NoFap's Emergency Relapse Prevention Tool

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Moderation Team, Sep 4, 2017.

  1. joshgabu

    joshgabu New Fapstronaut

    Hey man! I'm on the same boat! I've tried to get rid of any stimulants and I'm ready to get started on this challenge!
    recon117 likes this.
  2. recon117

    recon117 Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Hey :) I tell you how I do it:
    I would talk with your best friend or someone close you know. And speak open about your rebooting journey. Then I would make an agreement with that person. When you relapse in this 90 days you have to do something. Like in my case if I relapse then I have to invite him to a restaurant and cinema. He is doing the same challenge as me. So we "compete" who last longer.

    I would not worry about relapsing that much. More important is to learn from it and be aware when/how you get triggered.

    I hope I could help you :)
    Tonytone likes this.
  3. Thank you for your response. I feel that in todays soceity even among friends it is difficult to talk about this subject. I am afriad I would like to keep this battle between me and myself. Although that does sound like a solution I cannot share that information. But thank you.
    recon117 likes this.
  4. GoPhonix

    GoPhonix Fapstronaut

    Even though I am new to a structured approach of quitting P and Rebooting via PMO-Mode – I tried alone – will not work I am sure of it. I do have a successful story from quieting alcohol 3 years now and with all addiction are alike I have some fail safes that I will use here again ( I am writing this also down to assure my self .. this post was what kept the thought starting - sorry if it got a little long):

    But I have to admit that I am more afraid of P quitting than alcohol as I quit with the alcohol the prostitutes and exchanged all on more PMO ( like I release how much more – I had access to all kinds of networks … I still safe money against the bar time .. but still its so stupid)

    The Kick to give the body a reason to worry about something else:
    * the cold shower
    * biting on chili ( it is more portable) – just let it burn don’t over use …
    * push up or anything that is motoric activity bring the pulse up and need some coordination skills if you can go to failure( term from the gym guys train until you can not move in one set of repetition) but pick a exercise you can chose in the moment it must be a preset

    *Go outside look into the sky and take 10 to20 aware breaths realy run outside and just do that takes about 5 min
    *Eat a sweet and try to focus on it and the details get bunch of new ones from everywhere ( be carfull this can create a other bad habit … ) try to use 10min on chocolate bar...
    *Write down what you think about and take it apart – can I identify with this tought? Maybe you can not write it down because it was no thought it was impulse

    I have so many time standing pacing in my flat trying to struggle the urge down and not just going out or take cold shower just train for 1min – note to my self take that 5 min of your tome and watch for the thought the way out to something else don’t let the drug the trance occupy my mind.
    Needless to say that I have seen alternative, and good once as that, but ended up on auto mode – loss of control – monkey took over… and he has always a plan how get things going.

    But I have seen my monkey with clear eyes at occasions – in dissociation mode. Look him in the eye when you next time acting out (try not to act out) but if it happens observe and know rely what you up too - see what is done. As the greatest enemy is inside and even greater one inside an addict – but I am strong not of will then that is broken, but of hope to transform and overcome the imbalance inside me, so that I get my will back and smash this enemy, so that his voice becomes insignificant – as I know he never will rely leave me as he is me – always know this to react on the first signs of resurfacing. ( I just have tears in my eyes … I know so much and still… )
    recon117 likes this.
  5. I am on day 3 of my reboot and am already starting to get urges. I start to debate if it is natural to jerk off to porn. Maybe the body was made for it. But then I remember the sluggish feeling it gives me, the social anxiety, the guilt, the lack of motivation. I do not want to relapse! Could someone who has made it the 90 days let me know how they have felt or noticed any changes in motivation. I could really use it to help me.
    Being Free and recon117 like this.
  6. JOhn Aryeetey

    JOhn Aryeetey New Fapstronaut

    Am now starting my 30 days
    I pray that I can do this
    GoPhonix and recon117 like this.
  7. recon117

    recon117 Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Hey John
    how is your challenge going so far? :)
  8. JOhn Aryeetey

    JOhn Aryeetey New Fapstronaut

    It’s the first day and it’s cool
    recon117 likes this.
  9. JOhn Aryeetey

    JOhn Aryeetey New Fapstronaut

    This is the second day and I have started feeling the’s really tempting
    recon117 likes this.
  10. MrFabu

    MrFabu Fapstronaut

    Hi , I've relapsed today , P and M . it's 5 day since the last time which was just M Without P .. Being alone and depressed makes it too difficult to fight .. Too hard to get out of such state .. OCD makes terrible thoughts stress me out so I ptefere to fall in sexual thoughts than other kind of thoughts which in turn leads to PMO .. I have managed to control OCD somewhat .. and there is still more to do about that .
    recon117 likes this.
  11. GoPhonix

    GoPhonix Fapstronaut

    be aware get on right track don't fall for the shame trap now and get stronger win the war only lose some battles. Become better little by little ... all the best man!
  12. recon117

    recon117 Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    @MrFabu @JOhn Aryeetey
    I would start adressing with either P or M not both at the same time. Usually this two are connected so strong cause you did them over and over again that if you stop with one(for example P) the other(M) will go automatically away or atleast the behaviour to it changes.
    I almost don't do M anymore cause I suddenly stopped with P. Of course I relapsed sometimes but I see that as a learning experience and not as failure. Hope that makes sense :)
    Juggernaut WHO and MrFabu like this.
  13. JOhn Aryeetey

    JOhn Aryeetey New Fapstronaut

    Yhh thanks man
    recon117 likes this.
  14. MikeDownUnder

    MikeDownUnder Fapstronaut

    Very well said, there is hope.
  15. I think the emergency tool is not working as it should, it's asking me to login via droplet SSH ???? What does it mean ??
  16. recon117

    recon117 Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Use the panic button on the top right corner :)
  17. MikeDownUnder

    MikeDownUnder Fapstronaut

    Haven’t tried that, very tempting to press as I am curious.
  18. jststop

    jststop New Fapstronaut

    I’ve just spent the entire day in bed,watching porn and masturbating.Im depressed.
  19. Fluidity_in_excellence

    Fluidity_in_excellence New Fapstronaut
