Nervous about going back to the gym

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Kai101, Aug 29, 2018.

  1. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    Come on Goku
    Ignore Vegeta and majin bu (those two guys)
    Kai101 likes this.
  2. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    On a serious myself being a frequent bully target....
    Ignoring them is best thing......but if they seem to be a potential threat to your health
    Then defend defend I mean turn into an animal
    Trevelyan357 and Kai101 like this.
  3. Kai101

    Kai101 Fapstronaut

    Will do haha
    u376 likes this.
  4. u376

    u376 Fapstronaut

    Animal mode=Saiyan mode
    Kai101 likes this.
  5. Hey man! Congratulations on your success! See - you managed to overcome your anxiety - you have beaten it! And, to your challenge - great, they hate that you have good training program/genetics (still plays role :)). Okay, let them hate - and don't care. Use this as a great starting point, great soil from which you can grow. Use this situation as a way to finally overcome anxiety/depression for your whole life!

    And, also to add my experience from bullying - maybe not so nice, but when somebody bullies you - [somehow] you force him to bully you. Being bullied is a self-created condition. That means it is in your full power to change it. The best way is to start ignoring, totally. Firstly it will be harder but by the time it does wonders. They won't beat you! Probably they won't even touch you (if they do, we have police and all types of protectors - so why not use it? and no, you wouldn't look weaker, they will look way stupid-er (is it how it is said?))

    People will be jealous - they will hate you in your life. Get used to it. AND NEVER EVER let yourself down because someone else pulls you down. Stay your ground - this will benefit you for your whole life. You got through worse things and now you are fully ready to overcome this challenge - so be your best :)

    good luck, stay strong!
    Kai101 likes this.
  6. Kai101

    Kai101 Fapstronaut

    Thanks. That really resonated with me. You're post gave me confidence to go out and live life how I want to live it
  7. Porn No More

    Porn No More Fapstronaut

    If it bothers you that much why don’t you just join a different gym?
    Kai101 likes this.
  8. Kai101

    Kai101 Fapstronaut

    I was considering switching. I just might do that
  9. SorryWontSayIt

    SorryWontSayIt Fapstronaut

    Hi, great to see things are better now! Keep moving forward!

    I am kind of in the same situation. I got really good gains this winter, and was really proud of myself for reaching my goals. Then a lot of bad shit happend in my life which made me struggel going to the gym (even tho that was what I loved most, it was where I could clear my mind and calm down from everything else going on).

    I don't know how the situation is with the two other guys are now, but the only thing I want to say regarding them - don't let them get into your head. You said it yourself, they are jealous. When someone is jealous you should be proud!
    When I made my best gains, I had two friend who were jealous of me (I guess I was a bit more lucky then you on this part, since they did not bully me). But I took it as a compliment, and I tried to motivate them!

    But now I am in many ways in the same situation as you are (were?). I have lost a lot of mass. But what I do, and would do if I were you. Put on some music, ignore everyone else. I know I have lost a lot, but the only way to gain the loss back is to work again! One day I just know I will be back where I once was, maybe even better. I won't let anyone destroy my dreams.
    Ofcourse sometimes I look around and I can feel that someone may think who the fuck is this guy. But when I workout I put on music, and when I workout I only look in the mirror (if there is) and the only person I am watching is myself. I don't look at other people. The gym is where I only focus on myself and noone else. With music the other people can't reach me.

    I don't know if this is to any help, just wanted to share what I think :,) Hope it helps tho.
    Kai101 likes this.
  10. They are obviously stupid and immature, why would you care what they have to say? Do they try to get physical with you?
    Kai101 likes this.
  11. Kai101

    Kai101 Fapstronaut

    Sometimes. They try to kick me in the balls and other stupid stuff
  12. Lolwut? Don’t let them do that, next time they do that, stand up, look them in the eye and throw a hook on one of the guys chin, preferably the bigger one, and keep hitting him. How do you know these guys? They older than you? I don’t know how someone could do that, did you do something to them?
  13. Kai101

    Kai101 Fapstronaut

    I'm the middle aged one. One is 15, and the other is 18. I first met the older one because he is the stepbrother of my best friend. The other one I met one night at the gym by chance
  14. Kai101

    Kai101 Fapstronaut

    I want to hit them, but I'd get kicked out if the gym
  15. What about them? Bothering you while you’re working out, kicking your nuts?? They should get kicked out!! You’re gonna leave anyways right? Do it!!
    Kai101 likes this.
  16. Kai101

    Kai101 Fapstronaut

    Well said. I will. I'm not gonna take crap from anyone I deserve better.
  17. I’m not the one to start violence but if they do something like that, gotta put them in their place or at least try. Their is strength in honor! If not, no biggie, but I think they have it come, you should do it
  18. Kai101

    Kai101 Fapstronaut

    Deleted Account likes this.