole universe..literally.!!
    Ultimately god is eternal..THERE is no creation and creator..there is only god.. Which is why you feel it's presence everywhere ..beacuse he is literally everywhere .
    "The kingdom of heaven is within you".
    Who is in heaven?..the heavenly father is in heaven. But where is heaven ?.."within you ".so where is God?..WITHIN YOU.
  16. Heaven is not within us, it not even close to us, and the holy spirit is in me yes. Anyways lets keep this post on track, if you want a religious thread go make one and i will argue with you there.
  17. locomia

    locomia Fapstronaut

    Yes,same here,I think faping is useless,but thats what the video is about
  18. Yah we need to learn to redirect it, would you be willing to help me with my experiment?.
  19. Infinite spirit

    Infinite spirit Fapstronaut

    Ok..i just made a thread called "semen retention is the point of life itself". And I talked about this to an extent. Follow me there if you are interested .peace.
    BravelyKegger likes this.