Why not just embrace being pussy free?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Pussy Free and Proud, Nov 18, 2018.

  1. Pussy Free and Proud

    Pussy Free and Proud New Fapstronaut

    In the modern age of liberated and empowered women who have the choice of men from all over the world from all different backgrounds it can be very difficult for many men, often white men, to find a woman. So many men get frustrated with this. I personally think its the basis of the Alt Right! But why not just accept it? Why not just embrace being pussy free and enjoy that submissive role? Its natural for groups of men to have heirarchies and its natural for women to choose from the top when they can. So why not just accept our place at the bottom? Why fight nature?
  2. countitjoy5

    countitjoy5 Fapstronaut

    That's a silly view, enjoy a submissive role? Whether you are single or with a women - if you are abstaining from sexual immorality God will use you, where you stand with Him is all that matters - who cares about this other stuff, it's a bunch of mental chatter.
  3. it's no accident that monogamous societies are usually free and polygamous societies with a 'harem structure - which is essentially what is happening, ironically but not unintentionally, thanks to feminism - are always totalitarian.

    Whether or not they are doing it consciously the global elite pushing these ideas are doing it for exactly that reason.
  4. pullingup

    pullingup Fapstronaut


    Absolutely not! Healthy men imporve themselves if they're frustrated by not getting any. Embracing a submissive additude is very self-destructive and an excuse to be lazy and not doing anything to change yourself. Yes men have hierarchies and it's also natural for men to improve themselves to raise their position in these hierarchies. Ever hear of a thing called competition?

    Also not finding a woman has nothing to do with skin colour, don't use your skin colour as an excuse for not taking the steps to becoming more attractive to women.

    I hope no-one on this forum embraces this thing with you and goes ahead on a road of self improvement!

    An incel forum may be a better place for this kind of thinking, Not my nofap-forum
  5. Budh

    Budh Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    The aim should be to not let sexual urges control you. We have a primitive instinct to reproduce as much as possible. We see the women on our screens subconsciously as sexual partners and this is why we get hooked on porn.

    Way back in the past before contraception and mass produced porn, sexual urges were obviously a lot easier to control. Sex wasn't as in your face as it is now. The men of today face immense challenges, challenges that society ignores and refuses to talk about in depth. A majority of men are hooked on porn, just the severity of cases are different.

    If you desire a partner then you need to remove yourself (as hard as it is) from the sexual fantasy world and re-build your life and become attractive to women.
  6. That sounds like a bad excuse because it's really not supported by the data..

  7. MikeM444

    MikeM444 Fapstronaut

    I couldn't disagree more. Sure, you don't have to make chasing women a #1 priority, there are other things in life, but you sound either sour or depressed by not getting any. The thought of just "well, I give up on women" is depressing. I think "the game", is meant to be fun and exciting, maybe try improving yourself and your "game". Learn to get out of your comfort zone, improve your social skills, get motivated, use sexual energy to succeed in life. What you're talking about is the dead opposite of that, and I don't think I could ever go that route.
  8. This is a stupid thread but it's the kind of thing one should expect from a troll.
  9. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    Are you trying to sell t-shirts ? "Pussy Free"... I mean seriously, I don't think this is going to catch on.
  10. koe06f

    koe06f Fapstronaut

    "Why not just embrace being pussy free and enjoy that submissive role?"

    I'm with you, man. Embrace it.

    Wouldn't say it's submissive though.
  11. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    If youre asexual go for it. Most guys are trying to get that pussy though.
  12. Khufu

    Khufu Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    pmo is messing around with your emotions an thoughts, choose the 90 day NoFap, an see if any of these negative emotions an views disappear as they disappeared for me, people pick up on your strong feelings an thoughts an if they are negative or draining then people reciprocate that back to you making you believe your false beliefs are true which they are not
  13. Troll
  14. There is no need to be frustrated with the liberation of women. Instead, we should rejoice that they have successes in their struggle to free themselves from millennia of patriarchy. Unfortunately, equality has not been achieved yet and there is still much to fight for. I feel that tearing down patriarchy is also a spell of freedom for men.

    We should love and adore our women, and not try to dominate them. When it comes to sexuality, their pleasure is all what we men should care about.

    Men with such a mindset are less likely to be frustrated with women. They are certainly more likely to find friendly females to play with than alt-right frustrated misogynists who want women to obey to them.
  15. SpoonDog

    SpoonDog Fapstronaut

    No thanks! Have wasted far too many years on PMO and the real thing is so much better.
    0111zerozero11 likes this.
  16. Women don't see your worth as some kind of number floating above your head; there's a lot of losers who are anything but "pussy free". Do whatever you want but celibacy is always voluntary, don't lie to yourself about that.
    0111zerozero11 likes this.
  17. Khufu

    Khufu Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    i find when im on great nofap streaks my testosterone levels sky rocket ,through the day im running laps around regular guys
  18. 0111zerozero11

    0111zerozero11 Fapstronaut

    I had the same exact thought
    Deleted Account likes this.
  19. 0111zerozero11

    0111zerozero11 Fapstronaut

    Yep Yep
    Deleted Account likes this.