You're Only As Sick As Your Secrets

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by CharlieInABox, Apr 29, 2018.

  1. CharlieInABox

    CharlieInABox New Fapstronaut

    "You're Only As Sick As Your Secrets"

    This amazing phrase comes out of The 12 Step tradition. Although I have not gone through D&A addiction issues...we all know that porn addiction can be just as bad, if not worse. Like with gambling, we become addicted to the "high" that our own brains create. It's free....and available 24/7.

    I'm engaged to an amazing woman. We're in a long-distance relationship and I have visited her 3 times. She knows of my "past porn issues", but no idea how pervasive they've been or the fact that I've developed PIED from it. I joined NoFap in hopes of "rediscovering my manhood" by reconnecting with reality and dumping the illusions of porn.

    So....I carry this sick secret along with us in the relationship, always in the background. She'll catch me dwelling on this sickness when we're talking on Skype or on audio calls and just ask, "What's wrong?" I'll make up some likely excuse to appease her and keep the conversation going. If I tell her the full extent of my situation....I believe she would understand, but would just be very disappointed. It would change the dynamic between us in the future, with her always checking up on whether I've relapsed. Trust would take a big hit.

    So....the question for me is: Do I risk bringing this "sickness" alone into our marriage, trying to go through the NoFap process without her.....or Do I tell her everything, unburdening myself, but shaking her world and possibly changing ours forever?
  2. NF4L

    NF4L Fapstronaut

    @CharlieInABox This is topic that comes up frequently around here. A large part of the addiction and it's hold on a PA has to do with the secrecy and lies surrounding it. It sounds like you have chosen of path of being honest with yourself. You are in a relationship, so I'll ask you how can your partner relate to you if you are hiding secrets from them. At this point it appears you have confessed to lying to her, which isn't a quality anyone I know of that wants that sort of relationship with their partner. you have driven a wedge between you and your partner, and it will continue to drive the two of you apart until one of you decides to part ways. In order to move forward in a real honest lifelong relationship, the both of your have to share the same reality. Perhaps you aren't ready to trust her with this side of you, which is why you won't tell her the truth. As far as I am concerned you can only move forward in your relationship be being open and honest with each other. Her burdens become yours, and your burdens are hers. The challenges you face together make you a stronger couple.
    BB7378, Torn, hope4healing and 4 others like this.
  3. hope4healing

    hope4healing NoFap Moderator Staff Member

    As an SO who did not know anything about my husband's PA in the beginning, I can't stress to you enough how important it is to tell her about this now rather than later. You're afraid she will be very disappointed...I understand. But, the disappointment she may feel now is nothing in comparison to the heart-wrenching, life-changing, agonizing pain and overwhelming disappointment she will feel if she finds out about everything years from now. The damage and suffering she will experience then is exponential compared to finding out now, and it could be something from which she may never recover. I know everyone is different, and people react to things in various ways. But, there are plenty of SO's around here that would agree with what I'm saying...letting her find out that shes been deceived and kept in the dark for years about an issue this important is not the way to go. Do both of you a favor and be honest now.
    EyesWideOpen, Torn, Kenzi and 5 others like this.
  4. CharlieInABox

    CharlieInABox New Fapstronaut


    Thanks for responding.
    I’m new here and wonder if anyone pays attention to newbies like me.

    My hope in this situation is deliverance from this “curse” so that I won’t drag it into my marriage. I know it will involve Dedication on my part to do that...but wouldn’t it be kinder to my future spouse to defeat these demons prior to marriage so that she never has to face that ugliness with me? I do appreciate your perspective very much. Thanks.
    hope4healing likes this.
  5. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    Without a doubt you must tell her. You must tell her now, and you must tell her all. It is only fair that she knows what she is getting into for her, and that you are marrying someone who accepts you fully for who you are. Otherwise you are tricking her into a relationship with you. YOu do not want that. She will be angry and resentful. You cannot experience true love if you are hiding. If she dos not stay with you, then she’s not the one for you.
    Torn, hope4healing, Jennica and 3 others like this.
  6. Hey there,

    I honestly understand why you're feeling nervous.
    It's similar to your marrying your fiancee, THEN she tells you she's millions and millions of (insert local currency) in debt. A MASSIVE game-changer, that may (or may not) have drastic repercussions on your marriage.
    Women are so smart emotionally - they almost always know. They may not know exactly what - but they know something is wrong. She already knows something is wrong and that you're worried about it. This issue affects her as much as it affects you. She has a right to know, exactly as @GG2002 has already written.
    When confessing all, tell her what you're doing to get it fixed. Show her your plan to avoid triggers and deal with urges. Make the most draconian internet usage plan you can think of and show it to her. Offer to check in with her regularly, if she wants that. Do whatever she asks you to do, in order to make her feel loved and able to cope with the situation.

    When your wife/fiancee sees that you're taking this really, really seriously, that makes a big difference. And honesty is very attractive to women (it's usually mentioned first in qualities they look for). Although you may possibly get a few choice words thrown at you now (but maybe not!), as @hope4healing mentioned, it'll be nothing compared to how betrayed and awful she'll feel in a few years time when she discovers everything - whether or not you've fixed it.
    Torn, hope4healing, Numb and 3 others like this.
  7. hope4healing

    hope4healing NoFap Moderator Staff Member

    I think it's great that you want to defeat these demons prior to marriage as that would be kinder to her, BUT it would not be kinder to keep her in the dark about it all. I understand that you don't want to make this become her problem, too, by involving her when you think you can tackle it by yourself. However, it is actually already her problem even though she is unaware of it. She's noticed something is bothering you and has asked about it already, and it will only become more apparent when you are together instead of long-distance. And, as @HARP said, most women are emotionally intelligent, and whether you want us to know things or not, we usually know anyway. This is not something you can sweep under the rug. Please try to understand that, no matter how noble your intentions of protecting her are, keeping this secret from her will, in the long run, not protect her at all. If (when) she learns of all this down the road, she will feel like the only thing you wanted to protect was the PA.
  8. CharlieInABox

    CharlieInABox New Fapstronaut

    Message received, everybody. Some more tactfully put than others...but still received.
    EyesWideOpen and hope4healing like this.
  9. hmmdonuts

    hmmdonuts Fapstronaut

    The best tbing i did was be open and honest and my wife has been very supportivr
  10. TheMightyQuinn

    TheMightyQuinn Fapstronaut


    I do think defeating these demons prior to marriage is a good idea, and that should be done together with you both having full knowledge of the situation and delaying the wedding until said demons are defeated. :)

    You are not protecting her by keeping a secret, you are protecting yourself. Not an accusation. That's just what keeping secrets is about.

    Finally, not telling her will hold you back from your own success. You can't recover in secrecy. There's no relief from the shame of not being the real you. In disclosure, the SO gets the truth and validation of her feelings/thoughts of being made crazy by something he/she couldn't fully see due to the smokescreening. But you, as the PA, receive the liberation of having all the weight of those secrets off of you. Drop the rock. Tell her.
