My Introduction - Partner of Longtime Porn Addict - Feeling Hopeless & Traumatised

Discussion in 'Partner Support' started by HonestyMatters, Aug 20, 2018.

  1. HonestyMatters

    HonestyMatters Fapstronaut

    Yes, I feel like I've tried a lot, I'm sure not everything but a lot and more than he's ever tried to help himself. And my well-being has really suffered and it's what I need to focus on more than anything now. I kept leading the way, paving the recovery path for him which he wouldn't do for himself. Because of his deep seated denial of the problem I believe he went through the motions, for a short while anyway and some activities for longer but only as a way to appease me and ultimately each time used it to pretend a fake recovery. I took this role for a number of reasons, he constantly told me he didn't have time between work and everything else going on, he didn't know what to do, what would help him or how to do it, I was always the more motivated one "get up and go kind of person", I've always been the one to "try to fix" what's not working in our lives & in our relationship - it's just how I am, and I actually thought it would help because he was just so unmotivated and lazy not just toward his recovery but pretty much everything in our lives. I knew that ultimately he had to do the work himself and push himself, and each time I was only trying to get the ball rolling really to which he would not keep it going and then a lot of time would pass, and still nothing from him so I'd try and get the ball rolling again.... I've since learnt that I can't even do this, none of it has worked. He has to lead the way, he has to want to do it, he has to want the recovery, he has to want to save our marriage, he has to want to make amends with me, he has to want to fix all the broken parts and the things that aren't working in our relationship - like communication, trust and honesty. He has to want to get the ball rolling and keep it rolling and build the momentum himself. But it's also much bigger than just WANTING IT, more importantly he has to actually DO IT!!!

    He know's I believe it's a betrayal. He has been told this countless times. I even told him this before we got married because I felt that using porn would be a betrayal and I would not be able to live with that secret double life and he promised that he would never look at Porn without my knowledge.

    He has always said to me (whether it's true or not I don't know) that even though he is looking at these other women and getting off on them, it was nothing more than a release for him, a way of releasing stress, boredom, frustration etc and did not feel like he physically wanted to have sex with them and He was not feeling like he wanted to physically have sex with anyone else either.

    Telling him that I will have my own sexual options that I will keep hidden from him is not the kind of relationship I want to be in. And besides I have said to him on multiple occasions how he thinks he would feel if I was doing the same to him - and his response each time "I honestly wouldn't have a problem with it, that's why I don't understand you having such a problem with me doing it" Well. It's not me. Sure I've looked at porn at times but it's just not something I gravitate towards. I want a fulfilling healthy connected relationship - and not with a pixel screen! I truly believe he was telling me to do this, so that he could continue doing it without me being upset at him and without feeling guilty or ashamed of it.

    And I don't know that would completely fulfill his sexual needs. He for the most part of our relationship, albeit off and on at times, wants to have sex with me, gets aroused with me. He doesn't suffer PIED although I noticed about 7 months ago that his erections weren't as hard as they used to be and there's been a couple of times where he seemed to lose his erection during sex. There have definitely been times over the course of our marriage that I felt he replaced me with his porn and wasn't initiating sex as's kinda been up and down the entire time. But he has very rarely if ever refused me if I've initiated sex ....I can't say he hasn't pornified me or used me as a sexual object or fantasised about other women and sexual situations while having sex with me - he says he doesn't or hasn't but I highly doubt that. I know he's big on fantasy and masturbated just about everyday of our marriage to fantasy while in the shower or wherever.....

    But his biggest problem in the last five months is PE. Before he joined NoFap....I'd been on here just reading posts long before him for months....I hadn't joined at that point either but I gave him information and wanted him to do a 90 day "no PMO reboot". He eventually agreed. I wanted this because I was sure he was still M most days even if he wasn't looking at P and getting his dopamine fix, although he refused to admit it at the time. He did his 90 days and PE was a problem pretty much the entire time which led me to believe he was "No PMO" but it was only a couple of weeks after this there was another "D Day" and the first in about 3 years. He admitted to looking at Porn pretty much everyday during that 90 days but not masturbating at all. Whether he slipped with the masturbating I don't really know, I can only go by what he tells me but PE was definitely pretty bad, needing to cum within 30 seconds or less during sex which was a pretty good indicator pf no M. But before that 90 day reboot it turned out that he'd been looking at P and M the entire 3 years prior.

    This has turned into a much longer and more detailed post than I had intended. I don't know that I have ever just let him off the hook as such in the last 7 years but I definitely wasn't using boundaries properly and the consequences I think he needed or I wanted, were too difficult to implement without making my life as equally as difficult. And from what I understand the consequences should never be more difficult for me to deal with than they are for him. So implementing consequences can be tough. Financially if we could have afforded it I would have made him leave - on multiple occasions. In fact I did make him leave once for a week but financially it was and still is a struggle. I also made him live downstairs for about 4 months in which during that time there was no sex and he was just looking at P and M and I later found out he signed up to a local "Meet up for a fuck site" Admittedly at the time I had told him that it was over, but he wouldn't leave and I didn't really know where we were at, and financially we couldn't do it (issues with termites). But after 4 months we tried to give it ago again and he was going to do recovery work but yeah didn't tell me about the Fuck Site, I found that weeks later.....

    I do agree though that I feel he has devalued me and the relationship for a long time. Even to this very day I don't feel that I am really valued and nor is our relationship. I feel that neither is really that important to him or if it is he certainly doesn't show it. Both his actions and lack of actions are presently indicating this.....
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2018
  2. Lady1975

    Lady1975 Fapstronaut

    Hi Honesty matters. Thank you so much for your reply. It's so sad to think there are so many people in this situation and feeling like this.
    Again over the weekend we spoke about this and he said he really doesn't think that it was a porn addiction but a sexual addiction. He said he wanted to be with me at every opportunity but when this wasn't possible that it led to him having to masterbating and then to watching porn as it was there and easy.
    I do really feel that he has stopped watching porn but I suppose my issue is dealing with what is really going on in his mind....and yes I'll never know. He is still addiment that he will not speak to anyone. I have so much to say today but just can't find the words.

    I wish you all the best xxxx
  3. HonestyMatters

    HonestyMatters Fapstronaut

    Good to hear from you @Lady1975

    It sounds like he could be in denial especially that he's so adamant not to speak to anyone - my husband was extremely hesitant too because of all the shame surrounding it. Like I mentioned before he was in denial for years, partly because he believed he could control it but also because he didn't really see the harm in it other than me having a problem with it. I really feel for you. It's so difficult for the partners. I really felt my husband had stopped too, he was so sincere and such a good liar. For your sake I hope he has really stopped. You will probably still need to process your betrayal trauma so I would still look into that. Also, if your husband truly believes he hasn't got a problem then he shouldn't have any problem watching some videos or reading articles etc with you so that you can be sure, is a good place to start and for you if you are interested there are some good free videos on betrayal trauma for women on this site

    Best of luck! Will be here if you need to talk. Don't think I'll be going anywhere any time

    Edit: One other thing, I'm not sure what he means by not a porn addiction but a sexual addiction. Porn Addiction is a type of Sex Addiction. An actual sex addiction is much worse than just a porn addiction.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2018
  4. havana19

    havana19 Fapstronaut

  5. havana19

    havana19 Fapstronaut

    this man was/is a PA who understands the trauma the partner goes through. He speaks from his own experience and that of his partner. This might be helpful.

  6. HonestyMatters

    HonestyMatters Fapstronaut

    Yeah, just watched it. That was a great video...thanku. And it's right. I don't have to worry to much about my husband not pursuing me on a sexual level so much but when it comes to a mental and emotional level, I am always the one trying to pursue him and it's definitely not reciprocated. Same with working through our problems, growth in the relationship, deeper level of understanding and meaning, deeper connection, its always me pursuing him and never the other way around. Not to mention his recovery. So yes, I need to stop pursuing and work on me. That's what I'm going to do!! xx
  7. havana19

    havana19 Fapstronaut

    change those dynamics, focus on yourself and things you enjoy such as hobbies, pets, whatever it may be. Detach from him and stop trying to fix him or pursue him. Even non PA men do not like to be pursued too much if at all, it dampens their enthusiasm. Just create your own boundaries and maintain those boundaries until he actually initiates real change. Good luck
    HonestyMatters likes this.
  8. clairecsx

    clairecsx Fapstronaut

    I really really feel for you!!!! FINALLY I have read a story EXACTLY like mine!!! I’d really like to stay in contact with you if this is ok? As I’m a shell of who I used to be. I’m still going thro this with my partner and feel so alone with it all!!! I’m new to this site so sorry if this was an old post it was just nice to know I’m not so alone. I’ve read loads on men doing this and having pied but I’ve not had any women forums and how they cope. How are things now? I left my bf to the hope he’d change… he used that time away to constantly use porn.. even though that was the reason we split. I feel they don’t stop at nothing and do their very best to hide things. My partner done all the lies, I called it the three ds, delete ( history) deflect ( blame into me) and deny..( constantly)! He doesn’t like being known as someone who basically faps to other women whilst with me this is why he still lies!! 19 months together and when we got back together there was no changes! I’m still initiating intimacy, there’s no real need to touch me like I’ve had in past “normal” relationships. I feel if I keep staying il end up like yourself living this way for 7 years!! I really commend you in putting up with this for that long! It’s taken over my whole life, I have a daughter and find it hard to be a parent because of this issue! I’m so low, depressed over it I can’t be a good mum or person who I once was! It’s like the light has come out of me. I’m an attractive woman I’m told and it’s insulting being last on the list to the stuff out there online! I said I’m a mum and will not be constantly dolled up to the nines like the heavily made up porn actresses! This is why they do it? They are glamorous and instantly readily available at a touch of the button, where as most days I’m in comfy clothes wearing glasses! I live in the real world! Basically it’s the addicts that don’t! These women can be young “forever “ because it’s a saved video/ file so they will always have young supply! It really makes me feel sick and exactly like you saying.. never enough!! What I learned is no matter how gorgeous their partner can be.. it doesn’t matter. They like variety or sinister things .. so il be mundane compared to that! I feel I’m reaching the end for this way of life! I feel since he came back, he admitted all I was questioning.. but only the very next day got a complete u turn if I didn’t do it. This is what I constantly hear- I don’t do it, I didn’t do it, your all I need and want. It’s actually insulting and I feel how would he feel or other men if their girlfriends were getting horny happy over other men. The key I’m thinking now is there’s no hope my end, no attempts to correct anything, reassure me or anything. All that pain over the months isn’t just past pain it fully stays with you!!! This is where I’m at now! Not only coping with all I’ve endured but that whole time bomb theory of.. “when will he do it” … again! It only takes that one secret time and they don’t care how it’s affected us do they? I’ve had panic attacks, doctors medication to cope, break downs and regrettably an over dose from the pain of how I was treated! Yet still no improvements. No changes. They enjoy it. Simple. Don’t get mad get even? I’d rather just walk away and try and find someone who hasn’t got a serious obsession with taking time out to scan other womens bodies because that’s really what it is!! I’m baffled at how the death rate is high in men.. and not women with this constantly going on. It’s shocking but speaking realistically. I really hope we can chat more as I don’t have anyone going thro this:(
  9. testwarz

    testwarz Fapstronaut

    I have a number of things in common with your husband in that I’m 50 and WAS a PA since around 16. But I Have quit porn for around 3 years now. I’m also in IT but I’m single! The main thing that helped me to quit was trying initially and then once I got to 30 60 90 days I turn into a warrior…! I’m at the gym daily and honestly get hit on by 21 year old girls since I look v young and I do t want to distract them so gently let them know my age your husband needs to understand all the anaaaaazing benefits of nofap together with wife only intimacy….. does he smoke drink or alternatively is he into fitness? I quit smoking 9 months ago
  10. Real Roboin

    Real Roboin Fapstronaut

    O my goodness this never changes. I just heard those exact words, I dont do it, only want you and it was all a lie because i had a recorder going. no sex in months and once well that good ole ed was there. Yuck I walked away. I am here if you need a friend. 26 yrs in and now over.
    +TenPercent likes this.
  11. LonelyStar

    LonelyStar Fapstronaut

    I can feel your pain.
    All this is terribile. All I want to say is that you don't have to live a life like this. This is all too much. You tried your best to help him. You really did so do not even for a moment take the blame. It is not on you. Nothing is on you. If this man does not appreciate that you stayed by his side and helped him in your own way, he needs to lose you so maybe he will understand...And if not, you lost nothing
  12. she-dernatinus

    she-dernatinus Fapstronaut

    Of course, he will only consider changing ( or at least appear to) in case there's something concrete to lose.

    I will never understand why so many women pursue harmful illusions. What is the point of going through such harsh trials ?

    For someone who sees your own mental suffering as minor collateral damage, he sure knows how to control his issues in the workplace
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2022