loving life -journal , back to 0

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by tatt2666, Feb 13, 2019.

  1. tatt2666

    tatt2666 Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone .
    I Listened to a podcast this week that has totally changed my life , I never thought I had problem , i always thought masturbation was healthy but listening to that made me think about my consumption of pornography and how I am Pretty unhealthy in terms of my p.m.o . I’m starting my reboot journey . Which I have a feeling maybe tough , as I started my habit very early, before puberty before I could barely orgasm or even ejaculate but got a nice feeling ! And as I’m sure we all know it escalated and when porn be came available it’s not really stopped since . I’m now 29 and in a few hours I will have gone 2 days without a p.m.o which 1 day has been rare let alone 2 in a very long time , so decided to Get a handle on this and hope you all can help me on my journey . As I hope I can help you

    Ps .Sorry for the major paragraph just wanted to get it all out
  2. Welcome @tatt2666 ! You’ve just joined an awesome support community. Your dedication to overcome your issues will be the ultimate thing that frees you. I’ve seen a lot of people come and go here on NoFap. I have a question about your message above - do you believe that Masturbation is a bad thing or do you want to just get rid of porn?
    Oh, and no need to apologize for the long paragraph - my introduction was about 3 times longer than yours :). Long paragraphs are welcome and encouraged on this site! If you are interested I have a collection of links to helpful posts I’ve found here on NoFap for newcomers. If you click on the link to my journal at the bottom of this message by my day counter, you will see the links. Best of luck to you - thanks for following me.
  3. tatt2666

    tatt2666 Fapstronaut

    Yes it already feels great to talk to the community and all the advice is giving me the strength I need to reboot . Well I always thought that masterbating was healthy and nothing to be ashamed and still do , but it’s more that I have to regular like at least 2-3 times a day . And pretty much always to tube site pornography and the fact the need is so great i have done it places I shouldn’t like in my workplace and don’t mean in the toilet . And thank you I will defiantly look those up
    Jefe Rojo likes this.
  4. Same here. I used to M in a lot of risky places, including while driving and even in a vacant women’s bathroom stall :(. In my opinion M is an addiction in and of itself and the more we do it the more we start doing it in more risky situations and locations. I was heading down the wrong path big time and my M habit turned into a PM habit. I’m of the persuasion that we cannot just M even a litte or it will negatively impact our ability to exercise self control and it will erode our self esteem. I’m personally leaving M behind me and never looking back. But I also understand that we all have our individual goals and beliefs, and that’s ok! Congrats on your 3 days! Do not compare your recovery to anyone else’s on this site. Be proud of your own progress and celebrate every day that you leave PMO behind you! You’ll do great! :)
  5. tatt2666

    tatt2666 Fapstronaut

    For me it wasn’t the risk of the taboo place to it just had the urge and gave in straight away , and I would like to give up m totally and concrete any sexual urges or feelings to my partner but im being realistic just the pmo is pretty harmful and that’s what i need to change right now . Ye thanks ye I’m feeling great and proud already ye you can take advice or encouragement, help , inspiration etc but you need to want to do it and your the only one who can make it better
    Jefe Rojo likes this.
  6. tatt2666

    tatt2666 Fapstronaut

    man , feels crazy ... but crazy good that im 5 days into my reboot , is it to early to start feeling the benefits , im feeling super postive about everything , had a few urges and cravings yesterday but with the advice of the community they past me by and i took control , never thought a week a go this would be possible so thank you , all who have given me kind and inspirational words . i know its real early days but for me feels like ive made more progress than i ever thought possible .. so far anyway, i plan to keep up the fight for no pmo . well today might be the real test how far ive come , its going to be a long , boring , quiet day at work . and most of the time going to be by my self and if i wanted i could pmo no problem (which i wont of course ) so might need some help later on
    Jefe Rojo likes this.
  7. Nice work! Feel free to private message me if you need any support this weekend. Take care!
  8. tatt2666

    tatt2666 Fapstronaut

    thanks mate , appreciate that . hope you have a good weekend
  9. Glad you're here, Tatt! There will be difficult times ahead, but keep showing up and reaching out whenever you need help! Praying for your success!
    tatt2666 likes this.
  10. tatt2666

    tatt2666 Fapstronaut

    Not much happened yesterday . Was out and about and family stuff so didn’t get chance to think about stuff

    But didn’t sleep to well mind was going over time . A lot of strange dreams and of course sex ones which is the first time since my reboot . Really craving pmo this morning I thought I had it under control had a few urges before but been able to pass them by but today I’m struggling a lil got to be honest
  11. Stay strong! Those urges will subside (they always do). Yes, you are experiencing what we all did in the early days of recovery. It will get better.
  12. tatt2666

    tatt2666 Fapstronaut

    thanks for support , means alot . its the hardest it been , i had to come on here a get this out , my mind is racing all i can think would be so much easier just to pmo , get rid of this feeling , and automaticlly nearly typed in one of the sites would normally go to
    gonna go for a walk clear my head
  13. just focus on making it through today--change scenery, change actions, pray, scream, "NO!" out loud if you have to.... just work on one day at a time. keep up the good work!
  14. Yes, I know exactly what you mean. It seems impossible to resist. The key is to distract yourself with other things until those urges pass, and be patient because they could last a few days. You want to escape those feelings and your body knows all too well how to do it. Go running, take a cold shower. Don’t do anything to trigger your mind. Go find something productive to do and be with other people. It’s hell, I know. I’ve experienced it myself many times. I promise you that if you stick it out it will get easier to resist over time. Just keep your mind occupied on other things. Hang in there!
  15. tatt2666

    tatt2666 Fapstronaut

    thanks guys feeling better , took control , i know i did this , was my strength and no one can do this for me but your nice words , good advice dont hurt , so thank you @Delirious12018 @JefeRojo means alot

    just realised im a 7 days into my reboot , that boosted me
    Delirious 1 2018 likes this.
  16. tatt2666

    tatt2666 Fapstronaut

    been going good since my last update ......think i just came close to relapsing , with out even realising and for no real reason either , just before i knew i had loaded up one of the 'sites' i used to go on was playing the video and i really had to force my self not to go further , literally put my hands up and say NO , it was like i went blank... then almost woke up have you ever experienced anything like this ?
  17. it's great that you were able to stop yourself in the middle of an episode! Keep up the good work!
  18. tatt2666

    tatt2666 Fapstronaut

    Yes definitely gaining more strength and control . Feeling irritable and annoyed today ,not sure if it’s part of the withdrawal .10days ago I would of pmo’d make me feel better I just thought no I’m not . How you doing today
  19. tatt2666

    tatt2666 Fapstronaut

    its been building for a few days now but ... dont know if i can fight this much longer , today especially is getting me down , an all i need right now is a pmo , then maybe will feel better....
  20. I hope you were able to get through those urges earlier....sorry I wasn't available to talk at the time...I am doing really well this week. I feel like I have the strength and conviction to go the long haul this time... (I know I thought that back in November when I crashed after 80 days, but we shall see--one day at a time!)