***The Exercise Challenge***

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by LoyalKnight, Jun 26, 2017.

  1. I bought a weight vest yesterday. Now I’m looking around after wrist weights for arms and legs. Wearing everything as often as possible and when working out will probably boost me enough :D
    Shoto Jaya likes this.
  2. I thought of doing the hundred pushups a day form tomorrow onwards.What do you guys think?Will it slow down my progress?But I noticed that working out when I have urges really helps me.
  3. I worked out as usual.Anabolic aliens dumbbell workout.
  4. Raven Shadow

    Raven Shadow Fapstronaut

    Challenge accepted at least I will lose weight
    Baldur and Shoto Jaya like this.
  5. Baldur

    Baldur Fapstronaut

    Welcome Raven! What are your training goals?

    Friday: Lots of Martial Arts training, exploring ground fighting and the art of punching relaxed.
    Saturday: My girlfriend and I did this kettlebell workout and it was a lot of fun:

    Last edited: Nov 24, 2018
    Shoto Jaya likes this.
  6. Thursday: krav maga and 11 km cycling.

    Friday and saturday: some training at home but not very much.

    Today: krav maga for two hours and it was so nice :)
    11 km cycling and some more workout at home.

    I’m not really working out like I did during the summer. At that time I worked out like at least one hour every day. I think I need something new, like a 30-day what not-challenge of some kind. I will have to browse around and see if I can find some interesting challenge to do :p
    Shoto Jaya and Baldur like this.
  7. Anabolic aliens dumbbell bicep workout.
  8. Baldur

    Baldur Fapstronaut

    It depends what you are. A novice? Increase every time you go to the gym. An intermediate? Increase when you can. Advanced? Boy, if you can increase it within one month that's great.
    Besides, writing in capslock does not increase the likelyhood of getting an answer. It looks foolish and yelling-like. So, please stop this.

    What exercises are included in your "workout"? How often do you train? How many sets of how many reps on which days?
    More details, please.

    4x5 double kettlebell strict presses with 16 kg + 24 kg (changing sides, so it became 4)
    Double kettlebell swings and squat. I didn't count. :D
    Shoto Jaya and Force Majeure like this.
  9. Baldur

    Baldur Fapstronaut

    3x10 single handed kettlebell swings with 24 kg, each side.
    Followed by 5 get ups each side with my 24 kg.
    It doesn't sound much but boy, it was a challenge. :D

    Shoto Jaya likes this.
  10. B
    Baldur this is my workout.

    Standing dumbbell bicep curl (4*5)10 kg
    Concentration curl(6*4)7 kg
    Hammer curl(8*3)7kg
    Wide curl(10*3)7kg
    Cross body hammer curl(12*3)7kg
    Straight curl(15*3)5kg
    What should I do now?
    Baldur likes this.
  11. Baldur

    Baldur Fapstronaut

    Well first of all, thank you very much for posting your workout. :)
    I guess your aim is to develop your biceps only. Is that correct?

    If not, I would recommend you to start training the rest of your body as well.
    Chin ups (weighted) for example are, to my knowledge, better than any curls and even crunches out there.
    So you could throw away all of the curls and exchange them for proper chin ups. (Pause with streched arm at the bottom and
    pull yourself to at least chin level)
    When you are not able to do one just yet. Try to get to it. It will greatly benefit your overall built in your upper and mid body.

    For the rest of your arm development I can recommend you the dip (weighted). Just don't go too low as there is a risk for injury.
    And the overhead press, I personally prefer kettlebells in that one.

    So... instead of all the curls, try this:
    3x5 up to 5x5 chin ups (without or with weight, depending on how strong you are)
    3x5 up to 5x5 dips (without or with weight, depending on how strong you are)
    3x5 up to 5x5 overhead pressing
    Learn the movements correctly and enjoy the massive benefits.
    Do them 2 to 3 times a week with days inbetween.
    Considering the lower body:
    Squats below parallel, Deadlifts/Kettlebell Swings, maybe some sort of row would make a solid base. You can explore more with snatches, cleans and so on.
    But I didn't want to get too much into detail with those just yet.

    By the way, you can warm up with beast crawls, etc. :)
    Let me know if it was of help!

    Update from me:
    Crawling -> 2x10 one hand swings with my 24 kg kettlebell -> 10x goblet squats with 24 kg. It doesn't sound much but without breaks it is tough. :D
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2018
    Shoto Jaya likes this.
  12. I worked out.
    Supernating dumbbell bilateral curls (4*12)
    Alternating hammer curl(4*12)
    Bench concentration curl(4*10)
    Zottmans curl(4*6)
    7 mins abs workout
    (3*5) chin ups As you said Baldur.
    (10*10)Knuckle push-ups.
    I started the 100 pushups a day for 30 days challange.I wanna see the benefits and how it will change my body.
    How many days per week should I train my abs to see results.
    Baldur likes this.
  13. Baldur

    Baldur Fapstronaut

    Well thank you for including the chin ups into your workout! :)
    When they are easy, go up a set to 4*5. If not, stay there.
    You can also hang some weight onto you to increase the training effect.
    (I still recommend dropping the rest of the curls and do more chin ups instead but to each their own I guess. Haha. :) )

    Well, if you do the big movements as I stated above your mid section will be developed quite nicely. :)
    So, every time you are in the gym. Yes, even a proper push up will help develop your mid section.

    Awesome! Keep us up to date with your challenge! :)

    Looooooooooots of martial arts training. Running, rolling, throwing, etc. Lots of fun. :)
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2018
    Shoto Jaya likes this.
  14. Baldur

    Baldur Fapstronaut

    Kettlebell rows and two arm swings with my trusty 32 kg. Otherwise, lots of walking.
    Where are the other updates brothers and sisters?

  15. I worked out yesterday but I forgot to update.....☺
    .Did the bicep workout as usual.
    .3*5 Chin ups
    .7 min abs workout
    .10*10 knuckle pushups.The pushups were really hard as my triceps were paining for the last workout.
    Baldur likes this.
  16. me too guys! me too!
    your workouts are impressive! I hope I can join. Daily exercise and weekly checking-in to the forums - thats my intention.
    Baldur and Shoto Jaya like this.
  17. Did the 100 push-ups.My triceps aren't paining as the last workout.
    Dumbbell bicep workout.
    That's all.....
  18. Baldur

    Baldur Fapstronaut

    Awesome! :)

    Keep on going! :)

    Welcome to the forum and the challenge! :)
    I'm happy to see new members of the crew!

    Weighted chin ups (30 kg), squats (90 kg) and deadlifts (to 135 kg). Boy I need to eat and to sleep. That's holding me back.
    Kettlebell double push press/swing with 28 kg in each hand. Streching afterwards.
    Some sandbag time as well.

    Lots of walking and biking.

    Keep the updates coming!
    Stay strong!
  19. So I worked out today and yesterday. I'm having some trouble with my arm though. For 3 weeks already I can't move it normally. I hope I can just exercise it away. No heavy liftings of course.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 5, 2018
    Baldur and Shoto Jaya like this.
  20. Baldur

    Baldur Fapstronaut

    Hej man!
    I'm sorry to hear that with your arm. Is it an injury? Could you describe it further? (You can also send me a PM, if you want to).
    When the arms are f*cked - train the rest! (Squaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttss <3 )

    If your arm is overworked I recommend a deload week. So basically it is a week with 50% of your normal weight.

    Shoto Jaya likes this.