personality types (myers briggs) poll added, please no haters

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Nov 7, 2018.

what is your personality type?

  1. intj/entj

  2. intp/entp

  3. infj/enfj

  4. infp/enfp

  5. istj/estj

  6. isfj/esfj

  7. istp/estp

  8. isfp/esfp

  1. awesome, thank you for taking it, and sharing it.
  2. quick reminder, extraverts just because that introvert in the corner is not talking to anyone or socializing at all, that doesnt mean that person is weird they just live life differently.
  3. I'm thinking that there might be a relation between the personality types and where to find them. I'd explain that you'd find more introverts on forums online for obvious reasons. And maybe more Intuitive Types here...

    N = Intuitive individuals are very imaginative, open-minded and curious. They prefer novelty over stability and focus on hidden meanings and future possibilities.
    S = Observant individuals are highly practical, pragmatic and down-to-earth. They tend to have strong habits and focus on what is happening or has already happened.

    ... because that might let them to develop an addiction in the first place.

    Anyways, I'm not looking into it - all causes of addiction etc. - that would require way too much time, but that's how I'm thinking about all of this. Cause and effect is big in my worldview and therefore relativity.

    INTP speaking.
    BravelyKegger likes this.
  4. I've done this test many times over the years and every time it shows something different. I think this is for the most part BS.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. Read the theory (which itself is dubious as I already said) and you'll see that it really hasn't got much to do with the questionnaire; especially the N/S dichotomy is badly treated. For example, SPs are not very likely to "have strong habits" as described by Keirsey.

    I don't deny there is some truth to the whole thing but you could say the same about the 4 Greek types.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. Well, categorization is hard. As long as people try to create new frameworks or refine them - I think the myers briggs is based on big five - it's alright. There is no perfect framework nor will there be.

    On a sidenote: I have a friend that did the big five test, which in my case is just as accurate as the myers briggs, and his outcome was completely off to what I thought he was. Before taking the test he said that those tests are meaningless and are highly dependent on the context, so the outcome would be different depending on whether he knew he would publish it or not. That is completely logical, but his results were, from a small group of six people, the ones that most of us have said to be incorrect. He displayed himself better than what the public would have said.

    You can trick the test, you can lie, it's just a bunch of questions*. I can only offer personal experience, but whenever I changed my behavious because of knowing what types I'm dealing with, I get where I want to go way faster. When I do the test for someone else, I get a subjective profile and if I'm a good observer I can even make it work for me. So it is at least helpful or can be and therefore of worth, beyond entertainment.

    *Same goes for IQ-Tests, if you're somewhere above some IQ and you are eager enough, you can cheat it. If I look at rows of numbers for a month, I'll be better at seeing patterns there. Again, it is meant to be objective and the participants SHOULD answer questions they were never asked, but there are patterns to the test so you can prepare for it.

    Yet, the IQ test is quite helpful to make assumptions about a person, given the result.

    My approach to these things is, when I see something is not perfect, that's alright. Do I change it for the better?
    - If yes: I'm free to complain to drive development.
    - If no: I'm still free to complain, but nothing is changing, so why putting up with the negative emotion of complaining without having relief in sight? It won't get better if you don't do anything about it.

    And on a last note: I don't think you are a hater - I have a feeling some other people might feel that way - and if there is conversation happening, I take it as a plus. So... glad you bring up the negatives so people can counter if they see it fits or question the test and be sceptical. As mentioned, I can only give away the few insights I have on the broad topic, but I'm certain you get my points and take them with the grain of salt them come with.

    Take care and as we say over here: Guten Rutsch!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. let me offer you a few possibilities, 1. you didnt answer truthfully to some questions 2. your opinions have sightly changed over time, or you realized how you truly feel about the questions and about life, a lot of people answer wrong because they dont know the answer to the question, they know how they think they feel but only time will truly tell how you feel about something, and life experience. I have taken the test multiple times and i have always gotten the same infp-t, honestly it describes me so well its scary, and every infp i have met they act exactly like me, they are outcasts, the odd balls, and every enjf i have met acts the same. I made my whole family take it and friends and they all are like how tf does this know so much about me?. Also how strongly you agree with the questions affects how you will be placed, so when taking the test you must take it with 100% certainty, its only putting you in a category based on the answers YOU gave, heck the test is so accurate that i can talk to a stranger in public and tell what type they are, like 90% of people i have asked said i was right or of course they never took it. Just the fact that you have introverts and extroverts should be proof enough, those themselves are undeniable.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 31, 2018
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. well of course some types will have things in common with others, but every type feels and proccesses thing differently, just like everyone feels emotions but no one understands or feels them like infps and infjs.
  9. Or it might be that descriptions of each type are so broad and general that everybody will find them accurate for the most part. Like astrology sign descriptions...

    It might be because everybody has all the functions. Some of them might be dominant at one time and others at another time depending from mood person has, situation they are in and so on. This essentially renders test bollocks because everybody has all the personalities, which means nobody is one type of personality and there is nothing to measure other than how one is in a moment. Big Five model never gives me different answers over time. Well maybe only varying by a percentage or two, which is not significant. So I very much prefer that, seems more reliable.
  10. I've taken both that and the big five tests for the past I don't know how many years, just to see if my result changed but it never did. So who knows.
    BravelyKegger likes this.
  11. the only way someones results would change is if they are lying to themselves our they just dont truly know themselves, i have always gotten infp to. I think most of the people who claim its fake are just very close minded, my estj friend took the test and he said it described him perfectly, but guess what he still called the test bullshit, so like i said i think the more close minded types are less likely to believe the test, or the overly skeptical types.
  12. i am not like other types so please dont generalize me, i take great pride in my uniqueness and individuality, there is nothing better than being authentic and different, my advice to you is really sit down and learn about yourself, if the test isnt coming out accurate than that means you dont really know yourself or that you are lying to yourself, it only tells you what you tell it. Try being less close minded and allow change in your life. I admit when i was younger i didnt know myself at all, i was bullied and outcasted because i am an infp and one of the most weird people on earth, i wondered why do people treat me like garbage but not the other kids, the answer is because they didnt have easily imposed on personality types and they wernt considered a freak, everything in my life comes back the my personality type, its impossible for personality types to be fake because i am living proof of mine, when i discovered the personality test it opened a whole new world for me, i thought to myself, holy shit so this is why i am the outcast of society, this is why i have never met anyone like me, this is why i have a burning desire to save the world, why i treat animals like family, why i love nature so much, this is why the second i see someone i can imagine what my life would be like if they were in it, i can amagine marrying them, i can amagine how are wedding would be like, i can amgine what are deaths would look like, all in a few seconds, this is why i can read people and know there intentions the second i look at them, this is why i get so lost in thought all the time that i forget the world around me, because i am truly unique, i used to think something was wrong with me as a kid, like i had some mental illness, nope, just an infp thats all, now try telling me everyone is like that.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 31, 2018
  13. You do realize that this MBTI test is doing exactly that; generalizing you? Haha.

    I am not fully self-realized being or anything but I think know myself enough and can be self-honest enough to answer few simple questions on internet accurately. I generally have excellent ability to self reflect when I want to. Only way how this inconsistency would make sense is if my opinions and feelings would change over time, making me give slightly different answers. That might be the case. If it is then it kind of proves my point about this MBTI test being BS though.

    But hey, if this stuff has worked for you as a self development tool and catalyst for accepting yourself and exploring your psyche then good for you man...
  14. im fine with being generalized in the 4%, why?, because that makes me unique, and infp males only make up 1% of the population so im even more unique, i love being an infp, infps are my awesome quirky authentic family, so yah being generalized in a 4% of amazing individualistic people is no problem., its just when people tell me the 4% is like veryone else, were not, were unique, no one is like us, i couldnt possibly be more blessed in uniqueness than i already am, so haha yah.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 31, 2018
  15. Jackb97

    Jackb97 Fapstronaut

    "What do you mean "life is boring"? Are we living on the same planet?"
    This is the caption I was given for ENFP-T.
    Life it self isn't boring but mine is so I kinda agree with it.
    BravelyKegger likes this.
  16. Yo @littlekegger I have to admit I meant you with that, it was passive aggressive and I want to apologize for that. I just wanted to stir up a bit a conversation, as insensitive as it was, so yeah. @littlekegger Take care my man, Hope you beat the addiction. I somehow forget peoples reason for being here, so yeah thanks for the topic I really enjoy it and hope to see some interesing output as there is currently ;), I also wish for emoticons to be delteted, ASCII is enough.

    Hope you guys are going on strong ;)
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 31, 2018
    BravelyKegger likes this.
  17. reminder, always be open minded, you miss out on so much in life and blind yourself to so many truths when you are close minded, life is to vast to be seeing only narrow.