***The Exercise Challenge***

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by LoyalKnight, Jun 26, 2017.

  1. Baldur

    Baldur Fapstronaut

    Thank you man! :) Yeah, bouldering is a lot of fun! But it is also expensive here. :(
    Yeah, I try to keep it as regularly as I can, but of course, the schedule intervenes sometimes. It's a broad system and I train under Krav Maga Global.
    I can highly recommend them and their seminars. :)

    Force Majeure likes this.
  2. August numbers from the pool.
    I'm heading to the pool now to put in some laps
    Baldur and Force Majeure like this.
  3. Baldur

    Baldur Fapstronaut

    Awesome! :) Keep on going! :D

    Did the kettlebell "armor" exercises from Dan John, slept, got to the gym and did
    deadlifts (up to 142kg, squats up to 100kg) and weighted chin ups (35kg).

    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. Damn, you are strong! Is it actually you on the profile picture? :D
  5. Baldur

    Baldur Fapstronaut

    Thank you Force! :D I am somewhat flattered. Haha.
    Maybe I will look like him in the future. Who knows. He sure is handsome. Haha. :D
    About the strength part:
    I found it helpful to do full body kettlebell exercises and barbell complexes together with some wrestling, Krav Maga and other sports.
    It is interesting how different the strength standards are. Some call it strong, some call it weak. I guess it all depends on whether someone is into strength sports,
    or not.

    How is your training going? =)

  6. It's going better than ever. My last update was from Friday and yesterday was a rest day (I traveled with my family to Croatia for vacation so I didn't have any time left for workout). Today: 5 km running at 5:27 min/km, two one-hand pull-ups per arm (rests in between), some other variants of pull-ups and last but not least: five sets of 34 jumping-squats and 34 push-ups - summing up to 170 of each with no rests in between. :D That was a very nice kind of workout I think you should try! :):D
  7. Baldur

    Baldur Fapstronaut

    Awesome man! :) Croatia is beautiful! I'm not able to do one armed pull ups as of now but I'm working on it. I thought about putting weight around my waist until I can chin up twice my body weight.
    I'll try some sprinting in the future. :D Thanks!
  8. Baldur

    Baldur Fapstronaut

    Trained some martial arts in the park. It was a lot of fun. :)

  9. CIA

    CIA Fapstronaut

    Cardio after body weight training slows down your anabolism so avoid running after swatting or weight training do cardio separately
  10. oneotwo

    oneotwo Fapstronaut

    Today-b program

    Deleted Account and Baldur like this.
  11. Baldur

    Baldur Fapstronaut

    I was in the gym and trained the deadlift and weighted chin ups. I strechted myself and went to help a friend moving. Lots of work done today.
    Now I'll go to bed my fellow fapstronauts. Stay AWESOME!

  12. Hello fellow fapstronauts!

    My last update was from Sunday 10 days ago so let's see what I've done...

    Below, "boxing punches" means weighted boxing punches with +2 kg per hand, punching as fast as possible during 10 seconds followed by 10 seconds rest. Repeat for seven minutes. Varying types of punches like straight ones, upper-cuts, etc.

    sep 3 (Monday): 175 jumping squats, 175 push-ups, 2.15 km running, boxing punches
    sep 4 (Tuesday): rest day
    sep 5 (Wednesday): 115 weighted squats with +10 kg, boxing punches, pull-ups, one-hand pull-ups, muscle-ups
    sep 6 (Thursday): 130 weighted squats with +20 kg, boxing punches
    sep 7 (Friday): 140 weighted squats with +25 kg, 3.4 km running @ 5:00 min/km, pull-ups, one-hand pull-ups, muscle-ups
    sep 8 (Saturday): 150 weighted squats with +30 kg, boxing punches, leg throw-downs
    sep 9 (Sunday): 10 km running with +40 kg stroller, 160 jumping squats, 160 push-ups
    sep 10 (Monday): rest day (7 km cycling)
    sep 11 (Tuesday): 34 km cycling, boxing class

    That's it for now, good luck folks!

    Sounds fun!
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 3, 2019
  13. Ra's Al Ghul

    Ra's Al Ghul Fapstronaut

    I am able to knock off 50 push ups with no major struggle now.
  14. Today was a one-arm push-up day. :D

    * 242 one-arm push-ups divided over 13 sets
    * 22 km cycling
    * 320 jumping squats (8 sets x 40 reps, 2 mins rest between every set)

    Good luck folks!
  15. Baldur

    Baldur Fapstronaut

    What a programm! Nice @Force Majeure ! :)
    I'm interested how it will develop. :)

    Tuesday: Only deadlifts and chin ups and the moving of a friend.
    Today: Ground fighting in the park and biking. Some chin ups.
    Got to regenerate myself before I get hardcore again. :)

    Cheers and keep up the good work my fellow fapstronauts!
  16. Today:
    250 jumping squats
    180 push-ups
    28 one-arm push-ups
    45 min core workout
    11 km cycling
    krav maga training

    Good luck folks!
  17. Baldur

    Baldur Fapstronaut

    Awesome stuff @Force Majeure ! :)
    Friday: Martial Arts training (including Krav Maga)
    Saturday: Kettlebell play,
    Sunday: Kettlebell play, some biking
    Monday: Lots of kettlebell stuff (Snatches, Swings, Cleans, Presses, Squats, etc.).
    Tomorrow: Another heavy deadlift/squat/dip/Chin up session. Yaaay!
    Got to work on my running/Stretching/Krav Maga more.

    Deleted Account and LoyalKnight like this.
  18. LoyalKnight

    LoyalKnight Fapstronaut

    Had two amazing workouts in the gym the last 3 days. I returned from my holidays in Istanbul just 4 days ago, so the muscle sore is heavy.

    First day was legs only and on the second days I trained arms, biceps and triceps. My muscle sore was too extreme to work out yesterday and it is still there today. I shall rest if needed - but that is expected after 2 weeks of absence in the gym!

    Keep the training up everyone, muscles, here we come!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  19. Hello fellow fapstronauts!

    Here comes an update of my workout since last time :)

    14 sep (fri): 30 min weighted boxing punches
    15 sep (sat): 200 jumping squats + 200 push-ups, abs workout, 20 min stretching
    16 sep (sun): two hours in the outdoor gym
    17 sep (mon): 22 km cycling
    18 sep (tue): 40 km cycling
    19 sep (wed): 22 km cycling
    20 sep (thu): 11 km cycling, weighted boxing punches
    21 sep (fri): two workout sets, each 15 minutes where I aimed to have a pulse above 150 bpm during the whole set, 20 min stretching

    Good luck folks! :D
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 3, 2019
    Deleted Account likes this.
  20. Finally got back to doing exercise.
    I workout in home without equipment with a mobile app.
    Although my workout capabilities are not even 1% of what you guys do but i still feel doing workout is better than not doing any....
    Setting a goal to do it at least 5 days in a week.
    Baldur likes this.