Did anyone develop high blood sugar/ diabetes because of excessive masturbation ? Please help

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by stack85, Jul 5, 2017.

  1. oneaffidavit

    oneaffidavit Fapstronaut

    Diabetes is mainly caused by bad food habits, lack of exercise and improper sleep cycles.

    If your diabetes show changes due to nofap. It is probably because of better sleep, regular food intake and exercise.
  2. stack85

    stack85 Fapstronaut

    @oneaffidavit No offense, You are ABSOLUTELY wrong ... Yes, diabetes may be caused by food choices and being overweight in many cases .. BUT overmasturbation/PMO causes insulin resistance in healthy adults eating well with a good normal weight. I am kind of baffled how you guys keep on insisting when you see testimonies from people saying nofap cured them from the disease. You obviously did not read the testimony from the user @fullyrecovered on this thread who said that he had a healthy lifestyle and normal weight but got diabetes .... Nofap did cure him .... I did an experiment on this as well after being on a long streak and my issues reversed but I relapsed and they came right back... I also talked to 2 other people who got cured after a long streak and they were healthy and not overweight. Please read the messages on this thread, I get a feeling you didn't even read. Not all cases are caused by being overweight or bad food habits. The ignorance on masturbation is so deep .....
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2018
    brahmacarya and Buddhabro like this.
  3. oneaffidavit

    oneaffidavit Fapstronaut

    Insulin resistance is caused by consuming too many unhealthy or fast carbs, in addition to stress, obesity and inactivity. This condition can be managed very easily by reducing the glycemic load at one time; ie eating small portions many times a day and consuming slow or low GI carbs. The pancreas plays an important role in food digestion, secreting enzymes that break down fat, starch and proteins in the small intestine. The beta cells of the pancreas produce insulin and alpha produce glucagon. When there is a rise in blood sugar level the beta cells secrete insulin, which stimulates cells in the body to grab glucose, leading to a fall in glucose levels. It also instructs the liver to store glucose as glycogen (glucose reserve). When glucose levels fall below a set point or optimal level, the alpha cells secrete glucagons, which instruct the liver to convert glycogen back to glucose. These two pancreatic hormones are responsible for maintaining healthy blood glucose levels. Consumption of high GI or processed carbs leads to a sharp increase in blood glucose levels in a short time period, followed by a huge dip in its levels; which overburdens these two sensitive hormones and leads to obesity, especially around the stomach. Over a period of time, these hormones lose their sensitivity to blood glucose levels.

    Food habits include quantity, timings, low/high GI (or slow/fast carbs, high/low fibre) etc. Even a normal weight healthy adult can develop insulin resistance with improper food habits. Since, you said nofap has improved your situation. Perhaps, it could be related to the fact that PMO might alter blood glucose levels too much (up and down) as described above (like junk food or sugary foods) which could eventually lead to Insuline Resistance.
  4. stack85

    stack85 Fapstronaut

    @oneaffidavit YOU ARE MISSING THE POINT. I am not DENYING that Diabetes can be caused by bad food habits, OVERMASTURBATION/PMO also causes INSULIN RESISTANCE regardless of what you EAT and even if you exercise.

    READ the testimonies on this thread. Overmasturbation/PMO causes insulin resistance due to the low levels of TESTOSTERONE caused by constant ejaculation.

    It is a WELL KNOWN fact that Testosterone REPLACEMENT THERAPY reverses INSULIN RESISTANCE in many people regardless of their weight.

    Watch this video below on testosterone therapy curing Diabetes. No offense, but you need a lot more knowledge on diabetes and all its triggers. I know 3 very healthy people who completely reversed their diabetes by being on a nofap for a while. Read the message from @fullyrecovered on this thread and understand how he cured his diabetes by being on nofap. His diet did not change, he ate healthy, etc .. I've talked to two others who did the same thing as well. I went on a streak for 3 weeks hard mode and my sugars WERE COMPLETELY NORMAL with no medication and I had not changed ANYTHING except the fact that I did not masturbate for those 3 weeks. Fapping also causes high blood pressure and BALDNESS. When my glucose levels reversed on nofap, I was on a high carb diet with low fat. CARBS HAD NOTHING TO WITH my case at all. Remember that east asians eat lots of white rice and they had low levels of diabetes until they started being introduced to the rich western diet full of animal fat.

    It took a while for me to connect the dots and link my masturbation addiction with my case of high blood pressure and diabetes at such a young age.

    Last edited: Sep 27, 2018
    brahmacarya and Buddhabro like this.
  5. osimodel

    osimodel Fapstronaut

    Guys, diabetes or other health condition has NOTHING to do with fapping as i used to believe.
    The direct link is waste accumulation over time due to improper eating schedule.

    We need to eat, and then need to fast to clean the waste. You cannot just
    eat and eat and expect to stay healthy. If you do so, overtime you will get all
    sorts of problems very soon.

    Fasting is the only way to stay healthy, there is no other way.
    Excessive fapping requires a lot more eating to get the nutrients back, which in turn
    accelerates waste accumulation. That's the only indirect link between the two.

    Fasting is very easy:

    The definition of fasting is the following:
    If you eat food and drink at the same hour every day, and NOTHING in between (EVEN water),
    then the time between the meals becomes your fasting period.

    For example:

    Wake up: 7am
    Breakfast time: 8-10am (or 8 - 9am, depends on you)
    Dinner time: 8-10pm
    Sleep: 12pm

    So fasting hours become: 10am - 8pm; 10pm - 8am

    If you follow this routine, you will start seeing the benefits starting on 2nd or 3rd day.
    And results are so fast you will be impressed. You don't have to abstain a year from sex or
    anything, that's insane.

    You can boost fasting results by eating light food and eating less and avoiding high fat and meat, and eating
    slow digesting food that will keep you satiated for longer hours.

    That's it guys, there is no rocket science to get your health back. It just requires persistence and
    determination to follow the fast.

    Human needs to eat and needs to fast.
    yousuff and Buddhabro like this.
  6. stack85

    stack85 Fapstronaut

    @osimodel That may be the case for you ... BUT not for all of us ... I thought we talked about this already. DIABETES can be caused by OVERMASTURBATION once again. I did fasting and everything else and nothing helped. I only saw my sugar levels normalize after a long streak, no matter what I ate and I took no medication. I even sent you a video showing how testosterone therapy reverses insulin resistance. I'm a little surprised we're still talking about this even after testimonies posted on here. DIABETES is triggered by MANY things, not just WEIGHT or eating unhealthy ... overmasturbation DOES cause it as well REGARDLESS of how good you eat or your weight. You need to understand that many things cause diabetes ... PMO/Overmasturbation DOES cause it as well. A user gave the testimony of how he cured his and changed nothing about his eating habits that were already healthy or weight. The root cause of your diabetes may not be PMO, but if it is PMO that caused it, your fasting results will be short lived and once you eat normally again, your sugars will surely go back up again.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2018
    brahmacarya and Buddhabro like this.
  7. osimodel

    osimodel Fapstronaut


    Well, there are many testimonials on everything, that cannot not be taken as facts.
    And you dont know the tiny details of those testimonials: maybe that guy normalized his
    eating schedule and started to eat at approx same hours, and had no clue that it was what helped him.

    The root of diabetes is one and one only.
    Normal eating is eating and fasting. Normal people eat three times a day at set hours,
    and they wake up and go to work and have breakfast, lunch and dinner, and sleep on about
    same hours. They are still fasting in between the meals. With this they can last without problems
    up to 60 years or so. But if you masturbate a lot, you get hungry a lot and mess up this schedule,
    you quicken your way to diabetes. Remember, everyone (who does not fast) gets diabetes at some point in their lives, the time depends on how much they have been eating.

    You cannot fast and quit it and assume everything will be normal for the rest of your life,
    fasting is for life, even if it is short fast like 6 hours between the 3 meals normal people have. And you cannot expect 10 or 15 day of fasting cleanse your waste that have been accumulated for decades since you were born.
    But if you stick to it, it will cleanse you up to the point where you were at when you were born. Then the results will not be short-lived, if you decide to quit the fasting.

    I have been on this for a very long time to confirm it for myself. There are also tons of testimonials
    on intermittent fasting.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2018
  8. stack85

    stack85 Fapstronaut

    @osimodel NO YOU are wrong, sorry ! The reason why I believe in NOFAP is because I experienced the benefits as well. Do you even read what I try to tell you at all ? I told you many many times that I went on a long streak and I had actually REVERSED my blood sugars issues UNTIL I went back into my habits and the blood sugar issues CAME back again.... So NO again, YOU ARE WRONG, sorry. Diabetes IS NOT CAUSED by only one factor. Yes, weight and diet are factors but PMO is also ANOTHER FACTOR. You are obviously not quite well educated on the topic of diabetes at all. I EXPERIENCED the cure MYSELF ... PMO is what gave me back the blood sugar issues once I went back into the habit, So you are not going to change the fact that I was cured for a while and got back the disease.

    This experience was experimented after I started this thread. Since sharing my experience with users on this site, they followed what I told them and 3 of them GOT cured as well ... and they were on a great diet and good weight when they were diagnosed.

    There so many kinds of diabetes, there is gestational diabetes that pregnant women get, there's diabetes caused by bad diet and weight, diabetes caused by high cortistol levels, diabetes caused by PMO, etc ....

    Please TAKE THE TIME to READ before responding. Overmasturbation LOWERS testosterone levels, I know that for a fact because I measured myself before and after my long streak, after my long streak, my blood sugar issues were normalized, and my testosterone levels were normalized also.

    It's quite possible diabetes is the result of your bad diet or weight ... I don't know you but it is NOT the case for me as I know what triggers it for me. You can't speak for everyone else.

    And by the way, I was just as ignorant before and thought diabetes was due to weight and eating habits only. I did lots of fasting and I lost a lot of weight and clean habits (50 pounds). That did not help at all UNTIL I went on a very long streak. That's what made the real difference. My blood sugars were absolutely normal no matter what I ate for a while. PMO does not only caused diabetes but it causes high blood pressure as well.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2018
    brahmacarya and Buddhabro like this.
  9. etag86

    etag86 Fapstronaut

    Hi, i am new.

    From my experience, I can agree both with stack85 and osimodel.
    However, like stack85, I do not believe at all the problems we have is due to waste accumulation. My blood tests always showed I was extremely healthy, whereas I had very poor digestion, poor memory and headaches.

    I think the problem is due to some sort of element (lets call it testosterone for now) getting too low
    in the body. Testosterone plays big role in digestion (and many other things, also sperm production), because digestive organs use it to digest food. If you are too low on that, then you will have poor digestion.

    Aftermath of ejaculation, tons of that testosterone are getting lost during the next few days:

    1. Firstly, because semen need it to get produced
    2, Secondly, due to loss of a lot of nutrients, stomach releases a lot of juices (so a lot of testosterone)
    so that you can eat and get the nutrients back.

    Ejaculation is the single most thing that strips you of testosterone in a very short amount of time.

    I believe, when we are born, we are given a storage full of testosterone in our body.
    And we use it throughout our lives. That storage can get repleted if you live healthy life,
    but if you ejaculate a lot, the storage gets depleted very quickly.

    Things that deplete testosterone level and can get you similar health conditions as ejaculation:
    1. Staying hungry or starving most of the time (digestive juices just drain and so does testosterone)
    2. Consuming a lot of simple sugar (sugar also strips testosterone very quickly).
    3. Any kind of depression / loneliness / stress
    4. Poor sleep

    Things that help to replete testosterone level:
    1. Intermittent fasting. Yes, this is where I agree with osimodel. From my experience,
    intermittent fasting is very fast way to replete testosterone.
    2. Eating well and getting all necessary nutrients. Eating meat is important.
    3. Sleeping well.
    4. Being around a lot of people and positive atmosphere.
    5. Important of all, abstaining from ejaculation for a very long time, as stack85 points out.
    When you abstain from ejaculation for a long time, then body does not use testosterone as much, because enough sperm has been made, and so body uses excess testosterone to replete the storage.

    stack85 likes this.
  10. I think we can all agree that masturbation and a habit of looking at porn is detrimental when it comes to human metabolism.

    Stack85 and I seem to have had the exact same nutritional deficiencies and other imbalances. We were both addicted for at least a decade. Pmo addiction in any case seems to have a profound impact on levels of the minerals zinc, magnesium, calcium; and on levels of vitamins D, B6 and B12. Testosterone levels are affected as well.

    All of these imbalances, of course, increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Pmo is a huge, huge physical stressor. There's no way the body can maintain healthy biological homeostasis if the host is masturbating and ejaculating every single day or every other day. The loss of minerals and other nutrients is just too profound. Not only that, it's not just ejaculation. The intensity of the excitement is equally harmful.
    brahmacarya, Buddhabro and stack85 like this.
  11. stack85

    stack85 Fapstronaut

    @etag86 Very good post. Yes, Intermittent fasting will help boot testosterone for sure !! However, you still need to abstain from masturbation/ejaculation otherwise it will be useless. The root cause is NOT waste accumulation like @osimodel says, it's ridiculous. And saying that ALL people who do not fast will get diabetes is absolutely FALSE. I get the feeling that many users on here are trying to find excuses so they can keep fapping and escape from the truth. Diabetes is caused by so many things. Excessive PMO/overmasturbation definitely causes it in some people, it also causes high blood pressure. I want this streak to be hard mode and last over 3 months and report back here again.

    Did you ever test your testosterone levels ? what are you trying to cure ?
    Buddhabro and etag86 like this.
  12. stack85

    stack85 Fapstronaut

    @bken Yes, I get the feeling that some people are trying to find excuses to keep on fapping and not see the real truth about the dangers of masturbation/porn. It's a real fact that excessive masturbation does cause diabetes/high blood pressure. To say that everyone that does not fast gets diabetes is false. I know people who do not fast and are super healthy. I really want to cure my health issues and give my body a chance to heal. I'll be in touch here regularly and report 3 months from now on how I feel.
    Buddhabro and Deleted Account like this.
  13. stack85

    stack85 Fapstronaut

    @etag86 Check this youtube video on how reboosting testosterone levels cures diabetes for those who are severly deficient and overmasturbation does exactly that. Did you also read the testimony of @fullyrecovered ? He cured his diabetes after reading this thread

    Deleted Account likes this.
  14. etag86

    etag86 Fapstronaut


    I tested once testosterone levels a year ago. It was on the very low side of acceptable range.
    However since then, I continued getting weaker due to ejaculation. Just general weakness, loose muscle, poor
    digestion, slow thinking, so on.

    My goal too is to have a long streak. I absolutely believe that storage gone low. And its storage, i believe, are
    muscles. When muscles increase, storage increase.

    I remember back in the days, when i was healthy enough, I used to fap and my sperm used
    to get generated in short amount of time and with great quality. However, now when I look at it, its so watery and
    there is no consistency to it. Body cannot generate good sperm because it lacks something.

    I am very determined on this streak. One tip i can give is staying away from red meat.
    It highly increases sexual arousal and temptation to fap.
  15. stack85

    stack85 Fapstronaut

    @etag86 Oh my, it's like you are reading my MIND, I was going to say just that. RED MEAT indeed makes me VERY aroused and fail to continue my streak. Not only is red meat bad for nofap, red meat is bad for health in general. It's a known carcinogen and whenever I eat it, my blood pressure goes way up. I would recommend to watch the "CHINA STUDY", look it up on Youtube, it is so revealing and you will learn so much and the consequences of animal-based foods !!

    Let's keep in touch regularly as we are on this streak and report how we feel after 3 months. I want to do 3 months hard mode. I really want to gain my health back, I am only 33 years old. I don't want this stupid habit to make me suffer and not live long.
    ArtDelaney likes this.
  16. osimodel

    osimodel Fapstronaut

    Guys :D How are you?

    I want to apologize very much for my previous post about some "waste accumulation" theory
    i was proposing. It's false. INDEED it is ejaculation. Since my last post, my health progressed
    a lot: a lot of stomach distention is gone, digestion improved. I can now feel what feeling normal is like.
    After more than 7 years, I am feeling so relaxed, although wayyy to go. Again, i want to apologize for
    my rant, I just for some reason lost the sight of my progress, and fell to trap that i was not progressing,
    which made me very upset and hopeless, then i started looking for something else for an answer.

    Thankfully, i kept ejaculation count for once per 14 days. With that i still progressed. I have been doing this for at least 4 month now. I imagine where i could be, if i did not ejaculated at all.

    @stack85 sorry dude. You were so determined on this, i applaud you, didn't you have even a single drop of doubt in your head though? :) I had doubts so many times back and forth, but every time I was coming back to masturbation as the cause. I just had to be patient with myself, cause this takes fuck load of time that it boggles my mind how long it is. It is astonishing. Anyway. From now on, no ejaculation for me. Now I am at the point where I dont want to do it at all.

    You are right, red meat is a killer, it makes you so aroused if you eat a lot of it.
    It's been months now, i haven't eaten it, only chicken and fish.
    brahmacarya likes this.
  17. etag86

    etag86 Fapstronaut


    Good to know its working for you. My current streak is 15 days now, and I am feeling great.
    Yeah, red meat is something... just stay away from it. Not even lamb.
    Fish and chicken are the safest.
  18. etag86

    etag86 Fapstronaut


    :) That red meat was also driving me crazy, I did not know why i wanted to masturbate, although i knew i was very weak. So i was paying very close attention to what i eat and do, and what exactly arouses my feelings. Then one day I noticed it was the freaking red meat.

    I am going to watch the video you recommended. Yep, lets keep in touch.
  19. stack85

    stack85 Fapstronaut

    @osimodel One big advise I can give you is to STOP listening to mainstream doctors i, MOST of these doctors are SO IGNORANT about health and the human body. In fact, you will read so many articles encouraging to masturbate, which is very bad for you as you already know.

    I am also suffering from VERY VERY bad stomach distention, I used to be so scared when I noticed it. I know it's linked to overmasturbation. How bad was your stomach distention ? can you describe it ? For me it's like quite bad, I feel like something's blocking.

    Your stomach distention, digestion, diabetes, etc ... is most likely ALL linked to your over-masturbation and 99.9% of men are still unaware of this danger. My sugars are a little bit better, I have never been able to get to day 30.I need to finish a hard mode streak of 6 months with no ejaculation whatsoever, that should get things back in order. I would suggest you stop ejaculating for 6 months to fully heal. Then after that, you can live a normal lifestyle again without going back to this addictive, damaging habit.
  20. stack85

    stack85 Fapstronaut

    Let's keep in touch indeed bro ..... What day are you on ? How long are you going for ?