Scarlet letters

Discussion in 'Partner Support' started by Shattered pieces, Aug 7, 2018.

  1. Shattered pieces

    Shattered pieces Fapstronaut

    I'm @Zaccheus' wife. Just joined. I feel like I need someone to know the whole story. I also feel like no one I know could understand my story. So here it is. Throughout our marriage I tried my best to be everything he wanted or needed. I love him more than anyone, and gave him every part of me. We are Christians, so I believe he is supposed to be the spiritual leader of our household, and I spent our entire marriage begging him to be that. I knew he had watched a lot of P in thepast, and had even thought that itnegatively influenced our sex life ( I now know that I was actually traumatized by some of the things he had done, to the point that I blocked them out of my mind,) but I did not understand that he wasaddicted. He told me he had stopped shortly before we were married and I didn't think much more of it. But as time went on, I felt like the more I gave, the more he took advantage. I always knew I could not trust him completely as he has a pattern of lying. I began to suspect he was cheating on me. Last summer I caught him in a lie and told him that Idon't trust anything he says, and that I believe he had or was cheating. He denied it, but confessed to a 3 year PMO relapse. Asked him to get an accountability partner, and to go to counseling. He did neither. Over the past year I realized he was still lying, and noticed behaviors that made me suspect he had relapsed oreven cheated. Instead of working to improve our relationship, he seemed to cease caring. The only thing he wanted toimprove was our sex life, which he deemed unsatisfactory, even though we usually had sex 1-2x/wk, and even though he made it obvious he didn't care if I enjoyed it or even wanted to. He wanted me to want it, however he wanted it, whenever he wanted it. I told him I felt like he was allowed our relationship to be completely destroyed, repeated myrequests for honesty and focusing on our walk with Christ, and even mentioneed tohim that I was concerned because I had thought of another man. Nothingchanged. I became depressed at the idea that this was my life and it would never be better than what it was. Then in April, I began an affair (with the man I mentioned to him) that lasted for 2 months. Suddenly I had my sex drive back, and now I realize it was because I didn't feel like I was being seen as an object. Hefound out and proceeded to confirm it to ppl who had suspected, tell some whohad no idea, and encourage me to reveal it to some. Everyone, including my parents, praised him for staying andhailed him a saint. He did reveal his addiction to his parents and mine. Wewent to counseling and spent a month working nonstop to move forward and fixour issues. During that month, he admitted (only to me) that he hadrelapsed and had not been free of PMO for the past year as he had sworn. I also found out about a couple other lies he had told me. We kept swearing to each other that we both knew everything.
    Then Friday night, he finally confessed that he had been drinking and gamblingnearly every time he had been out of town. One of those times 2 years ago, he slept with someone else.
    My world is shattered. I feel like he has again destroyed my reality and played a huge part in destroying who I am, even. I told him he ruined my life. I know I wasresponsible for my own actions, but I feel like he could have prevented it. And I am enraged that he told everyone my 1 indiscretion when he had done the same and has all these others that are not out for the world to know. Many of the specifics that he shamed me for, he is guilty of himself. I feel like he robbed meof my right to react without my own guilt to counteract, my right to the specifics (so much time has passed,) and my support system. I spent hours going over and over every detail of my affair. He took the support that belonged to me 2 yr ago, and handed me a scarlet letter before he admitted his infidelity. Most people still know nothing of any of his indulgences. I'm angry, I'm hurt, and I'm looking around at the scattered pieces of my lifewondering how everything went so very very wrong, how I could not know thisperson I'm married to, and what I did so wrong that he would set out on this pathof destruction.
    ImaBreakingFree likes this.
  2. TryingHard2Change

    TryingHard2Change Distinguished Fapstronaut

    I am so, so, so sorry to read your story. My heart is so incredibly heavy right now....I just don't know what to say.

    Porn is such poison to relationships and marriages -- it destroys the very fabric of what connects a married couple.

    You two have been through so much .. the hurt and betrayal / the lies and the coverup / the fuller truth coming out only to sting that much more. I don't think I have read a more difficult, complicated story.


    What do you two want from this point on? Is there part of you -- either/both of you -- that still want to work out the marriage?


    I often describe to PA's the Three Distinct Recoveries that happen at different rates:
    [speaking to a PA]
    There are THREE distinct recoveries going on:
    [#1] your recovery (from porn addiction)
    [#2] your wife's recovery (from betrayal trauma)
    [#3] marriage recovery

    They all happen at different paces..."one-step-forward / two-steps-backwards" could describe any of those. Sometimes one of those might be stuck going NOWHERE for weeks or months!

    Often times, [#3] won't budge until [#1] and [#2] are somewhat far along.

    All you can do is focus on yourself right now .. and get PM-free and embrace recovery. If you try to focus too much on [#3] -- and your wife is not ready -- it will only greatly harm [#2] and [#3].

    For you two, there is lots of individually counseling and recovery that I think you need...
    * where is your husband on his recovery from PA?
    * where are you in your recovery from betrayal trauma? (from his PA / from his lies / from his newly-learned affair)


    NoFap is a wonderful community -- filled with hurting people helping others and slowly healing together.

    I recommend that you start a journal / write in it often. Use it to pour out your heart, wrestle with all the ups and downs, etc. Many times, you will receive helpful feedback and comments. Or someone has a great piece of advice for you.

    I am so sorry that you walked through all of that. Your husband's PA is _not_ your fault. You did not ask for it; he brought it into your life, into your marriage.

    There can be healing -- for you two individually .. and even for your marriage, if that is how it goes.

    I am glad that you found NoFap. I hope it is a source of comfort and help as you walk through this journey.
  3. ReadyToStop

    ReadyToStop Fapstronaut


    I’ve been reading your husband’s thread since he started, but have yet to respond. I’m also a PMO addict. I’m hoping that I can add some perspective to the situation.

    I’m 47, married with 3 kids. Like your husband, I’ve been unable to stop and I’ve hidden it from my wife. During weak moments I’ve found myself in strip clubs, spending family money much like your husband has done with the gambling. They’re all details, but the end result is the same. Lying, cheating, succumbing to urges and spending money in a shameful way, not being able to stop, hating myself and being terrified she would find out.

    Addicts lie. It’s what we do when we’re in danger of being caught. It’s wrong, but in our trapped, desperate, wilted little minds it seems the only thing we can do. We’re trapped and we can’t stop because what was a dirty little hobby has altered our bodies so much that we can’t function in a normal way. I know, that sounds like an excuse, but so does your description of the parameters that lead up to your affair. You spoke about getting your sex drive back with another man in the same breath as telling him to focus on his “Walk with Christ”.

    Problem number 1: He wants to have adventurous, intense sex that makes you feel objectified and uncomfortable. You don’t. Can you find a middle ground? Something that he finds exciting that you don’t object to?

    Problem number 2: He’s addicted to PMO. That’s really an addiction, like cigarettes or drugs. It’s not something he wants to do that he hides from you. It’s something he desperately wants to stop that he hides from you. It’s actually a drug addiction to dopamine, and the stimulation threshold to get his body to give him the fix he needs is very high. Dopamine is the same naturally occurring “reward drug” that heroin forces your body to release in massive quantities. Porn, and the intensity of the situations in the videos, is a shortcut to get that high.

    Problem number 3: Christianity intermingled in these situations. I understand that there’s an expectation that your religious identity has a moral code that should make these situations occur less. The reality is it’s in highly religious communities that these situations occur more, often in the shadows. The risk of shame is so high, but addiction doesn’t care where you pray.

    Problem number 4: He needs to be honest, but his confessions infuriate you. This is the lie->confess->punish cycle we’re terrified of. You need to be prepared to hear anything and find a way to just work with him to dig his way out of that hole. He said you wanted him to get an accountability partner. That can be you. Tell him that you’re actually his best friend. As I mentioned above, the shame and terror of reprisal forces us to hide things from our wives.

    Look, the fact is you’re both furious at one another. He is completely demoralized and you think you’ll never trust him again. You both need to talk it out. Go away together for a long weekend, if you can. Sleep in separate rooms. No physical contact, just talk and talk and talk. You’ll know if you have a fighting chance.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2018
  4. Shattered pieces

    Shattered pieces Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much! I feel so alone and so looked down on right now. It means so much to have anyone see that I am a victim and not just a villain.
    We both want the marriage to work. Although I admit, the revelation of his infidelity came at the time when it could do the most damage because I had just started to see a difference in him and think maybe we could be happy and now I was questioning whether that was real, and it caused me to waiver on that one. Ultimately I decided I am going to give him one last chance to be be better. Not perfect, but much better.
    He has installed an accountability app, and says that he has abstained from M since he found out about my affair, and from P for almost 30 days.
    My recovery is more complicated. The road to my recovery from the sexual trauma is going to be delicate, but it has come a long way already. The betrayal of all his lies and pretending to be something he is not is more difficult at this point. I am terrified to expose myself to being hurt by him again, because each time is worse than the last, but I have no choice if we are going to move forward.
  5. Shattered pieces

    Shattered pieces Fapstronaut

    Wow. Ok. So much for this being a community of support.

    Problem number 1. You don't know me. You don't know how I react to his confessions or what I am open to in the bedroom. The only thing I told him when he confessed his addiction was that I wanted to love him and I wanted to help him. And I am open to almost anything sexual ly as long as I feel safe doing it, which I used to with him, but no longer did because of the events of the past.

    Problem number 2. You're not telling me anything I don't already know. I know it is an addiction, and I know exactly what all is involved in that. I know it is prevalent in religious communities as well. It happens to be my personal belief that we should broach the subject more and hide from it less in religious settings. I also know that there are still safeguards available and elements of choice involved, just like I had a choice not to do what I did. The damage he did to me and the voids he left unfilled created a desperate need as well. When those voids started being filled that was a high in and of itself. You want to tell me how an addict works? Well let me tell you how a woman works. We can't handle feeling like we are seen as less than human- like our own husband places no more value on us than an object.

    Problem number 3. You telling me that I need to take Christianity out of the equation. That is none of your business, it is a personal choice. It is a fundamental part of who I am, and I life that both he and I have chosen.

    Problem number 4. You are not even paying attention to what you are criticizing, and you are drawing conclusions for which you have no basis. I never said "his walk with Christ," i said ours. I also never said that his accountability partner couldn't be me. I wanted it to be me! I just left him with the choice because I was trying to be supportive and wanted him to do whatever he was most comfortable with as long as it wasnt destructive behavior. And just for the record we have gone away together, and we are talking, talking, talking. I'm not going to sleep in a separate room because the goal here is to build intimacy, not separation. A true intimate connection is the only thing powerful enough to replace the high that PMO gives.

    And finally the biggest problem I see here since we are in fact making judgements about each other is that it seems as though you don't really want to recover. You are saying that addicts "can't stop," and if that is true then what are we all doing here? You said you have hidden all this from your wife. Well, in my opinion, that is step 1. If I've learned anything from all this, it's that you can't escape something you are keeping in the dark. You have to shine a light on it.
  6. Zaccheus

    Zaccheus Fapstronaut

    First she was referencing strengthening my faith so as her submission to me as her husband would not feel without merit. That is not something that is just given. It is earned and I never did what needed to be done to do that.

    Secondly, as she said and as I have said, her sex drive being in the tank was completely my fault for the way that I treated sex in our marriage and the lack of importance I placed on any intimacy whatsoever.

    She finds everything exciting. And is very adventurous sexually. The problem that we have between us is not the act. It's that I treated her with violence or indifference when she was offering things to me. It is the emotional wounds associated with that trauma that I created causing her to have an actual physical response of nausea when she thinks about doing those things with me even though she isn't opposed to the act itself. It is telling of my mentality when the first thing that I demanded when learning about the affair was everything sexually that she gave him, whether she wanted to or not. Another man became my wife's best friend and I was more concerned about getting a damn blowjob by guilt. That's how messed up I was. I was focusing on the sexual things I could get instead her heart that she gave to him because I have completely ignored this amazing woman for 7 years to the point that I finally broke her after shitting all over our marriage vows when she was trying ro be everything for me.

    She is aware it's an addiction. She offered to be my accountability partner if I wanted. She was nothing but supportive when I told her about it but then I never changed. Instead I kept doing what I was doing and never taking any steps to safeguard myself.

    My faith being intermingled in this situation is not the problem, it's he solution. The problem was when I stepped outside the will of God in lust, infidelity and every excess I could think of and started living solely for myself. My lack of spiritual strength caught up to me and because of it I led my family down a path of destruction. While the decision to have the affair was hers, I ultimately am responsible for the place she found herself in because I never did my job as her husband in showing her sacrificial love in response to her submission. I took her submission and took full advantage of it without ever considering her. Where we are now is completely my fault and I can accept that.

    She tried to be my partner. I didn't let her. She has always been very supportive in the face of some pretty terrible confessions. Her anger now stems not from my confession as much as it does from the fact that I tore her down to people and got the pats on the back for staying when I had the same skeleton hanging in my closet. The hypocrisy of that is hard to deal with for her and understandably so.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2018
    Shattered pieces and Jennica like this.
  7. JustSadPorn

    JustSadPorn Fapstronaut

    Hi, Shattered Pieces. Your story is very sad. I'm sorry for what you're struggling through.

    You said that you fear your story is unique. If it's any comfort, I read that something like 50% of wives experiencing betrayal trauma have "revenge affairs." Sometimes it's to punish their husbands, sometimes it's to force their husbands to understand the wife's pain, and sometimes it is to validate that the wife is still attractive after her self-esteem has been demolished.

    I've read so many books and articles trying to figure this stuff out, I can't recall exactly where I read it or I'd post the specific link.

    I'm actually really surprised that revenge affairs don't show up more often on NoFap. It seems like most PAs, even those in recovery, don't consider that their wife might seek out someone else. You even told your husband you were considering it, and he seemed not to hear you. It must be some trick that the disease plays on their brains.

    I hope that you're able to find the support and peace you need.
  8. EyesWideOpen

    EyesWideOpen Fapstronaut

    First, I am so sorry you are going through this. It's a tough road for us SOs. You are not alone.

    Tryinghard2change had some great advice for you. The advice from the other guy...take it with a grain of salt...when it comes from an active addict not in recovery, it is not going to be sound advice, it is coming from addict brain fog and not someone who has been successful.

    If you would like your journal to be more private so you don't hear from active addicts, and it's not on a public forum (i.e. not open to anyone and everyone), please feel free to move it to the Significant Others Forum (SOS Forum). Many like theirs over there, but many like theirs here because they like feedback from everyone. But even if you want to keep your journal here, you can join to discuss other, more private things, or to just read what other SOs have to say.

    It is important to set up boundaries for your personal well being until you feel safe again. Here are a couple of places to get you started.

    @AnonymousAnnaXOXO also has a link in her signature to a lengthy thread here on our forums.

    Self care is important also. Be sure to start taking care of you during all of this.
  9. Shattered pieces

    Shattered pieces Fapstronaut

    Thank you for the kind words. I guess I never considered mine a "revenge affair," but it definitely was seeking out that feeling of being valued, being someone's best friend, or having an intimate connection with someone. It actually took a lot of counseling and hours of open communication with my husband for me to really realize that, much less admit it. Despite what it probably sounded like in my original post, I was consumed by my own guilt to the point of wanting to die until we were able to get to the root of some of our issues.

    And I think you are right about the PAs. It makes sense as they are so used to seeing women completely turned on and into the men. They dont usually get turned down or walked away from in porn.
    Zaccheus likes this.
  10. Shattered pieces

    Shattered pieces Fapstronaut

    @EyesWideOpen Thank you so much. I will definitely look into those!

    And yes, being new to the community will have to figure out where I am most comfortable with my posts. I guess I wasn't expecting an addict not in recovery to think they actually had advice for an SO.

    Either way, I think it is going to be helpful for us to have this support as we have a long road ahead.
    TryingHard2Change likes this.
  11. Queen_Of_Hearts_13

    Queen_Of_Hearts_13 Fapstronaut

    Your story is heartbreaking, but know you're not alone. We are all here to help you through this tough journey. In my signature there is a resources thread that is great for newcomers to start with and a boundaries thread by @Kenzi to let you know how to set boundaries
  12. Zaccheus

    Zaccheus Fapstronaut

    Typed a response, deleted because I was making this about me. Sorry. That's not the purpose here.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2018
  13. EyesWideOpen

    EyesWideOpen Fapstronaut

    Be careful if you pick up the book Betrayal Bond. It assumes that you, as the partner, picked your PA because of some past betrayal(s) or trauma(s); that you have a subliminal homing beacon for messed up people. It plants in your mind that you picked him because there is something wrong with you.

    While that's certainly possible, it is also very likely that it's not. I just want to put that warning out there. Spouses and partners are being pushed into believing things about themselves that they know aren't true because "this expert" said so or "that book" told them they must be.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2018
    Shattered pieces likes this.
  14. Shattered pieces

    Shattered pieces Fapstronaut

    Thank you for the support and for the resources. And yes, I definitely regret not doing more "squeaking" after I found out. He has actually taken some important steps at this point though. He has installed an accountability app, is looking into a blocking app, has admitted his addiction to several others, is participating in counseling, and taken the easy steps I asked him to take last year such as simply not taking his phone into the bathroom. He says he is going to take steps to be more accountable in other areas of dishonesty as well, and that he wants me to go with him from now on when he is out of town, which I always asked to do before, and he would always make an excuse as to why I shouldn't.
    Obviously I am still very tentative to place any trust in him or open myself up to being hurt again. The only reason I am able to have hope that this time will be different is that I am seeing changes in him I have never seen before. He seems to be relying on God's strength instead of his own and as I said, he's finally taken some steps toward being held accountable. His attitudes toward sex have completely changed, and he even told me on Sunday that if he doesn't do better than he did to find someone else because I deserve better.
    I am thankful for my own faith, because without it I would never have the strength to face any of this. But I'm also thankful for the support this community provides and I hope having resources like this will make this time different for us.
  15. Shattered pieces

    Shattered pieces Fapstronaut

    That sounds like it would be very helpful. I'll check it out! Thanks!
    Queen_Of_Hearts_13 likes this.
  16. Jennica

    Jennica Fapstronaut

    Welcome! I know you will find some amazing support and even make some new friends here on NF I know I feel I have.
  17. Jason_Tesla_19

    Jason_Tesla_19 Fapstronaut

    Hello and welcome! Your story is very sad. It's a good reminder for everyone of all the pain that PMO addiction can cause. Hope you can find healing.
    Shattered pieces likes this.
  18. BetrayedMermaid

    BetrayedMermaid Fapstronaut

    I considered an affair. Didn't do it, but did start to get close emotionally with a man, realized it was getting into the emotional affair realm and stopped it dead in it's tracks. I had the opportunity to sleep with a man with an open marriage, thought about it for a second, and didn't. I also suggested that we go to a "sex club" and he just gets to stand in the corner and watch as I enjoy other men... didn't do it either, but I'm vulnerable and I know it. And it's all three reasons mentioned... punishment, forcing understanding of the pain and validating my attractiveness. I HATE that I think about this.
  19. BetrayedMermaid

    BetrayedMermaid Fapstronaut

    I never never thought about an affair before Dday... He was the ONLY man that I could see myself having sex with.. that's the honest truth.
  20. Shattered pieces

    Shattered pieces Fapstronaut

    I never thought about an affair either...until I did. And it was months after I learned of his addiction. I really couldn't understand my own reasons until we talked everything out after it was over and I learned of his other betrayals. I needed to feel validated, but not necessarily about attractiveness. It was more about being VALUED. In any way. Now I am happy to report that we are in a MUCH better place, but I do still have moments where I am tempted to revisit the affair. I wondered why, since we are doing so much better, but I think it is about making him understand the pain. Even though I have "had my revenge," when I think about how many times I chose to place my trust back in him after being hurt or finding out about his lies, and the way he completely took advantage of that, I want him to know that it can get worse than what he has felt. I know that is SO wrong, and I have no intention of going through with it, but thw idea hasn't totally gone away yet.