90 days PM free. Just the start but feeling confident and ready for a cleaner life

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by drewharbour, Jul 8, 2018.

  1. drewharbour

    drewharbour Fapstronaut

    90 days PM free!
    I’m not sure my story is worth note other than the possibility it may scare one of you readers into trying harder to beat this addiction. P has really been the largest negative aspect of my life. I’ve been a modest success in
    many other aspects but P addiction has threatened everything I value and have worked for. It has brought my marriage to the brink, cost me so many wasted hours, days, weeks, months, years. P has ruined relationships, created self loathing, turned me into addict. P may cost me my 2 sons love and respect, my beautiful wife, my house and the life I’ve worked so hard to create.

    If you read no further let me stress this point;

    Take this addiction seriously, attack it and put it behind you. Do not underestimate it! P is not an acceptable part of sexuality. LEARN TO HATE PORN!!

    I absolutely hate being an addict and my aversion to admitting my addiction cost me years and the trust of my wife. I shake my head wondering how the hell I could become an addict to dirty pics. Seems so pathetic huh? Well the more I read, both On NoFap and other sites I realized I had followed a well beaten path (pun ;)

    Where to start, unfortunately way too long a story with too many failures.
    I’ll keep the back story short as so many have the same origins. Porn started young, at the beginning of the internet which was near the start of teens. Most of my youth spent watching too much. I was a shy kid, P did nothing to help that, only increased sense of isolation from women. No positive sexual relationships until early 20’s. Sex was awkward and occasionaly disastrous with moments of PIED and general poor confidence. I guess it was fortunate that I was in a lifestyle that had lots of single women around so could have some relationships but they were almost always tainted with distraction, dishonesty, and the self centeredness that came from P. I actually justified P use by telling myself I’d rather PMO than take home a girl I didn’t like and have a 1 night stand that I’d regret. I was so far from making the connection that the P addiction was the reason I only hand 1 night stands, that they were regretful and that they stayed at 1 night. A few longer term relationship didn’t go deep enough to uncover my severely stunted capacity for love and sexual complexity and wholesomeness.

    I broke this pattern when I met my wife. She was the first women I looked at and decided, I’m going after her 100%. She was gorgeous and absolutely enthralling. I was drawn to her and she turned out to be everything I ever wanted in a women and more. We loved the same things, had the same priorities, challenged each other and complimented each other. I loved her, shared a vision of future life together and best of all, she is hot and the exact type of women I’m attracted to! Porn was no longer needed,,,,, or so I thought.

    Fucking Porn!
    It was still there, even after we were in love, after we got engaged, after we got married, after she got pregnant, after my first son, after my second son. I couldn’t believe I, a supposedly capable, intelligent, accomplished, healthy, father, and husband couldn’t stop looking at strangers pathetically exaggerating ridiculous sex scenarios on a screen.

    Discovery day 1 was terribly dramatic. My wife (of a short time then) found some P open on a laptop. She was pissed, in particular as our sex life was not great at the time. I promised I’d cut it out and she trusted me. I think I actually thought “what’s she so pissed for? Every guy does it”
    D day 2, months later, wife more pissed off. This time I promised again and actually meant it. This time I was actually a little disgusted with myself and thought, “this is not fair to her”
    D day 3, months later, seriously pissed. I thought “wow, I’m fucking up, but I’m no addict, I’ll just have to concentrate”
    D day 4,,,,, “I’m not an addict, I hate addiction, I’m not weak, I’ll fix this, she says she is disgusted with me but I’m not an addict” backstory: My greater family has a few alcoholics in it so I hated the idea my life could be destroyed by addiction.
    D day 5,,,,
    Let’s just say I’ve sort of lost exact count of the number of times I promised and then relapsed and then lied to her. Sad thing is I was sincere in my promises but unprepared to make progress and deliver on them as I was in denial that I was addicted.

    Last D day, Late March 2018. My second son was born 3 weeks earlier. My kids are everything to me and I’d die for them but I guess I’d also risk
    losing them as my wife had warned me many times before. P has been gone since maybe January but M was there and I was replacing P with fantasy. I have 20 years of P imagery stored up in my head and a brain wired to be objective and over sexualized. I can create my own P, just as damaging and caustic as any website. Now it wasn’t a threat of “if you keep doing this I’ll leave” now it was “I don’t think I can stay because you disgust me when you do this and I deserve better” It was sad to have to admit that I was disgusting and she did deserve better and IM ADDICTED.

    Thank god, fate, chance, thankfully I found NoFap and with that found out I wasn’t a pervert or a sexual misfit or degenerate. I was an addict who had fallen into an addiction based on biological trigger fed by a inexhaustible, immoral technology.

    The good news,,finally,, this is a celabratory post after all.
    90 days and I can attest to the power of the Reboot! I no longer crave porn. I have no urges to watch it nor do I
    Have the urge to fantasize and M. I truly despise P and how I behaved and no longer miss it. I did at first,
    really missed the idea of searching and finding some P scene, no more favorites or hardrives full or hours spent. “Never” felt like an insurmountable time frame but now it seems like freedom. Really does, freedom from mental trap, a loop of ever repeating PMO shame, repeat, again and again. I’m cautious to not count 90 days as too grand an accomplishment but I do feel free of the need, urge, want to be there again. I’ll have to continue to work the process and stay vigilant and fresh on my distaste for P and never downplay my capacity for addiction.

    I’ve realized early that 90 days may be a good start but forever is the goal. I can’t have P come back.

    Now the harder work of rebuilding trust and saving my marriage starts. 90 days was step 1.

    As a bonus, which I never foresaw. I’ve explored a deeper line of self exploration than ever before. I’m creating a philosophy and moral
    code based on the wisdom that so many offer on the sites I’ve visited and books I’ve read in the last months. I’m building a robust belief system and exploring faith which is all new to me. It feels like a time of great personal growth. All triggered by the catalyst of addiction! This is a deep rabbit hole and I’m optimistic and eager to keep going. Regret and shame have been pushed aside by growth and challenge.

    If I could plead with anyone looking for guidance, Reboot works, trust the system, push hard, set a reasonable
    Goal but realize this could be, should be a life change. Reboot to rewire to live the way you know you should.

    It’s getting late, Good luck!
  2. Navegante

    Navegante Fapstronaut

    Well done and good luck. Better late than never (that's what I always tell to myself). Quitting porn will make us be better persons.
  3. spaces

    spaces Fapstronaut

    Thats very inspiring . thank you for sharing .
  4. Southafrica

    Southafrica New Fapstronaut

    Very proud of you. Kudos to a happy, healthy and wholesome future. Keep up the hard work and it will all be worth it in the end!
  5. hollyman

    hollyman Fapstronaut

    Wow i like the idea to learn to hating porn

    Congrats bro on 90 days
  6. Incredible. So much of your story resonates deeply with me. Thank you for sharing.

    I'm inspired to double down on my commitment to live an awesome life.
    drewharbour likes this.
  7. drewharbour

    drewharbour Fapstronaut

    I glad your found some commonality. I’ve found it amazing how much I can relate to other’s stories here. I find it reassuring that some of these mistakes we make are predictable as a function of the addictive traits of P use, not all due to character flaw or failing. Don’t get me wrong, I take full responsibility for my poor choices but atleast I’m not the only guy in world to fail at this.
    hope4healing likes this.
  8. drewharbour

    drewharbour Fapstronaut

    I found the transition from missing P to hating it was a quicker than I would expect. Unfortunately is was spurred by how terrible I felt about how badly my wife was hurt. I felt huge amounts of guilt and disgust but could focus those reactions directly at porn once I read enough to accept P is designed and capable of having such strong addictive effect on us. The Dopamine, escalation, creation of over the top fetish, PIED are all
    experienced by so many us. Strong science showing how insidious P can be.
    Hate P as much as you can, remind yourself how much it has taken from you and how much it can continue to damage you
    hope4healing likes this.
  9. hollyman

    hollyman Fapstronaut


    its actually prety sick to me, i mean back then im interesting with hardcore porn, with punch, choke and prety abusive

    And i enjoyed, i even fap to it,,

    Now i think that was simply crazy and psychopat issue,, i mean im enjoyed women getting beat up,,,im no longer human,, maybe im worse than animal

    and so i will learn to hate it, i try my best to hate it
  10. drewharbour

    drewharbour Fapstronaut

    There is nothing wrong with you other than your addiction!

    Take at look at the site yourbrainonporn.com

    Read the literature on the science and of addiction. It is a predicatable and consistent pattern for heavy P users to look for more and more extreme versions of P. I bet 95% of people have watched P that they regret and 99% of us addicts have watched P that is regretful and extreme. The progression of P taste is due to dopamine and it’s effects on the brain. Dont judge yourself to harshly on the content you’ve watched.
    Do take steps to control your addiction. A Reboot will very likely remove those extreme tastes and leave you with balanced and appropriate sexual interests. Take that disgust and aim it at the P industry
    hope4healing likes this.
  11. Scorpion2

    Scorpion2 Fapstronaut

    Good story hope you manage to save your marriage.

    Can you go in detail about how abstaining for 90 days improved your life. Did sex with wife become better. Did you gain confidence...did you notice increase in motivation...any other benefits you noticed?

    Also you say your wife was disgusted but to be honest she has nothing to be disgusted about. 99.99% of men PMO and even if she was to leave you.... chances of her finding a new man that does not watch porn and MB is almost 0%. Most doctors / researchers not only see PMO as ok but they encourage it and not many people realize about the benefits of abstaining from PMO. Also i have discussed this with my married friends and all of the still watch porn. I think you need to have a serious conversation with your wife regarding this and she should not see you as some monster for watching porn and MBing something men all over the world have been doing FOREVER. Its not only men its women too there is a reason dildos and sex toys are multi billion a year market.

    Also i find it hard to understand that two people can actually get married , have two kids, and live together for years in the same house and not feel comfortable discussing MO and Porn. I would imagine that at that point you would feel comfortable enough to watch porn together while having sex... Heck i been with girlfriends for few months and have joked about porn and fapping and even went as far as asking them how often they do it. Now that i think about it i have discussed it with random girls that i didnt even date.

    Its 2018 fapping is not some big taboo subject...me and my friends joke about it all the time.. you see it all over the movies...heck its been decades that first American Pie come out.

    PS i am not saying all this to get you to go back to fapping...far from it...luckily many of us here know the negative side effects of watchings too much porn and fapping...and we know about the benefits of abstaining from PMO but what i am saying is that your wife should not threaten divorce and call you disgusting because you do something every man has done since the beginning of time.
  12. drewharbour

    drewharbour Fapstronaut

    You sound like a guy I know,, me 3 years ago,, and many other P addicts in early stages.

    Definition of addiction is continuing with behaviour despite knowledge it is unhealthy and has negative effects outweighing benefits.

    Everyone is different and thus views on monogamy, marriage, relationships, and porn are different. I can’t say what is acceptable to others or even what is healthy or unhealthy. I think it could be said that a healthy relationship should have partners focusing on that relationship before ones own gratitude and pleasure. The relationship needs to have priority over any form and infidelity. A healthy sex life should be a priority over solo sexual activities. Porn may well contribute to a healthy relationship just as open relationships, S&M, toys, etc and other forms of sexual adventure help and add to some couples health and enjoyment. Once behaviour puts priority of self above all else then trouble starts. We (wife and I) have had P as part of our tools in the past. P for the purpose to get energy going, sure! P at the expense of actual sex or in secret or hours spent or webcam relationships? No, not good! For me, and I’m assuming most NoFap members, PMO comes with a lot of negative side effects. Porn is built to be addictive, it triggers biological chemical responses and it TAKES AWAY FROM THE SEX IT TRIES TO REPLICATE ON SCREEN! Does anyone argue that Porn is better than sex? Anybody brag about the awesome porn session they had last night? Anybody claim their webcam girl is better than their spouse? Rhetorical questions, my point being sex is the primary, P should be a very distant consideration.
    My wife and I are not prudes, In fact she and I could compete with the best as far as sexual accomplishment and adventure goes. This is not a communication issue or a conservative issue. I’m not religious so I can make my own judgement on moral code and marital obligation. Her disgust comes from the fact that we discovered P was taking away from our sex life which harms our chances at a good marriage. I agreed that for the benefit of our marriage and our happiness I’d give it up. I had trouble and failed pretty badly the first few times and I lied about it. My wife actually likes P herself and has high sex drive but she hates lying. Her disgust is her perception that P is higher priority to me than she and our family is.
    Simply put, Bad sex = bad marriage= bad family life= bad life!
    Once a couple defines their relationship boundaries I’d say crossing those boundaries constitutes cheating, no matter where those boundaries lay.
    Don’t allow the concept that 99.9% of people’s behaviour or Doctors recommendations dictate your behaviour. Those are anecdotal statements with little or no grounding in the realities of combating P addiction. Now, admittedly, I haven’t fact checked the info on addiction sites but plenty of studies have been referenced and I have trouble seeing motivation for falsifying cautionary info on Porn use. Modern internet P is not the same as the magazines of the past. The medical profession is conservative by nature so don’t count on a 60 year old doctors recomendations as accurate for this issue.

    On the positive, 90 days has been dramatic. Most distinct is a change is a more focused and intimate sexlife.
    hope4healing likes this.
  13. TheManDude

    TheManDude Fapstronaut

    Man, that's incredible and you should be very proud... I gotta thank you because this post probably kept me from relapsing.

    I'm pushing myself and set the goal to 90 days and to do that I joined NoFap today and well this sort of stories are inspiring, truly amazing.
    drewharbour likes this.
  14. drewharbour

    drewharbour Fapstronaut

    90 days seemed like a impossible goal when I first contemplated it. It is acheiveabke and does have dramatic positive effects. Get prepped with some tools to focus your thoughts at challenging times. Keep reading and make sure you firmly convince yourself it’s needed. Questioning ones motives makes it hard to persevere.
    One undeniable motivator I realized was PMO was taking away from my sex life, in fact ruining it. Hard to justify screen sex over the real thing.
    TheManDude likes this.
  15. TheManDude

    TheManDude Fapstronaut

    You're completly right, and that's the main reason I joined the NoFap community... I realized that I need to see other people experiences to learn from their own stories.

    I joined a gym today to start a new hobby and invest the energy in something productive and well try to meet more women... I think I have to start developing more relationships or even just become more social to stay away from PMO.

    Also I had a bit of luck because PMO never actually got in the way of my sexual encounters in a bad way but i'm scared that if I keep that self destructive behavior I could find myself in a bad place in the future.