New journey

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Daniel stops, Jul 24, 2018.

  1. Hey guys,

    I am new to NoFap. I am 24 years old and I come from Germany. There might will be some mistakes in my posts but I think you will understand me :)

    I have a very deep relationship to my girlfriend. But the problem is we dont live together yet. So we only meet at weekends. I never had such a relationship before and I am sure it will last forever. The point ist, when I am with her, at weekends or in holidays I dont have the need to masturbate or watch porn, the sex is great. It starts when I am alone at home.

    After a long porn session a month ago I wanted to change something in my life. In the app store I came along an app called "reboot". So I just started. The first streak was for 13 days. The app has daily massages and "thruths about porn". It feels great. But before an important job interview two weeks ago I relapsed. So I tried again and my new streak is about 11 days now. The app is great but then I found NoFap and the possibility to interact with real ppl. So I decided to do both, the app and the forums.

    I feel better from day to day and the conversations and interactions with my girlfriend are even greater. We never had real problems because of porn because I did it only when we didnt see. She know about it, but she accepts it. I told her about the reboot, I am honest.

    I already noticed the progress. I usually have strong will because I go running and did some marathons. But with the porn thing I am really glad to have support.

    So everyone have a great day. I am really glad to found you.

    Greetings, Daniel stops.
  2. Septimus

    Septimus Fapstronaut

    Welcome Daniel, I'm glad you're here. Keep coming back!
    P-Free and Daniel stops like this.
  3. Thank you very much! I will!
  4. spaces

    spaces Fapstronaut

  5. It's good to see you taking steps to improve your life...

    I don't think you should be doing P and M when you are in real love with your girl.

    Best wishes
    spaces, Daniel stops and P-Free like this.
  6. P-Free

    P-Free Fapstronaut

    Welcome, Daniel! It's great to have you here! :) Here's a list of things I found to be very helpful on my journey:

    There are a lot of good resources here. There is the List of Resources found here:

    There are also groups you can join with likeminded men.

    Three things I found extremely valuable are:
    -getting an accountability partner; that forum is here:

    -starting a journal and writing in it daily. You'll find that section under Reboot Logs. I would also suggest reading others' journals and other posts.

    -interact with the guys here. You will find an amazing community of supportive, motivating guys all on the same journey as you are.

    You don't have to do this alone. We're all in this together, and together we are stronger.

    Welcome to NoFap, my friend! I'm proud of you for joining and glad you're here.
    spaces and Daniel stops like this.
  7. Thank you so much guys! You are great :)
    P-Free likes this.
  8. P-Free

    P-Free Fapstronaut

    You're welcome, Daniel. We're all in this together, man. You got this and you're not alone on your journey! :)
    Daniel stops likes this.
  9. Каланко

    Каланко Fapstronaut

    You remind me of me in many ways, I like running (I'm preparing for my 1st halfmarathon), I have a gf who live in other place, 24 years old, you are like a German version of me :D
    I wish you the very best in this battle, and also in life!
    P-Free likes this.
  10. Haha thats funny. Thank you very much and good luck at you HM preperation. Running is great because you don't need to beat others, you can beat yourself everytime you run. So are you going to draw together with your GF soon? We are gonna be together in october and I am so glad about that :)
    P-Free and Каланко like this.
  11. Каланко

    Каланко Fapstronaut

    Yeah,I realised that when I started to run more often, and more kilometers,that's the time when It's you vs you,no excuses,no crap :D
    I didn't see my gf for about month or more,but I'll see her in a week or even less.
    You are in more difficult situation than me,and I admire you for that.
    Greetings from Serbia my friend,keep on fighting!
    P-Free likes this.